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Treatment of osteoarthritis folk remedies

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Folk treatment of gonarthrosis

One guy suffered from gonarthrosis. Started taking a lot of pills, which put his liver. Every month he was getting harder it was to move the stairs, he already could not go up and down. He and his relatives did not know what to do, his joints completely failed. One day his friend told him a folk prescription treatment of osteoarthritiswith which she had cured her husband. In fact, at the time also had great difficulty moving due to pain joints.

For cooking tools for this recipe take the red or blue clay. But don't forget that if you will type clay metal spoon, all therapeutic properties will be lost. So use only a spoon made of wood.

Before treatment, take a wet cloth and wipe her joint. The clay add water so that you get the thick sour cream. Put two coats a wooden spoon clay on a cotton rag. You should get laid clay about two inches thick. Apply this poultice to the affected joint, bandage and wrap a scarf of wool. So keep the compress for two hours.

After the procedure, flush the joint with warm water to rinse off the remaining clay, cloth, which was used, wash it, and next time you can re-apply it. And clay, which was applied, discard. Swelling you'll need to make about five such widgets a day. You also need every hour to make clay water.

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Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

There is a good method of treatment of gonarthrosis. For this recipe you will need may every day to tear the five petals of a dandelion. Sheets it is necessary to tear from the top. Then rinse the leaves with water, but not normal, and boiled, then dry them and chew to the consistency of sour cream.

You can tear the leaves and put them on the winter. And when required – just pour them with hot water and eat once a day. In this case you need to walk 3,000 steps daily.

In the summer time will help this recipe. Take 5 bottles of dark glass, fill them up to half of the heads of dandelionsthat have yellow. Pour over triple Cologne. You need to give way to steep for a month and then strain. Wipe it cure painful joints at night before you go to bed. I was treated within one month and the pain passed, it became much better. One bottle will last for a month. If you do not want the disease had returned, wipe the sore joints this remedy daily twice and chew the dandelions, as described above. Tincture of dandelion should be stored in a dry place at room temperature.

A decoction of the leaves of Jerusalem artichoke

In gonarthrosis, you can use the following folk remedy. Take three pounds of the leaves and stems of Jerusalem artichoke, pre-chop them, pour in enamelware eight to ten liters of boiling water, infuse the composition until then, until the temperature of the water will not become tolerant to the skin, so it gets cold much. And then dip in a bowl of the patient's joint.

In humans, for example, a sore arm, and he almost entirely put his hand in the infusion. So hold it about half an hour. To cure the disease you need to do so about ten times.

Also will help you another method. Take the hooves and legs of beef and boil them in water until, until the meat is well separated from the bones. This decoction should drink 100-200 grams half an hour before each meal, up to until fully cured.

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Treatment of gonarthrosis with infusion

This method of treatment of gonarthrosis will help you to cure deforming arthrosis and gonarthrosis. To do this, take three lemons, one hundred and twenty grams of garlic, six ounces of celery root. Instead of celery you can easily use nettle. All mince andmix. Put this composition in a glass jar and pour boiling water to the top of the jar. Put the squad on the night, wrapped him in a warm blanket.

Consume the infusion half an hour before eating and seventy grams every day, beginning with a morning reception and gradually bringing up to three times a day. For the full course of treatment of osteoarthritis you need to do three three-liter jars of potions and use them. One jar is enough for a month.

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Compress treatment for gonarthrosis

For gonarthrosis take three tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon of honey, mix these ingredients and brush the sore spot. On top put the leaves of burdock and cabbage. They must be fresh. If there is, then, of course, it is better to take aloe leaf. Then put the polythene and wrap a warm cloth.

This compress is done at night before going to bed. Try not to remove the compress until, until the leaves are dry, but it will take a few days. Course national treatment – one month.

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How to cure gonarthrosis

The woman had gonarthrosis of the knee joint. She was treating the disease the following folk remedy. It is necessary to disrupt the black bean grass when it blooms, cut it and allow to dry in a dark place.

When gonarthrosis will make itself felt, take dry grass, pour boiling water and leave in the thermos for six hours. Drink as a tea throughout the month, and then take a break for one month. Pain is usually exacerbated in the autumn. Therefore, treated in the fall – and all year the joint will not hurt.

For the full course of treatment of gonarthrosis a five-gallon bucket, prepare such dried herbs.

Source: Newspaper a healthy lifestyle, the all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer "Grandma"