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Intoxication by alcohol

Long been known that ethanol is a strong narcotic substance. With the introduction of this substance in the body of an adult in pretty large doses, from all the cells inevitably excreted a lot of fluid and coagulated cellular protoplasm. When ingested ethanol on various mucous membranes of the human digestive system, it reduces the level of the enzyme pepsin, which significantly increases the production of gastric juices and, moreover, cauterizes the mucosa itself.

In addition, alcohol negatively affects the excretion of urine, the heart and the liver and also bad for the condition of the vessel. However, the greatest harm alcohol causes intoxication to the brain. In the brain under the influence of alcohol are suspended brake and secondary processes triggered by excitation, worsening the movement of the neurons, significantly impair reflexes. Depending on the individual response of the person, intoxication directly affects the psyche of each individual.

In addition, it should be noted that alcohol intoxication disrupts the important work of musculoskeletal system. The focal amazed, decreases muscle tone, which actually gait changes. Large doses of alcohol provoke disruptions in consciousness, relaxation of striated muscles, and in extremely rare cases it is possible that the confluence of alcoholic anesthesia. Threat last stage of this poisoning of the body characterized by severe alcoholic coma.

The amount of consumed alcohol in a ratio with specific body mass directly affects the degree of intoxication of the human body. This condition is often very painful pathological. Intoxication due to attempts to digest alcohol may be more pronounced if the person has any chronic or serious hereditary disease.

It should be noted that endogenous alcohol cause intoxication, the production in small amounts the body doesn't react to. Initial signs of a typical alcohol intoxication are facial flushing, sweating, rapid pulse and gleam in his eyes.

As a rule, if a strong poisoning of the person starts to speak louder, decreased concentration, and self-esteem becomes inflated. if at this stage to stop taking ethyl alcohol, the next day hangover also inevitable. To reduce the symptoms of intoxication, it is recommended to drink strong tea with lemon or freshly squeezedorange juice. It should be noted that excessive sweating will help to quickly bring through the pores of the skin remaining toxins from the body.

In addition to harmful degradation products typical of poisoning in the use of alcohol substitutes are added substances that adversely affect the brain and liver, and even death. A common substitute is a liquid that is not intended for ingestion in the form of an alcoholic beverage. They ranked various colognes and perfumes, household chemicals, modern automotive fluids and some medications.

Methyl alcohol and various fake drinks based on ethyl always decomposed in the human body where large quantities of hazardous toxic substances, leading to incredibly severe poisoning.

How to help a person with alcohol intoxication?

Possibly you need to stop drinking at the first sign of poisoning. Nausea and vomiting, it is recommended that immediate lavage of the stomach, after which it is recommended to take any modern enterosorbent in the required dosage. If a person is observed pallor of the skin, manifested by shortness of breath, without emergency medical care have failed. To avoid the serious consequences of this intoxication do not let a person to sleep before the ambulance arrived.

Usually an emergency team always focuses on the body weight of the patient and the number of drinks consumed to correctly prescribe the necessary medication. Mandatory relief of signs of intoxication is carried out by infusion therapy, which involves the production of intravenous lines with specific drugs posindromnoy therapy.

Detoxification can significantly accelerate the withdrawal of toxic substances and to normalize main parameters of homeostasis and repair of high blood pressure, and restore the rhythms of clear breath. Proper removal of intoxication will allow you to avoid some dangerous consequences.

These include colitis, ulcers, digestive disorders, problems with liver and pancreas. It is necessary to mention that any alcohol intoxication contributes to the development of cardiomyopathy, anemia and ancelloti and causes bleeding in the brain.