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Intoxication with drugs

Many years ago, drugs were invented to facilitate the various human sufferings. When the inept and incorrect use, they can cause severe intoxication and even death. Initially drugs are prescribed for pain relief, get rid of insomnia and other health problems, but sometimes they provoke an irresistible addiction. In this case, any prescribed treatment not only prolongs human life, and significantly shortens it .

It should be noted that sometimes it is a harmless preparations of iron or other vitamins can cause toxicity and overdose. Drug intoxication is a fairly common clinical situation of an acute type. It's pretty common, because seriously you can overdose on a variety of pharmaceuticals. The first is to note that cause dependency (opiates, hypnotics, sedatives, hallucinogens and stimulants. Also, there are cases of intoxication after ingestion of antidepressants and antibiotikov.

Manifest as drug intoxication?

The chief symptom of note is the strong headaches. Generally, there are several major pathogenic mechanisms for the development of such a factor. If the patient has a slight predisposition to severe headaches or headaches when compensated, often receive pharmaceuticals directly causes the failure of compensatory possibilities. These drugs frequently include hormonal and oral contraceptives, as well as other sympathomimetic agents.

When the severe headaches are due to vasodilation, this effect usually causes the caffeine, nitrates, nifedipine, pseudoephedrine, gidralazina, and bronchodilators. In some cases, headaches are part of the structure of another syndrome - the abolition of analgesics, ergotamine, NSAIDs, caffeine or drugs.

The development of benign intracranial hypertension and aseptic meningitis may provoke such modern drugs, such as ibuprofen, methotrexate or intradural introduction by mistake of any epidural anesthetics. In addition, can be attributed to him, some antibiotics, oral contraceptives and corticosteroids.

Personality and behavioral changes, and cognitive impairment from taking numerous drugs are due to direct effects on the human nervous system.Such serious violations mediated in various lesions of the kidneys or liver. As a rule, the severity of these symptoms has a specific dose-dependent nature.

Many chemotherapeutic agents such as methotrexate or cytosine-arabinoside, often lead to the development of severe intoxication with toxic lesions of the brain. This condition is otherwise called leukoencephalopathy. the main features of this syndrome are mental disorders that are usually progressive in the form of oppression of consciousness, then a high risk of death.

In addition, simultaneous with this dangerous therapy brain radiation therapy or long-term interscalene administration of drugs significantly increase the risk of complications.

Children's poisoning with medicines occurs more frequently than intoxication in adults. taking certain medications in high dosage or unsupervised use by a child of several types of medications in the absence of adults, the most frequent cases. Much less frequently recorded purposeful poisoning by drugs in adolescents, when the suicides. Among these commonly used tools can distinguish benzodiazepines, analgesics, potent anticholinergics, tricyclic antidepressants, and antihistamines and sleeping pills.

How to solve the problem of intoxication by drugs?

When assigned to the treatment, which causes severe headaches, shown to the timely cancellation of a specific preparation. With the development of intracranial hypertension a benign nature or the occurrence of aseptic meningitis is assigned to additional therapy in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. Typically, the recommended mandatory consultation of the neurologist.

Important diagnostic value in this case is and related neurological symptoms, which is expressed by the lack of improvement due to the elimination of a particular drug, presumably causing significant headaches.

When stopping or replacing a medication not available, then a certain symptomatic treatment. To address this question requires a focused consultation of highly qualified specialists. Usually helps in reducing the severity of headaches a simple change in the mode of taking this pharmaceutical money.