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Heartburn during pregnancy

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Description of the disease

Heartburn during pregnancy is a burning sensation, bitterness in the throat and chest, due to physiological and hormonal changes in the pregnant woman's body. Unpleasant signs of illness usually appear soon after eating. Duration of heartburn can vary from several minutes to hours, and her seizures become recurrent.

Does heartburn during pregnancy? Yes, this is a very common phenomenon that, according to statistics found in 80% of women who expect a child. Signs can be observed throughout the pregnancy or occur during one of her semesters, usually during the second half of the term. In this period of the disease the most severe and can even lead to insomnia. The main symptoms of heartburn are:

  • sour belching;

  • burning sensation in the esophagus or behind the breastbone;
  • bloating;
  • forced prokalivanie;
  • nausea;
  • strong salivation.

  • Causes of heartburn during pregnancy

    Factors influencing the manifestation of symptoms of the disease are diverse and often determined by the trimester of gestation.

    • One of the main reasons is linked with changes in hormone levels that causes pregnancy. When a woman gestates, her body hard produces progesterone, a special hormone, whose function is to relaxation of smooth muscles of the uterus to its free growth and the prevention of hypertonicity, spasms. But along the way, all the smooth muscles in the body reduce the level of tension, including the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus and prevents the return of food back or penetration into the esophagus of gastric juice. This is what leads to discomfort.
    • Increased intra-abdominal pressure can interfere with the sphincter to perform its functions properly, which also triggers the symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy.
    • High hormone level affects the process of digesting food,because it slows down muscle contractions, promotes eaten through the esophagus. In the end, the digestion and breakdown of food spread in time, causing heartburn and indigestion.
    • With the growth of the uterus pressure on the stomach, diaphragm and intestines increases, which leads to the throwing of gastric acid into the esophagus.
    • Under the influence of hormones the acidity of gastric juice is increased, increasing the burning sensation.

    Feeling of heartburn in the period of carrying a child – phenomenon standard that it does not harm the health of the fetus and mother, but if the symptoms were present prior to conception, you should definitely contact the experts, because these specific symptoms may indicate serious gastrointestinal disease.

    What to do, how to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy?

    Peculiarities of manifestation of the disease and the ways of dealing with them are largely dependent on the period for which there is a pregnant woman.

    Cause of heartburn in early pregnancy is an improper diet of the mother: the inclusion in the diet of fatty, spicy, fried food or the wrong food cultures, snacking on the run. The burning sensation lasts a few moments and soon passes. Although there are cases when the disease is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

    To avoid discomfort during this period will help compliance with the following rules:

    • you can't eat just before bedtime;
    • you should try not to overeat, to eat better fractional and chew your food slowly;
    • it is recommended to increase the consumption of milk and dairy products, lean meat, pureed vegetables;
    • eat preferably steamed;
    • we need to completely eliminate sweet carbonated drinks and mineral water, coffee and cigarettes;
    • you need to drink plenty of fluids, but do it between meals, not during them.

    In the middle of pregnancy , heartburn occurs due to overeating. The uterus grows and increases pressure on nearby organs, thereby slowing the process of digestion, and most women continue to consume the usual amount of food or even increase it, overloading the stomach. This is the reason for the appearance of symptoms of the disease.

    To help in this case, a decrease in the volume of food consumed at one time and the change of diet. Healthy and smaller meals canto reduce ailment symptoms, there is sometimes a need to resort to drugs to reduce symptoms, but it should be done in consultation with your doctor.

    In the later stages of pregnancy can provoke heartburn can breech presentation of the fetus. The baby is buttocks down, but his head constantly puts pressure on the area of the diaphragm, causing discomfort. The same effect can occur if the fruit is very large or the woman she was expecting twins, triplets.

    There are a number of additional rules that help to avoid heartburn symptoms:

    • During sleep, the upper body must be positioned above the lower, this under my head and shoulders enclose the pillow. This situation reduces the flow of acid in the region of the esophagus.
    • People need to eat slowly, small portions and not later than 3 hours before bedtime.
    • It is impossible to lay down after eating. If there is an urgent need, you should turn on the left side, bend your knees and put a pillow between them.
    • It is necessary to abandon tight clothes, which can increase the pressure on the internal organs and cause heartburn.
    • The importance of posture, stoop only increases the impact on the internal organs.
    • To reduce the symptoms of the disease will help chewing gum. It increases salivation, thereby reducing the level of acidity in the esophagus. But to use chewing gum after a meal and only when absolutely necessary.
    • Eating papaya helps to avoid heartburn due to its member enzymes of the digestive, calming the stomach. The fruit can be used in any form: fresh, dried, canned, in the form of juice or tablets.
    • From the diet should exclude foods that cause irritation of the gastric mucosa and the production of hydrochloric acid: baking, fatty meats, fresh bread, hard boiled eggs, sour berries and sour fruits, tomatoes, ice cream and spicy food.

    In the last trimester of pregnancy to get rid of heartburn will not work. It is possible to weaken its manifestation through a strict diet and special medications.

    To take medication for heartburn during pregnancy is allowed only with the permission of the doctor. Because even those that were effective before conception, now may be useless or even harmful. To avoid negative effects, is prescribed antacids – antacids gastric juice, which does not violate the acid-alkaline balance and are not absorbed, reducing the danger to the child. But they have shielding effect and goodeffectiveness against the symptoms of heartburn.

    In some cases, designate funds from other pharmacological groups, but such a decision could only be taken doctor for special indications.

    Most frequently during pregnancy to get rid of heartburn appoint the following antacids:

    • Almagell. This remedy for a long period of time and regulating the acidity of hydrochloric acid. As long as the effect after taking the drug, carbon dioxide is not formed, so the reappearance of hydrochloric acid eliminated.
    • Maalox. The drug with the adsorbent, and a shielding effect, absorbing excess gas and acid and relieves pain in the upper areas of the digestive tract. There are several hours.

    Among the drugs antacid and gastroprotective effect are the following:

    • Rennie. Its active ingredients – magnesium and calcium carbonate, they are in the cavity of the stomach come into contact with hydrochloric acid, neutralizing it . Water is formed, water-soluble salts of magnesium and calcium increases the formation of protective gastric mucus. But make it too often is not worth it, the calcium is part of it, can cause the ossification of the skull of the fetus.
    • Gaviscon. The active ingredients of these pills, when swallowed, interacts with gastric acid to form a specific gel, which reduces the effect of acid treatment and relieves burning sensation.

    The number of drugs of other groups is to provide a ranitidine and lansoprazole, which are prescribed in those cases when the previously listed medications are ineffective. For getting rid of heartburn used homeopathic remedies, for example, nuxvomica, Pulsatilla, Causticum that relieve spasms, belching, bloating and metallic taste in the mouth.

    Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

    The use of drugs when carrying a child is always associated with certain risks, therefore, many women prefer to deal with heartburn with traditional methods. Recipes and recommendations there are many, their effectiveness is checked by personal experience, because every body is different.

    Soda for heartburn during pregnancy is one of the most popular ways, but not therational, because the interaction of this substance with the gastric acid causes the formation of carbon dioxide, which increases the production of gastric juice, thereby causing the reappearance of symptoms of the disease. In addition, the carbon dioxide in the absorption into the blood leads to disruption of acid-base balance of pregnant.

    Favorable protective effect jelly and fresh potato juice, extracted from peeled grated potato, make which should be in small portions. They cope well with the symptoms of the disease in the beginning of the term.

    Milk for heartburn during pregnancy is recommended to drink gradually throughout the day, the effectiveness of this tool will increase if you add a few drops of natural essential oil of fennel.

    An excellent tool can become crushed egg shells from hard-boiled eggs. It is taken three times a day for a half of a teaspoon about 4 days. She helps with the symptoms of the disease in the last month before birth.

    Other methods that can help you quickly get rid of heartburn

    Seeds from heartburn during pregnancy give good results. Use raw pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, chewing them to prevent burning sensation and other unpleasant symptoms.

    For prevention of heartburn is drink ginger or chamomile tea 2-3 cups a week after eating.

    Well proven extracts of Heather and centaury. Make them simple: 30 grams of Heather pour half a liter of water and boil for 5 minutes, leave for a few hours. Ready means drink a tablespoon just before eating. For the second recipe you will need 20 grams centaury, which pour 0.6 litres of water, boil for insist 4 hours, strain and take a tablespoon three times a day. It is a good remedy for unpleasant sensations in the throat, with heartburn.

    From stinging sensation in the chest will relieve water mixed with charcoal powder. It helps heartburn mid-pregnancy.

    Sometimes to cope with the unpleasant sensations helps a glass of warm or cool water, mineral water or alkaline mineral water, which well affects the digestion.

    Some pregnant help cereal, nuts and grated carrots. You need to choose one of these products and chew, if heartburn symptoms have already appeared.

    Essential oils have a beneficial effect on the organism by stimulating the immune system, some of the anesthetic and positive effects on the respiratory, circulatory, and digestive system. Therefore, the appearance of signs of heartburn in early pregnancy you can mix a spoon of grapeseed oilseed, 5 drops of essential oil of neroli, lemon or orangeand then RUB the mixture into the chest in a circular motion.

    Heartburn is one of the conditions accompanying pregnancy, and in spite of its unpleasant symptoms, does not harm the woman or child. If you want to report it to the doctor and to observe some simple rules to cope with the symptoms will quickly, efficiently and safely.