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How to get rid of heartburn at home?

What helps heartburn?

List of tools:

Burning sensation and heat in the epigastric and sternal region caused by the penetration of the products of secretion of the stomach into the esophagus which is called heartburn, it has long been known, so folk medicine has developed a wide range of different tools to deal with this disease. The effectiveness of these methods due to their ability to reduce gastric acidity, protect stomach mucosa from irritation, to neutralize harmful effects of acids on the esophagus.

Get rid of heartburn at home using salt, freshly squeezed juices, mineral water, activated charcoal, extracts and collections of herbs, known for its healing properties of food products such as honey, apples and products of their processing. Well established efficacy and safety seeds, grain, buckwheat and peas. There are tools for relieving symptoms of heartburn should be taken with caution, soda, cigarette ashes, mummy. But each of them can help when a sudden bout of sickness, therefore, their properties, mode of exposure, recipes for use, contraindications you can read below.

Fresh juices from heartburn

To help get rid of signs of heartburn and have beneficial effects on the body capable of fresh vegetable juices. They can be drunk separately or mixed. Fresh carrot, beet, cabbage juice in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons has a prophylactic effect on the digestive system and helps to cope with heartburn. Take this remedy before meals.

Potato juice for heartburn

Potato juice is one of the most effective. For internal use it quickly relieves the unpleasant symptoms of burning. In addition, fresh potato juice improves the General condition of gastritis with high acidity, which is often the underlying cause of heartburn. Naturalness and safety of this tool allows it to be used even for pregnant women who are in the later stages faced with the symptoms.

Potato juice is prepared immediately before use. To do this, take 3 large tuber, it is desirable to stop the choice on instances of an elongated shape with a slight pinkish tinge, as they are high in vitamins. Potatoes should be thoroughly washed, to remove the eyes, if you want to clean, and then RUB. The resulting mass should squeeze through cheesecloth, folded in several layers.

Fresh juice is full of starch, so you give him to settle, but no more than 3 minutes, because long-term exposure to air of organic compounds of the potatoes begin to oxidize and disintegrate, causing the substance begins to darken, and after 10 minutes to use it for medicinal purposes makes no sense.

Distillation of potatoes, drink pure or mixed with other juices to improve taste and increase efficiency.

For getting rid of frequent bouts of heartburn take 1 glass on an empty stomach. Then lie for half an hour, and an hour later start to Breakfast. The course of treatment is 10 days, followed by a similar duration of the break. A full treatment program consists of 3 courses, but a significant improvement was observed after a few days of admission.

Contraindications. Potato juice is not recommended for use in patients with reduced acidity, and severe forms of diabetes. In addition, not to exceed the specified duration of juice therapy, because long-term use of potato juice affects the pancreas.

The important point is the selection of suitable tubers. For therapeutic purposes is categorically not suitable sprouted or green instances. The best time to undergo the treatment course in July – February, when the potato quite fresh, later it accumulates solanine that can cause poisoning.

On topic: Still a few folk remedies for heartburn

Herbs for heartburn

In folk medicine for the treatment of manifestations of heartburn successfully used various herbal preparations, decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants. Here are some recipes from them:

  • Calamus root heartburn can just chew it and drink water, but this method of ingestion can trigger vomiting, so you should spend more time and pound a piece of root wetland plants to powder and swallow a pinch of the substance with a liquid.It will instantly relieve heartburn after meals. Air not recommended for use for people suffering from acute inflammation of the kidneys, but in small doses it is safe.
  • Chamomile for heartburn used in the form of infusion, which helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach. It is prepared from 3 tablespoons of dry grass, filled a glass of boiling water. Tool infuse for about 20 minutes, strain and drink in small SIPS. Daily amount is 3 cups of infusion, the treatment course is 3 weeks.
  • A tablespoon of dried and chopped marsh cudweed pour a glass of boiling water, cover, wrap up and insist in heat 2 hours. The resulting drug drink 5 times a day a tablespoon.
  • The seeds and leaves of the forest Angelica pulverized by a grinder, the resulting powder is brewed like regular tea and drink three times a day.
  • Recipe of the herb mixture in a glass jar, where it will continue to store the remedy, mix half a tablespoon of crushed chamomile flowers and a spoonful of the leaves of plantain and dried St. John's wort. Then one and a half tablespoons of the mixture pour a liter of boiling water, cover and insist 15 minutes in the heat. The dose is 1 tablespoons before meals three times a day.

  • The mixture is one tablespoon of herbs cottonweed, yarrow and St. John's wort is poured into a liter of boiling water and insist 2 hours in the heat. The medium filtered through a folded in several layers of cheesecloth and take half a Cup before eating 5 times a day. To strengthen the effect of medicines will help accepted before him a teaspoon of liquid honey.

  • Get rid of burning and to prevent the manifestations of heartburn will help the rhizome of the yellow gentian, taken in an amount of 20 g and a steamed Cup of boiling water. It take a tablespoon half an hour before meals.
  • In an enamel container, put a tablespoon of pre-chopped centaury and brew it 2 cups of boiling water. Mixture to insist 30 minutes to an hour, and then boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. 5 minutes before off medicine add 2 tablespoons of honey. Take the drug half a Cup a day.

  • If signs of heartburn you can brew a teaspoon of dried mint to a Cup of boiling water and drink small SIPS of warm liquid.
  • Take a pinch of anise seeds, fennel and dill, pour a glass of boiling water and slowly drink for heartburn teaspoon to the disappearance of the burning sensation. The drink should not drink more than 6 weeks.


Sodium bicarbonate there is in every kitchen, it is common baking soda. It is often used to neutralize the symptoms of heartburn – burning sensation and heat in chest after eating.

Recipe aqueous soda solution is very simple – you need to take a quarter or half a teaspoon of soda and stir it in a glass of warm water. The resulting liquid should be drunk in small SIPS. It is desirable that the beverage temperature is not greatly reduced. To finish before the end of not recommended, the remains should be poured. To achieve the effect faster, you can use club soda to take a reclining position with raised head and loosen the belt clothing. Signs of heartburn should go away within 10 minutes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. But it is worth considering that the maximum daily dose not exceeding 200 g soda solution.

Soda vinegar heartburn as a means in the form of pop. Here is the recipe of its creation: in a glass of water, dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda and table drinking natural Apple cider vinegar. When the mixture begins to foam and bubbles appear, it must be a rare drink in small SIPS.

Pop soda heartburn quickly cope with the symptoms of the disease and is a powerful tool that is used in the case when unpleasant symptoms of sickness are very concerned about the person. If Apple cider vinegar at hand was not, you can use the second version of the recipe foamy mixture which includes lemon juice or acid.

Learn more: Treatment food tea soda / NanoSoda

How to make root beer from heartburn? To do this, take 2/3 Cup of boiled and cooled water, dissolve in it a quarter teaspoon of crystals citric acid and add half teaspoon of baking soda. In the process of mixing the mixture will begin to foam, then it should. The proportions of the components can be varied to your own taste, but the amount of acid should not be large.

Instead of citric acid you can use lemon juice. In this case, half a glass of water dissolve half a teaspoon of juice and soda. To enhance the taste, you can use a small amount of sugar. With the beginning of the reaction and the appearance of bubbles, medium drink small SIPS.

Make soda in any of these types of costs with care and only ifpeople are rarely confronted with heartburn. The frequent occurrence of symptoms of such ailments (more than once a week) indicate violations of the digestive system and talking about the need to appeal to the experts.

Soda only affects the signs of heartburn, relieving discomfort from it, but not cure the root cause. Once in the body, sodium bicarbonate thanks to its alkaline properties neutralize the hydrochloric acid penetrated into the esophagus from the stomach. Result from the use of methods based on soda immediately noticeable, with just a few SIPS. But after a short time the signs of discomfort can return with even greater intensity. This is because in the neutralization of acid releases carbon dioxide, providing a stimulating effect on the gastric mucosa. The result is an intense output of gastric juice and the repeated increase in acidity.

Note: soda is bad!

The harm of soda is associated with its influence on the condition of the body. The sodium liberated in the reaction, is instantly absorbed into the blood and increases the level of its concentration in the human body. It is bad for the condition of the blood vessels: their walls lose their elasticity and become more brittle. High sodium content violates the kidneys, leading to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, the excretion of potassium and increase blood pressure, thereby causing harm to the cardiovascular system.

Frequent use inside drinking soda leads to alkalosis, the alkalinisation of the blood, which is manifested by loss of appetite, frequent vomiting, nausea, and spastic pain in the abdomen. Symptoms gradually increase and worsen overall health.

Nervous system large doses of soda reacts with the signs of nervousness, anxiety, frequent headaches. In some cases, may experience prolonged spontaneous muscle contractions of the internal organs – tetanic convulsions.

Consumption of soda can lead to borborygmus, abdominal distention, diarrhea and the emergence of areas of irritation in the mucous membranes.

Given the possibility of such complications, soda can only be used in rare cases and not as a primary treatment! Pregnant and nursing mothers, patients with arterial hypertension and chronic gastrointestinal diseases this remedy is contraindicated.

Seeds from heartburn

Fresh or slightly dried, but in any case not roasted pumpkin seeds and sunflower is a good way to combat the signs of heartburn that you can always carry. In the morningyou need to chew about 20 pumpkin seeds or an equal volume quantity of sunflower, the same amount eaten during the day if you experience the characteristic burning sensation.

Great enveloping and soothing properties of flax seeds, 100 gr. which are ground and placed in glass containers. 3 tbsp the resulting powder pour a glass of hot water and insist night. In the morning the mixture will turn into a jelly, which is used in the throat before and after eating. The remnants of beverage to drink before bedtime.

But to apply the tools of linen cannot be, if you have strong diarrhea, exacerbation of cholecystitis, or inflammation of the cornea of the eye.

Activated charcoal heartburn

The effectiveness of activated charcoal in the struggle with heartburn due to its ability to absorb excess all the acid formed in the stomach. In addition, this drug is absolutely safe and does not irritate the intestinal mucosa, so it is recommended to accept even for pregnant women.

When the first signs of heartburn is enough to eat a couple of tablets of activated charcoal, and drink their water. For a more powerful effect rastolita 10 tablets, stir in 0.5 Cup of milk and drink it all at once.

On the basis of this medicines are also effective compound against the symptoms of malaise, activated charcoal grind to a powder and 16 oz. the resulting powder is mixed with 6,5 GRS. of ground root of Basil, ginger or sweet flag root. The resulting mixture take one teaspoon three times a day with a glass of water.

Side effects from administration of activated charcoal may arise only in the event of a serious overdose. The norm is the use of tablet on 10 kg of weight. Unpleasant effects include diarrhea, constipation, black stools. But the constant consumption of the drug in small doses is fraught with changes in the microflora of the intestine and stomach.

Honey for heartburn

Medicinal properties of honey are due to its calming effects and ability to ease discomfort in the stomach. In its pure form is a medicinal drug in the fight against heartburn is rarely used, is much more efficient when coupled with other therapeutic substances.

With a weak heartburn. If signs of distress appear rarely and they are mild enough to plant a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water and take it half an hour before meals morning and evening. The discomfort will pass, and after a month of such treatment measures will cease to be manifested at all. You can useinstead of the usual mineral water with a high level of alkali concentration, it will increase the healing powers of the drink.

When severe heartburn. More persistent heartburn is blocked with a mixture of aloe and honey. This medicine has a mild flavor and fast action, effectively saving you from pain in stomach and bitterness in mouth. For its preparation use 100 g of natural honey and aloe juice. Take 40 minutes before meals.

Tablespoon of honey dissolved in a glass of warm milk help heartburn. Drink the mixture an hour before meals and also at occurrence of unpleasant symptoms.

Important: Note that heartburn will help you first of all honey with lemon balm, Linden and from the flowers of Angelica archangelica.

Buckwheat heartburn

One of the most safe, effective and affordable funds from the manifestations of heartburn – buckwheat. As a therapeutic substance used grits, calcined in a dry frying pan with a thick bottom to acquiring bean dark brown color. Then buckwheat need to pound in a mortar or grind using the grinder. The resulting powder was taken three times a day half an hour before meals with water. Enough dose that fit on the tip of a knife.

Take buckwheat for medicinal purposes in any form, so people suffering from heartburn, it is recommended to Supplement the diet dishes of this cereal: for example, cereals and canned soups. Especially useful is their in the morning on an empty stomach.

Peas from heartburn

In the fight against the signs of heartburn is well-established peas both fresh and dried. Fresh peas are very easy to apply, you need to take 3-4 peas and chew to get rid of the discomfort.

The dry product requires a longer cooking period. A handful of dried peas pour boiling water and leave for a few hours to raspalis, and then take 3-4 things in your mouth and chew for several minutes. The rest of the day peas can be stored in the refrigerator if you drain it liquid, and use as needed.

Note: canned or cooked peas will have no effect.

Kalina heartburn

Even if heartburn for a long time causes the person discomfort, you can deal with it with the help of viburnum. It is not only effective, but in some embodiments, the use of delicious as a drug.

Proven efficacy is characterized by cold decoction made of the bark of viburnum. Cook itin the following way: a tablespoon of powdered bark of this tree, pour a liter of water. Drink half a Cup three times a day.

Delicious heartburn medication street jam. You can use store-bought jam or homemade. It is used by dissolving a tablespoon of medicinal sweetness in the Cup of boiled water. To use such a drink without restrictions, the more he drinks, the faster the heartburn cease to assert themselves.

For cooking and medicinal jam need to collect viburnum in late autumn, the grapes are thoroughly washed, seeds to get, and berries to put in metal containers and send in the oven along with a bowl of water. After an hour of simmering in the oven peel viburnum will become soft and pass through a sieve. Mashed berries add sugar to taste, water in the ratio of 1:5 and boil on the fire. It is freshly prepared jam has the greatest efficiency.

Mineral water heartburn

One of the healing properties of mineral water lies in its ability harmless to eliminate the irritant effect of acid on mucous of esophagus and to reduce gastric acidity.

Heartburn is recommended to drink only alkaline and hydrocarbonate (alkaline) drinks, for example, "Borjomi", "Sa Irma", "Essentuki-4", "Smirnovskaya", "Dilijan", "Kislovodsk Narzan", "Slavyanovskaya"and"Jermuk". You can buy them in the pharmacy network. You need to consider that plastic containers not suitable for storage of lye, so this mineral water must be in glass bottles.

The use of these medicinal drinks follows some principles:

  • To combat heartburn drink mineral water, heated to 40C, so the prepared medium should be stored in a thermos so as not to heat repeatedly, risking the loss of medicinal properties.
  • Before use, the water needs to be degassed. With this purpose it is poured into a container with a wide mouth, stir and allow to stand for several hours.
  • In order to neutralize the manifestations of heartburn, you should drink a quarter to a glass of water three times a day in small SIPS, about 5 minutes. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
  • For therapeutic purposes, mineral water to drink half an hour after eating to reduce acidity in the esophagus and stomach. But if a person is suffering from acidity, drink apply need one hour before meals to normalize production of gastric juice.

Before you use mineral water you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications listed on the label.

Salt heartburn

The first means of expression of symptomsheartburn can be a salt, which can cause the release of acidic enzymes that help to neutralize the bile. Use this remedy as follows: small large pinch of salt put in his mouth and slowly resolves, constantly swallowing the resulting saliva.

Shilajit heartburn

Biologically active substances included in the composition of Shilajit make it an effective remedy for symptoms of heartburn. Apply it: 0.2 g. therapeutic resin diluted with a tablespoon of boiled water, honey or milk and drink for 4 weeks morning and bedtime. Then make a break for at least 2 weeks to reduce the addiction to the artificial stimulation.

Shilajit has a number of contraindications that should be remembered. It's not for children under 3 years, pregnant and lactating. It has low toxicity means that do not have unwanted effects on the body, but like any product can cause an increase in pressure and decrease blood clotting, and therefore not recommended for people suffering from hemophilia, palpitations, any kind of bleeding. Cancer patients, its use is permitted only by agreement with the doctor as it is impossible to predict its effect on the body.

In the fight against heartburn, you should choose the most safe, affordable and effective means to identify which of the list of recipes will allow only my personal experience, because the causes and the degree of manifestation of the disease individual. But you should pay attention to the fact that frequent symptoms of this ailment can indicate the presence of serious disorders in the organism, therefore, appeal to the specialist in preventive and therapeutic purposes is necessary. With him is also worth to discuss the methods of folk medicine, to be used if signs of disease.

Find out more: Useful properties, contraindications and methods of use Shilajit

It is important to note that effective treatment of heartburn depends on the observance of rules of healthy nutrition and lifestyle, timely treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and avoidance of stress, so the question of getting rid of unpleasant sensations should be treated seriously and comprehensively.

Source: Newspaper a healthy lifestyle, the all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer "Grandma"