Home / Treatment / Choleretic herbs in the gallstones and bile stasis

Choleretic herbs in the gallstones and bile stasis

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If a person is suffering from stagnation of bile, it is shown the use of herbs that eliminate stasis. They will also be useful in detecting stones in the gallbladder.

The root of calamus

In order to get rid of gallstones, it is advisable to use an alcohol tincture of the plant. You need to use it inside, three times a day, dividing each basic meal. The volume is 10 to 30 drops, depending on the mass of the human body.

Recipes: to prepare you need the calamus root is first thoroughly dried. After that it should grind. You can use the grinder or Mincer. Then, the resulting powder is formed into a glass container and filled with alcohol. One part calamus root take the five parts of alcohol. To insist it should be away from light sources. Minimum cooking time is one week.

You can also use a decoction of the root calamus in combination with other herbs (St. John's wort and immortelle). To do this, they are taken in equal proportions, the spoon a dining room, filled with boiling water and insist under the lid for a quarter of an hour. Then you need to add the flowers of the plant and put to boil on a small fire (up to 5 minutes). After the broth has cooled you can use it. You need to drink before you start eating half a Cup. Therefore, it is advisable the preparation of a large volume of broth.

Contraindications. The root of calamus cannot be used by pregnant women. If you have frequent nosebleeds, kidney disease in acute phase, gastric ulcer or gastritis. Important clarification – the calamus root is not for people suffering from hypotension, as this plant helps to reduce pressure. Contraindicated the use of large doses of calamus root in any form – it will cause poisoning and vomiting.


As a cholagogue use the tincture from the fruit of anise. This will need to take them in quantity 40 grams and place in vodka. Its volume should be 250 grams. Should insist for 10 days. After that, eat during meals, either in pure form or by adding in drinks. One appointment will be enough 20 drops. We should start with a half dose. If during the day you will not experience side effects, then you can go for a full reception of the funds.

Contraindications. You cannot use while carrying the child, and in case of hypersensitivity to the fruits of the plants, as they can cause allergies. A contraindication will also be presence of duodenal ulcers and stomach.

Black elderberry

As a choleretic agent used a decoction of the bark of elderberry and its leaves. To prepare a decoction, you need to take the bark of the plant, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per Cup of water. Then place on the fire and simmer after boiling for 10 minutes. After, remove from heat and cover with a lid and allow to stand. When the decoction becomes warm, you can eat inside. You need to drink warm, half an hour before meals. The glass of the decoction should be divided into three times. Before you take inside, it is necessary to strain through a sieve.

A decoction of the flowers will be more effective if you mix it in equal proportions with the lime. You should not boil, simply pour hot water. After the broth has cooled, you can eat inside as well as a decoction of the bark.

Contraindications. You can't use at the time of pregnancy, as well as diabetes insipidus. Also the contraindication ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. The dosage should be accurately observed.

The root of Polygonum snake

For the preparation of remedies you need to take three tablespoons of crushed Cora Highlander and pour either boiled or filtered cold water. The resulting mass is put on fire and boil for half an hour. When the broth has cooled, it should pass through a sieve. This tea should be drunk three times a day half a Cup. Proceed to the food after 30 minutes.

Contraindications. Cannot be used if there is disease of the kidneys and bladder. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are absolute ban on the use of the root of Polygonum snake.

Topic: 10 folk remedies, how to get the stones from the gallbladder


The juice of the dandelion, which needs to squeeze out of the roots of plants, is a powerful cholagogue. To collect the roots must in the early fall or late spring. Before you squeeze the juice, the roots must be thoroughly washed, pour over boiling water and cleaned from adventitious roots. Then they must be finely chopped with a knife or mince. The resulting slurry is necessary to press and drink half a glass at a time. This will help to get rid of the stones. The course of treatment is a week. Take once a day.

Contraindications. Even in the absence of contraindications, you must consult a doctor, as this juice is a potent tool. You cannot use if you have gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, gastritis with hyperacidity and loose stools.

Rhizome marshmallow

Infusion of roots is prepared as follows: the need to take 10 grams dry product thoroughly and chop, then pour clean boiled water having room temperature. After one hour the infusion should strain and drink 2 tablespoons every two hours. Since the flavor of the infusion will be very bitter, you can add sugar or honey.

Contraindications. Cannot be used when dehydration and in conjunction with drugs that thin the phlegm. Can not be used in pregnant women and infants. Contraindicated marshmallow people with constipation and lung disease.


It is possible to prepare an alcohol tincture of wormwood. To do this, take three tablespoons of crushed dried herbs and place in a glass jar. Pour her a glass of vodka and put into a dark place. Tincture will be ready two weeks later. The tool has a strong choleretic effect, so use with caution. For the first time five drops will be enough, a day later, you can add five more drops, bringing the total number to 20 drops at a time. To drink during meals, in the morning and evening.

If you combine wormwood with horsetail, it is possible to get rid of gallstones. Taking a teaspoon of each herb, you needfill them with water and boil (about 10 minutes). To use such a decoction a long time, 1/4 Cup, dividing the daily dose into three doses.

Contraindications. You can't use grass to people of retirement age (or use with great caution), as well as those who have increased body mass. The absolute ban on the use of wormwood – the nurturing of the child, stomach ulcers, alcoholism, mental disorders, thrombophlebitis.

Peppermint leaves

You need to take one teaspoon of dry or fresh herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover and allow to stand for half an hour. When the water has cooled, it should drain, and the grass overcome. You need to drink just before going to bed.

Half a tablespoon of dry herb, you need to put in a small enamel container, cover with boiling water and put "walk" in a water bath after covering with a lid. After 20 minutes of continuous simmering water, cooled and adjusted to original volume. Keep the broth can only be in the refrigerator, not more than 2 days. Take half a glass before a meal, 15 minutes before it started. It will be enough to double the intake for the day.

Contraindications. You can't use the plant with hypotension, during feeding and feeding and pregnancy, if you have an Allergy to grass, for heartburn and if peppermint causes drowsiness. Better not to give an infusion to children under 10 years and babies grass is contraindicated.

Theme: Drugs to dissolve gallstones

Dill (seeds)

Seeds of fennel are often used as a cholagogue. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of seeds, cover them with water ( 0.5 l.) and boil on the fire with the lid open for a quarter of an hour. Then the broth is cooled naturally, filtered and ingested. The dosage is half a glass a number of times a day – 4. You need to be treated for 2 weeks.

Contraindications. Although the seeds of fennel have a mild effect, use them in unlimited quantities should not be. Higher doses of decoction can cause weakness, drowsiness and General fatigue and decreased visual acuity, and even fainting. You should not use the broth at a low pressure.


Parsley helps to cope with the stagnation of bile. For this purpose, as the roots of the plant and its leaves. To prepare juice, parsley, the plant must be thoroughly rinsed to scroll in a meat grinder (with the roots). Then the juice is pressed through cheesecloth and ingested before the start of the meal, 1/4 Cup. If the juice seems too concentrated, you can dilute it with water. It is enough to drink juice in the morning and the evening. The course of treatment – a month.

Contraindications. You can't take juice during pregnancy as it may lead to miscarriage. Contraindications are diseases such as nephritis, gout and cystitis, kidney stones and increased sensitivity to sunlight.

Strawberries (fruit and leaves)

To prepare a choleretic funds you need to take one teaspoon of fruit of strawberry and one scoop of (most) of its fresh or dried leaves. Fill them 0.3 ml. of boiling water and cover. After half an hour, the infusion should be cooled and eaten half a Cup 2 times a day. This simple and affordable recipe will help with the stagnation of bile, if you regularly use it inside throughout the month.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance and allergic reactions.


Decoction of celandine is used as a strong choleretic agent. You need to take it in the amount of one tablespoon. Pour a glass of water and bring to boil. Be taken two times a day, while eating half a Cup. Need cool and squeeze. The course of treatment – 2 weeks.

You can get rid of gallstones, consuming inside a tincture of celandine. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, the number drops to receive – 10. For cooking, it is necessary to take fresh grass (leaves and stems) – 50 grams, flush and fill with alcohol. Store in a dark place in glass containers for 2 weeks. After this time you can start taking.

Celandine is used in combination with other herbs (peppermint leaf and dandelion root). You need to take them in the same proportion – 50 gramspour a glass of boiling water and allow to stand in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then the brothfiltered and ingested half a Cup before meals. It is highly effective, so a weekly rate would be enough. Repeat the decoction in the same amount after 3 months.

Contraindications. Despite the fact that the celandine is a fairly effective cholagogue, it has a number of contraindications, which include: dysbiosis, constipation, epilepsy, psychosis, angina, bronchial asthma, neurological diseases.

Due to the fact that the celandine is very poisonous, it cannot be taken for small children, the elderly, and even pregnant women. Overdose can cause vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, hallucinations. If after taking Chelidonium deteriorating, then you must call an ambulance and go to hospital.

Before you start taking this potent tool, it is required to advise on the possibility of its use with your doctor.