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The caries of deciduous teeth in children

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Caries is a tooth disease in which disrupted the integrity of the enamel, soften and disintegrate the hard tissue. The disease starts with demineralization enamel by acids which are formed in the mouth when eating sweet food. The process of destruction of the enamel continues pathogenic bacteria, causing decay and further damage, which may affect the dentin, pulp and tooth root.

The causes of tooth decay in children

  • Microbial contamination of the child causative agents of caries most often originates from loving parents by kissing or using a common Cutlery. It can also occur through contact with other children at home or in the garden. By themselves, the causative agents of tooth decay do not cause disease, so their presence is not the main danger. However, to reduce the risk of early caries, which occurs in 12% of children under one year of age, it is better not to eat from one dish with your child and heal your own teeth before you cover the baby with kisses.
  • The shift of acid-alkaline balance in the mouth – the main cause of destruction of tooth enamel. With frequent use of sweet saliva pH becomes acidic due to organic acids formed during the glycolysis of carbohydrates. To prevent this, it is recommended to use less sweet and flour, and after a meal to rinse your mouth with water.
  • Chronic maternal illness, infections during pregnancy, Smoking and negative factors that can affect the process of tooth formation in utero. This leads to the development of dental caries after eruption of teeth and other pathologies.
  • Immediately after the eruption of the teeth are very vulnerable to the impact of environmental factors, because their enamel is still insufficiently mineralized. For deciduous teeth the duration of the final mineralization of the enamel is two years, and for indigenous three, in this period it is important to monitor the diet of the child, minimizing the amount of sweets and other acid foods.
  • Read more: Eruption of primary teeth in children


    Responsibility for dental treatment in children lies with the parents, and among most of them, unfortunately, is a widespread belief that baby teeth do not have to treat anyway they will soon fall out by themselves. This is fundamentally the wrong point of view, baby tooth decay can have serious consequences ranging from problems with their teeth at an older age, ending with the infectious lesions of soft tissue and disorders of other organs and systems.

    Thus, a cavity is a source of infection that takes away the resources of the immune system, leaving it vulnerable to pathogens. In children with neglected caries frequent otitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and digestive disorders, they often suffer from colds. In addition, you should take into account the peculiarities of caries in children, the disease develops rapidly, covering the adjacent teeth, comes to caries for most or even all of the milk teeth. Milk teeth do not appear until the end of mineralization, their enamel is not strong, so the tooth decay moves at lightning speed from the stage of spots before the formation of the cavity. In some cases, may require removal of the tooth, which is undesirable at this age – no one of the milk teeth (if he had not of natural causes) disrupts the formation of the jaw, creating problems with occlusion and articulation, distorts the facial features.

    What was previously discovered tooth decay, the easier the procedure for its treatment. If the parents go to the dentist at the first sign of carious destruction of the tooth – malovydne or brown spots on the surface of his enamel, then the treatment is no drilling of the tooth and the sealing. The doctor disinfects the affected area, causing fluoride varnish to strengthen enamel. With medium and deep caries with cavity formation removal of damaged tissue and filling is necessary, otherwise there is a risk of pulpitis, periodontitis and other complications that threaten loss of permanent teeth.

    Treatment of caries in young children has its own characteristics:

    • Anesthesia to children prescribed only in case of medium caries and severe forms, in other cases it is recommended to use non-traumatic methods of treatment. The content of the anesthetic components in the gels and sprays topical use should be kept to a minimum so as not to harm the child's health. An anesthetic injection is carried out only if necessary, removal of the pulp.
    • Due to the fact that young children can rarely sit still for more than 15 minutes, the dentist needs to carefully choose the materials and method of sealing. For the treatment of caries in children 2-5 years you can usesedation – child wear a mask with nitrous oxide, breathing in this component, it calms down, no longer nervous and afraid.The child retains the ability to answer the questions of the doctor about its health, location of pain and discomfort in the treatment process. Nitrous oxide has no analgesic effect, so in the case of deep caries often requires anesthesia.
    • Treatment of caries under General anesthesia is strictly limited for kids, the procedure is carried out only when indicated.
    • In the process of treatment, the doctor needs to constantly take breaks to give the child to relax and calm down. The pediatric dentist should take into account the peculiarities of the psyche of the patient, his age and act accordingly. Filling materials are selected in such a way that their introduction took place in one stage and would take less time.
    • The average time of one approach in the treatment of teeth in children is hour. If the complex of medical procedures takes longer, they are carried out in several stages, it is advisable to use sedation nitrous oxide. So typically a treatment bottle tooth decay, affecting not one, but several adjacent teeth in the upper and lower jaw.
    • Soft spots destroyed by bacteria of carious tissue is removed with special tools by hand, trying as little as possible to use bormashenko, not to scare the child and not to provoke hysteria.
    • In the treatment of complications of caries, the tooth canals are not clean so thoroughly as in adults, as it is a painful and lengthy procedure. It is usually sufficient disinfection special compound and filling root canal dental paste.

    Modern technologies allow to minimize the scope of bormashenko in the treatment of caries in children. So, there are a number of techniques that effectively remove the caries at an early stage with no drilling of the tooth, such as – ozone therapy. On the tooth wear special silicone pad, pump out all the air to between the cover plate and the tooth surface of the vacuum, and then allowed inside the ozone for twenty seconds. Ozone can destroy pathogenic bacteria that trigger tooth decay and stop the loss of the tooth.

    In some cases, insufficient antibiotic treatment of carious sites, it is necessary to remove the affected tissue. Use this treatment with a special gel technology ICON (only when surface and shallow decay). Bormashenko in this situation it may be necessary only to provide access to the carious cavity.

    laser Treatment is the most promising direction of treatment of caries without drilling the teeth. The laser beam selectively affects the tissue of the tooth, bacteria vaporizing the damaged portions of the dentin, while not affecting healthy areas. The advantages of this method - nerevmaticski, as there is no risk of damage to the gums and palate during the process of drilling, no need to constantly wash his mouth in the dust (the affected area of the tooth is removed along with the pathogens completely). Minimized the risk of secondary caries due to the formation of cracks in the enamel, which often occurs when working with the handpiece. And, of course, the main advantage is that the laser can treat tooth decay of any degree of complexity, and processing of the tooth by this method is not so scary children.

    However laser therapy also has drawbacks, the first is price and availability. Not every dental clinic can afford laser system, which is reflected in the price. In addition, most physicians are used to working the old way, and when working with laser need to learn a new technology and wear safety goggles.

    Prophylaxis of milk teeth caries in children

    Due to the fact that the treatment of caries of deciduous teeth no less complex and laborious task than the treatment of tooth decay in adults, but ignoring the disease leads to serious complications, it is always better to take care of prevention. Moreover, the habit to follow the oral hygiene will remain with the child for life and will save him from many problems in the future.

    Oral hygiene in children

    So, the first necessary condition for caries prevention – observance of personal hygiene. It is not enough to rinse the baby's mouth or brush his teeth with his toothbrush from the time of eruption of the first tooth, the baby, the house needs to be another toothbrush and children's toothpaste. Tools for adults are not suitable, as the child may accidentally swallow them while brushing your teeth, which can be dangerous for his body. Toothbrush should not be very hard, the first time for brushing a baby can use a folded several times a piece of gauze coated with toothpaste.

    Topic: How, when, how and why to brush their teeth?

    Diet for preventioncaries

    What else should pay attention to the longer teeth remain strong and healthy? The diet of the child plays a significant role in the development of caries. Immature teeth are destroyed by acids formed during the processing of sucrose, glucose and fructose. Weak enamel is more vulnerable to the influence of pathogenic bacteria causing caries. That is why children have a sweet tooth often suffer from carious lesions, unlike those whose parents put a limit on sweet. However, not necessarily completely give up chocolate, cakes, the more that is always compassionate grandmother, who will be treated to a kid's candy, disrupting the educational process. Importantly at this stage to explain to the child the relationship of sweets from dental diseases and to accustom him to the oral hygiene.

    Another important point is the presence of calcium in the diet of the child. It is clear that breastfed infants rarely suffer from the lack of this mineral, if fed breast milk. Sucking facilitates proper formation of the jaw and is necessary for the baby's health in the future. Babies fed artificial mixtures, may suffer from "bottle caries" due to constant contact with sweet liquid from pacifiers with teeth.

    But in the transition to the adult diet gradually switch to milk, cheese and dairy products, to the process of forming and mineralization of teeth was successful.

    Preventive examinations at the dentist

    First visit to the hygienist is performed immediately after birth. The specialist should examine the child, tell parents how to care for the oral cavity at this age, recommend hygiene products.

    The second consultation is required after eruption of the first tooth. Further preventive dental check-UPS carried out every six months, and when it detects problems (improper growth of teeth, formation of Tartar, caries) no less frequently than every three months. Timely diagnosis of dental problems which will save time and resources in the future, facilitates the treatment and helps to prevent serious complications.