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Symptoms and treatment of traumatic keratitis

Causes of traumatic keratitis are non-penetrating injury of cornea contusion of the damage embedded in the cornea foreign objects, various burns, and pathogenic effect on the eye of a UFO.

The criterion established keratitis are considered to be edematous and infiltrated tissue of the cornea. Infiltrates composed of lymphocytes, plasma cells and polinuklearna of white blood cells, characterized by fuzzy borders, and different color, shape and size. The color is affected by the qualitative composition of the infiltrate. It acquires a whitish-grayish coloring in the case of the predominance of lymphocytes. Yellowish color characteristic of purulent infiltration. Keratitis can affect no more than one third of corneal thickness. If the process covers the epithelial cells from the upper layers of the stroma, talking about superficial keratitis. If the disease spreads to the entire stroma, keratitis called deep. Keratitis may be complicated by necrosis, which leads to the occurrence of ulcers and abscesses.

The symptoms of traumatic keratitis

With keratitis can develop compensatory and remedial effects. Their sign is the vascularization of the cornea. It is a growing into the cornea new blood vessels that originate from looping the network. On the process of vascularization is affected by the depth of the lesion. For superficial keratitis characterized by dichotomous branching of vessels and their transition through the limbo of the cornea the infiltrate. Keratitis with deep vessels differ straight-line speed and germination depth of the cornea.

Surface epithelial damage to the cornea is characterized by the occurrence of erosion, which is accompanied by pain, lacrimation and occasional twitching of the upper eyelid. Preceded by an external examination of the eye surface anesthesia with 0.25% solution dikaina or 0.3% solution of leucaena. The size of erosion identified after intravenous injection in the conjunctiva of a 1% solution of fluoresceine.

Treatment of traumatic keratitis

Treatment of erosive lesions of the cornea based on the improvement of trophic processes and phenomena of the acceleration of epithelialization. As a local treatment used is eye drops that contain vitamins (vitamin B2, glucose and ascorbic acid), taufon, Metall, Bulacan. This also applies to laying in the conjunctival SAC of various gels and ointment (solkoseril, Cheminova ointment).

To prevent the development of infectiousprocess use drip chloramphenicol, sulfatsil-sodium, etc.

To immobilize the eyelids, carry out superimposition on the eye easy dressing. If corneal foreign body is detected, proceed as follows: first, a surface anesthetic, then the removal of foreign bodies, which are located superficially (with an absorbent pellet with a solution of disinfectant), and then spend the removal of deep foreign bodies by means of fluted or lanceolate needle.

For the prevention of bacterial inflammation of cornea used disinfecting drops and ointment. These include sulfatsil-sodium sulfapiridazin-sodium, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol and syntomycin and tetracycline ointment.