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Causes and symptoms Nabatova cysts of the cervix

Cyst of the cervix is a fairly common disease that occurs in women of reproductive age. From it, suffer from 10-15% of women in this age group. A cyst is a process of blockage or enlargement of the glands of the cervix. In the canal of the uterus and in the vaginal part is inflammation and clog the excretory ducts of the glands that produce mucus. Iron becomes more of accumulated mucus that can be observed with ultrasonography or colposcopy. Despite the fact that the disease occurs quite often, people learn about it the women are usually late, when you just came for a visit to the gynecologist.

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Signs and symptoms of cysts of the cervix

As a rule, cysts of the cervix does not have pronounced symptoms. Absent any changes during the menstrual cycle, no pain or discomfort. The vast majority of patients found out that they have a cyst only the next preventive visit to the gynecologist. Only medical examination can confirm or refute this diagnosis. Externally, the disease is as follows – in the transformation zone of the cervix, there is a small white mucous dense formations. They can vary in size from a few millimeters to 3 cm, If a woman suffering from endometrial cysts, this disease may have the symptom in the form of a small bleeding a few days before the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

If a woman with a cyst of the uterus for a long time without a visit to the gynecologist, and the disease has developed, it can be defined by the following features:

  • Bleeding not during menses,
  • Causeless pain in the lower abdomen,
  • Painful sensations during intercourse with a regular partner,
  • Any discharge from the vagina without being aroused.

Causes of cysts of the cervix

It is impossible with 100% certainty say that this or that factor will inevitably lead to the emergence ofcysts, however, possible to identify certain risk factors for disease:

  1. Childbirth. If in the process of birth of the child was damaged cervix, then it will kick in very quickly. This process can cause disruption of glands and clogging of the ducts, which will lead to the formation of cysts.

  2. Abortion. The disease can also develop due to problems during the abortion and unprofessional approach to this procedure.

  3. Menopause. When a woman begins to get out of reproductive age, the shell of her uterus becomes thinner, and the gland is more vulnerable. They are sensitive to any irritation by producing more mucus, which in turn clog the ducts and form a cyst.

  4. Infectious diseases. Any infection of the reproductive system can lead to this disease. When inflamed, tissues and glands of the uterus contribute to the clogging of the ducts and the appearance of the cyst.

Also there are several reasons less likely the occurrence of this gynecologic disease:

  • The introduction of the IUD
  • Problems with metabolism and hormones
  • Inflammatory processes in the appendages.

Nabatova cysts of the cervix

Nabatova cysts or follicles of the cervix is a small, white-yellow dense growths on the vaginal part of the uterus. Many women without any external discomfort from this disease, I believe that it is not dangerous and belongs to the category of "self-will". However, it is very misleading. A cyst will not dissolve on their own and requires a competent approach to treatment.

Glandular cells of the cervix and produce vaginal area normal a certain amount of sensitive liquid. Describe the glands of the vaginal part of the first author Nabatov, from whom they got their name.

Causes Nabatova cysts is not known. Doctors can only observe the presence of the disease. However, many agree that the cyst can sometimes occur from:

  • chronic inflammatory processes in the genital organs,
  • problems with hormonal background,
  • erosion of the uterus.

Most often it is diagnosed in women aged 25-45. Ducts from the glands become clogged with scaly epithelium, and they accumulate a large number of secret. Thus, the ducts increase in volume, and formed a cyst. The cyst may be both single and plural. Ifeducation small in size, surgical intervention is not assigned, and only regular inspection. When the gynecologist will notice that the cyst increases in volume, often performed the operation to remove it.

Symptoms Nabatova cysts are virtually absent, and the disease does not manifest itself. The problem have women, as a rule, finds a gynecologist for examination. If you have been diagnosed Nabatova cysts, we first need to go more in-depth examination. As a rule, in the list of procedures included, identification of urogenital infections, ultrasound examination of organs of small pelvis, colposcopy, PAP smear for the presence of precancerous changes.

Many doctors say that the disease does not require any intervention. However, it does not disappear and may from time to time recur. Treat Nabatova cysts sometimes their disposal. If the doctor insists on this approach, it is necessary to listen to it to avoid a possible spread of the disease. Also the cyst can be treated with laser or radio wave therapy. Sometimes the treatment is complemented with medication and physical therapy.

Do not forget about the prevention of disease. For this you need to regularly visit the gynecologist at least 2 times a year, in the event of an outbreak, the doctor time to diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Retention cysts of the cervix

Cysts of the cervix are different and are divided into several types due to the occurrence and method of formation:

  • Traumatic – occur because of displacements of the tissue and damage
  • Tumor – come when you reject the development of a tumor.
  • Parasitic – are formed as a result of activity of parasitic organisms,
  • Dizontogeneticheskie – most often congenital individual violations
  • Retention may result from the excess fluid of secretions in the duct secretory organ.

Retention cysts can sometimes be of an innate nature, originating still in the process of fetal development. To let you know that the tumour may at any time in a woman's life when struck by an endocrine or exocrine system. There is a cyst in the following way – a bunch of secret or other foreign body is sealed in the outflow of fluid from the channel or tumor, scar tissue squeezed his wall. In the channel the fluid accumulates, which it stretches. As a result, the cyst.

The causes of this disease areinflammation, infection, injury during birth or abortion. To diagnose a retention cyst is quite difficult. Mainly due to the fact that it is almost not felt. Most women have no symptoms of any vaginal discharge, menstrual irregularities, pain in the lower abdomen or during sex. About asymptomatic disease becomes known during a visit to the gynecologist.

When the disease is identified, the doctor will conduct a deeper examination to understand what caused it, what to treat and how to avoid re-occurrence. For this purpose:

  • Colposcopy,
  • Examination of smears from the vaginal and cervical microflora,
  • Detecting the presence of bacteria, Trichomonas, chlamydia, Mycoplasma, etc.

A competent doctor, when the question comes to the treatment of retention cysts of the cervix, always addressed individually, considering features of an organism of the patient. If you apply suitable treatment method, a cyst of the cervix will be consequences, and functions of this body will be restored, and the patient will not have problems with sexuality and also with the conception, gestation and birth of a child.

It is worth to note that doctors today adhere to the treatment plan of one of the two opinions. The first advocate surgery that the cyst is not formed pus, which can later lead to undesirable consequences. Others believe that this disease is the possible state of the uterus, to which you want to use alternative treatment. For each specific case, the gynecologist must decide which path to choose.

Ultrasound cyst of the uterus

Ultrasound or ultrasonography is one of the most important procedures during the diagnosis of cyst of the cervix. It is almost in 100% of cases, and in combination with other procedures: visual inspection of the body of the pelvis and appendages, colposcopy, smears from the vagina. This method of diagnosis helps to identify changes in the structure of the tissues of the cervix, its blood supply, to see the change in size of tumors. This makes it possible to identify not only the cyst of the cervix, but other pathology.

Ultrasonography cervical ultrasonography is not different from the uterus itself, which is familiar to many women. When examining the cervix through the abdomen, on the lower part of the abdomen covered with a special gel, and it will move the sensor of the ultrasound apparatus. If you need to get an ultrasound from the inside, then applied by the transvaginal probe. The rules of hygiene wear a condom, coated withgel and use as needed. Transvaginal method is used when viewing through the abdomen does not give a complete picture. Both methods do not bring pain and give excellent results for detection of the disease a cyst of the cervix.

Women should not be afraid or ignore this procedure, when the doctor suspects the presence of cysts. Ultrasounds can give the gynaecologist the answer to the question of which treatment method to choose for the patient to completely get rid of the disease and to prevent recurrences.

Effects of cyst of the cervix

Many women diagnosed with a cyst of the cervix, are frightened of this disease, and are primarily interested in its consequences. It is possible to say the following. Though the cyst and is called a tumor, but by itself it will never grow into a cancer and not a malignant. However, sometimes in white formations on the mucosa of the cervix accumulate bacteria, which can cause the appearance of a new disease, besides cysts - inflammation of the cervix, the inner lining of the uterus, etc. These diseases are really dangerous and can often produce a recurrence.

Sometimes a cyst of the cervix may reach an impressive size and cause discomfort during intercourse. In extreme and advanced cases, this disease entails infertility. This is all that can be said about the consequences of this disease.

If the cyst detected during pregnancy, do not worry. It does not affect the process of carrying a child, for his future health and well-being of the mother. As a rule, to treat uterine cysts doctors are taken after a woman gives birth.

The removal of the cyst on the cervix (surgery)

After the doctor diagnosed a cyst of the cervix, it is likely to offer the woman to remove it surgically, because medical does not give the desired result. Hearing this, the woman usually gets scared and wondered is this disease so dangerous that need surgery. But fear is not needed. The cyst itself is not harmful, but it can cause a purulent infiltration, which will lead to painful inflammation. These processes can cause infertility or problems with future pregnancies.

Before diagnosis of the cyst with complete confidence, you need to be colcoscopy and some other studies. When all the tests have the need indicators, the doctor prescribes a surgical removal of cysts of the cervix. This operation is carried out as an outpatient and the patient is not hospitalitynet. Usually surgicalthe intervention is assigned at the end of the month, in the first half of the menstrual cycle.

The process of operation is as follows. To begin with, the gynecologist prepares the woman for surgery. Then produces a puncture each cyst. Inside this formation accumulated viscous mucus, which is due to the puncture is removed. Then place the cyst is treated with a special solution to prevent a repeat of her education. The patient can go home after a few hours after surgery. Complications surgery should not be. The only thing possible is a mild aching pain in the lower abdomen, which should take 1-2 days, and not profuse bleeding. After a couple of days of this discharge can be the mucus of a yellowish color, which within seven days must pass. To healing process was faster 10 days after cyst removal, the patient typically is prescribed vaginal suppositories. From sex at this time should be avoided. A month later a woman must come for a checkup.

Remove the cyst of the cervix, and can be other methods:

  • Moxibustion is the most popular method that is used in this disease. The cysts can be cauterised, both chemical and thermal methods with the help of various medicines.
  • Radio-wave method – a relatively new technique, which is often assigned to young women planning to get pregnant soon. The cyst is destroyed by high frequency radio wave, which produces a special machine.
  • The laser method is performed using apparatus which generates the laser beam. The unit itself doesn't come into contact with the mucosa of the cervix. The method is used relatively often.
  • Cryotherapy – a method of treating cysts of the uterus in which it is affected by liquid nitrogen and low temperature. This process does not cause pain and is used in modern clinics more often.

As can be seen, the medicine offers several ways to get rid of a cyst of the uterus. The most suitable for the patient should choose a doctor.

Treatment of cysts of the cervix folk remedies

In addition to the main method of treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can also use the traditional medicine. But should be repeated – it is only a Supplement! Visits to the doctor and the execution of its instructions is mandatory.

Recipe No. 1. It will take a slicemedium-sized garlic, which must be wrapped tightly in gauze to make a tampon. It should be introduced into the vagina overnight. This procedure can be done within a month.

Recipe №2. Hard boil seven eggs and remove the yolks, chop them and mix with powdered pumpkin seeds (1 Cup). To the mixture add half a liter of sunflower oil and heat in a water bath, stirring occasionally. This mixture should take 1 teaspoon in the morning 5 days after 5 days until it ends.

Recipe No. 3. Collect is the number of partitions walnuts to cut them, to 4 tablespoons. To the powder add 3 cups of boiling water, bring to the boil and continue to boil for another 20 minutes. After that, leave the broth to cool and strain it through a fine sieve. He has to take it inside 2-3 times a day half a Cup.

Recipe No. 4. This requires 2 large bunch of fresh lopuhova leaves. They need to be crushed with a grinder, to obtain a paste. From her carefully squeeze the juice. Treatment with this remedy goes like this:

  • The first two days, drink 2 times a day 1 teaspoon,
  • The next two days is to drink 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon,
  • After that, drink 3 times a day 1 tbsp. spoon.

Treatment burdock is a whole course in a month.

If the disease had a relapse, and therapy with the help of the juice of burdock can be repeated. To store the juice you need in a dark, cool place in clean dish with cover. To achieve the best result of the treatment burdock can be combined with the following method.

Recipe №5. Will need 2 tablespoons of fresh acacia flowers, 1 Cup of alcohol or vodka. Plants placed in a clean container and fill with alcohol. Then leave the mixture to steep. Then strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Treatment with acacia last month. To make a solution you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 part solution to 2 parts boiled water. Take orally 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

Recipe No. 6. Various herbal teas can also help to deal with a cyst of the cervix. For treatment of the disease, you can use the collection, which consists of:

  • Water – 1 Cup
  • Camomile – 3 teaspoons,

  • Buckthorn leaves – 3 teaspoons,

  • Nettle leaves – 5 tea spoons,

  • Celandine – 3 teaspoons,
  • Rose hips – 3 teaspoons,
  • Plantain leaves – 5 tablespoons

All herbs should be crushed and dried. Then rinsedthe dishes with boiling water, and pour into it all the herbs. Fill the collection Cup boiling water. Cover the bowl with a lid, wrap it up in newspaper and a towel. A mixture to steep not less than 6 hours. Then strain and drink 1 h. spoon 2 times a day.

Recipe No. 7. Another useful decoction, which has a positive feedback from women, consists of upland uterus or herb of lycopus. In preparing these decoctions is not difficult. For this you need one Cup of boiling water add 1 tablespoon of the herb and stir well. Then this decoction should insist in a thermos or wrapped utensils at least 3 hours. Take folk remedy to 3 times a day before meals for a third Cup. Herbs can be changed. One week to drink the infusion of upland uterus, and the second lycopus. A course of herbal treatment should not exceed 4-5 weeks.

It is necessary to reiterate that national treatment cannot be chosen independently without prior appointment. The first thing you need to was diagnosed, and then assigned to conventional treatment. And recipes of traditional medicine can be used as a Supplement.