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A bruised and fractured coccyx

Tailbone injury

Injuries to the coccyx are common after a bad fall, blow. Symptoms of damage include: swelling, pronounced pain, redness of the coccygeal area. Movement, as a rule, difficult, hard to sit, when you try to get up the pain gets worse, you experience pain during a bowel movement. If you fall on the buttocks may suffer the apical part of the coccyx, dorsal is injured when hitting a narrow, blunt object (in contact sports). Children usually suffer from a dislocated tailbone.

The coccyx bone presents a triangular structure, and located in the lower part of the spine. Consists of three to five vertebral segments, it functions to hold in place the joints and ligaments. Women are very vulnerable coccyx and injuries to this part of the spine of the fair sex are more often than men, mostly during childbirth affects the ventral area of the coccyx. The tension or friction on the coccyx, e.g. during Cycling can also pose a risk of injury to the coccyx.

A bruised tailbone

As a result of injury to the coccyx can be formed hematoma, and will be determined as a soft, elastic formation with negligible pain. If it is a small hematoma, then it resolves on their own. Large sizes, too painful hematoma should be subjected to puncturing or opening, to avoid suppuration.

Without consulting a doctor is almost impossible to determine the impact of injuries.

At the first sign of sickness, even if they pass as suddenly as they appear, it is still necessary to visit a doctor.

Minor injuries can remind yourself of the pain in the coccyx, it can disturb the years and eventually become commonplace, but it certainly exhausts the person reduces his ability to work. Pain at injury by type of manifestations can be acute, pricking, aching, permanent or temporarily subsiding. She irradiiruet in the back, in the abdomen, in the lumbar spine. To injure the tailbone is not difficult, quite careless of a fall or a strong blow.

The study of the lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal sections of the spine using radiographic equipment will determine the seriousness of the injury. If necessary, appointed by the tomographic imaging, it is possible to consider in detail the effects of trauma use ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. The coccyx is surrounded on all sides by lots of nerve endings, so evena small injury causes not a pleasant feeling.

With injuries of the coccyx are treated as elderly and young people. Specialist with experience can identify visually that actually causes discomfort, special devices help to confirm the diagnosis. From the fact that the patient has a fracture, dislocation of the coccyx or simply injury will depend on the choice of further treatment.

Having a bruised tailbone should be applied ice to reduce pain symptoms and prevent the appearance of bruising, take a relaxed position on a horizontal surface and call emergency. It is not recommended during treatment to take a hot bath, but the cortisone shot will come in handy. It is useful to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and to sit on a special orthopedic pillow.

Fracture of the coccyx

Fracture of coccyx with displacement and without displacement. From practice it follows that most of the injuries are fractures with dislocation at the sacrococcygeal area, breaks synchondrosis between the vertebrae of the coccyx or coccygeal synchondrosis-sacral area. True closed fractures of the coccyx are rare. At the turn of the perform correction of deformity and fix the coccyx by means of the bus. It is recommended bed rest for seven days, taking vitamin complex. Recovery period with the appropriate diet for 4 weeks. After a coccyx fracture may not heal, and conservative treatment in this case is inefficient, therefore, assigned to the removal of the coccyx. In the course of estimating the degree of fracture with your fingers examine the mobility of bone fragments.

To reduce the unbearable pain, the prick of the anesthetic with a small amount of steroid drug. Prevention of injuries to the coccyx may be the ability to fall. Although injuries are difficult to protect yourself, you need to learn to be careful going on ice should resemble the walk of the penguins. Using a ladder, it is better to take steps so that the eye was at the level of the working area.

The flow in this case and the supply of the brain cannot be broken, and will be excluded loss of consciousness. In the complex treatment methods include: acupuncture, hirudotherapy, or electroanalgesia percutaneous electrical stimulation, paravertebral having, massage. In the rehabilitation period are shown restorative therapeutic exercises.