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Bend coccyx

The coccyx of the person represented 3-5 rudimentary vertebrae, and the first of them has appendages, such as that of a similar typical vertebrae, other vertebrae of the tailbone rounded shape. Sacrococcygeal joint – synchondroses with private intervertebral disc and an opening for the terminal filament a hard shell of the spinal cord.

To the coccyx are attached various muscles that facilitate the functioning of the intestine and urogenital system. The coccyx provides the strength of the tissues and organs of the pelvis. Normally it is slightly bent forward, continuing the curve of the sacrum, its the muscles and ligaments elastic. At a palpation soft springy. At the age of 17-25 years, when the sacral vertebrae are fused forming the sacrum, the coccyx becomes solid. In case of injury of the coccyx may be offset by stronger forwards, sideways, sometimes forward and to the side.

Possible double bend. Rare after the injury, the offset of the first coccygeal vertebra back and the other forward. Painful when pressed may appear, sometimes they are absent, if the injury took a lot of time. The normal location of the coccyx in the crease between the buttocks, but the injury can be so severe that the shift of the coccyx into one of the gluteal muscles, its probing in this case is difficult.

Bend coccyx disrupts physiological processes in the body, worsens exchange in myofascial structures, affects blood circulation and lymph flow in organs and tissues of the pelvis. It is therefore important to correct the defect and to launch the mechanism of self-healing. Definitely at the age of 2-3 months babies need to check the position of the coccyx.

The lower coccygeal vertebrae have a hooked shape, but during intrauterine stress, injuries and trauma during birth may be a considerable displacement of the sacrum and a more pronounced bend of the coccyx. Further, if measures are not taken this disease will progress and cause a lot of trouble, because it also changes violate the neuro muscular functions of the complex, detrimental effect on the biologically active area and the reproductive area. This changes the emotional state.

A significant shift, causing the bend of the coccyx can squeeze the blood vessels and affect the state of the brain, eventually lead to headaches and can develop some diseases. In the period of labor, the mobility of the sacrum and the coccyx is an important feature, not only for the pelvis of the woman, but also for the fetal head, which provides for the birth without injury. The lack of mobility of the base of the sacrum to the outside difficult to enter the head of the baby in the pelvis andvery negative impact on the struggles, until they stop.

Even if the baby's head passes freely into the pelvis, then the child will not be able to move because of the difficulty of movement of the base of the sacrum inward and bend the coccyx. Bend coccyx when pregnancy occurs not only in trauma, but also because of the disturbing experiences that cause stress the pelvic floor.

Pregnant women should also visit a doctor of osteopathy for the early detection of disease. For the correction of the coccyx applied osteopathic technique Rekoyl (rebound), during which the pressure on the anatomical structure and then abruptly stops the force (rebound). Elimination of the bend, including a double, runs during palpation, the impact on the tone of the internal and external muscles and ligaments of the tailbone recovers his previous form.

Pain in the coccyx when bending can be permanent and paroxysmal. Their intensity is enhanced during defecation, sitting and trying to stand up. Quite often the pain experienced in the gluteal part, in the crotch and genitals, there is a radiating in the inner thighs. The diagnosis of pain in the coccyx is simple, carried out in the first finger examination of the rectum.

In addition to the finger study is assigned to the x-ray of the Sacro-coccygeal Department, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity. After determining the extent of the injury and detect displacement of the coccyx need to wait it will be inflammation and swelling and then you can tackle the bend of the coccyx.

In acute painful symptoms in the area of the coccyx it is recommended that compliance with bed rest not recommended to sit, and in some cases you can use a special orthopedic pillow. It is impossible to take a hot bath, put on the coccyx warm headbands with warming ointments, but cold compresses relieve pain, swelling and bruising.

Contraindicated exercise, massage treatments.

You must learn to be vigilant in case of a fall on the coccyx it is better to estimate the state of the doctor, do not start the disease, its consequences are unpredictable.