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The symptoms and treatment of measles in children

Measles children are mostly affected in cold seasons and in the offseason. Like any infectious disease, measles weakens the body and contributes to the development of complications, which are often quite serious. The incubation period can last from seven days to three weeks. Infection occurs by droplets during talking, sneezing, coughing. When shared with the sick person items measles is not transmitted, as the causative agent of the disease quickly dies under the influence of environmental factors: physical or chemical.

Today, experts are increasingly recorded cases of infection among adults and older children. At the same time, children under one year old suffer from this disease is less common, as protected by maternal immunity and limited contact with other children and adults. The risk of infection to the baby increases if the mother is not sick with measles before birth and have not been vaccinated.

Symptoms of measles in children

It is known that measles is accompanied by a rash, which appears on fourth to sixth day and covers the baby's body from head to toe. Before the start of the rash it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis without special studies.

Body temperature when measles increases sharply and reaches high values, there is coryza with copious discharge of mucus or pus, the voice becomes hoarse, there is swelling of the eyelids, dry cough. The child may hurt the stomach, keep the toes in some cases there is diarrhea.

Accurate diagnosed by a doctor with the appearance on the buccal mucosa characteristic of measles grayish-white spots about the size of a poppy seed. Gradually, the child's body covered with a rash which first appears on the face and neck, and then goes to the shoulders and torso, in the least covering the upper and lower limbs.

In a few days, a rash begins to take place in the same sequence in which she appeared, leaving the skin brown spots. Symptoms during this period have also become less severe, the disease begins to recede.

For measles can sometimes differ from the typical manifestations of the disease. The disease in some cases prolonged and accompanied by serious complications, such as laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, stomatitis, encephalitis, polyneuritis, etc.

Treatment of measles in children

Treatment of measles in childrenis held in the home. The patient requires bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, taking vitamins, special skin care, oral mucosa and eyes. Hospitalization is required for atypical or severe pathological process, and in the absence of appropriate conditions for the care of the patient at home.

Several times a day the patient washed the eye cooled boiled water or a weak (2 %) soda solution, and then buried sulfacetamide or vitamin A. the Nasal passages clean and lubricated with vaseline oil, in the formation of cracks on the lips they are also smeared with special hygiene products. Mandatory compliance with all recommendations of the doctor.