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Measles vaccination for adults

Today measles children get sick quite rarely, thanks to a program of vaccination, which started a few years ago. Schoolchildren pathology began to meet less frequently, but in adults it has been recorded more often. Unfortunately, not all are vaccinated in a timely manner.

Measles vaccination for adults

National vaccination schedule reglementary the timing of drug administration and involves routine vaccination of up to 35 years. Part of a routine vaccination, you can put the shot for free, seniors pay for this service. If contact is not ill and not vaccinated persons with a sick person measles vaccination by the state.

Formulation of measles vaccine for adults is conducted in two stages, and the interval between injections is three months. If an adult is vaccinated only once, he also vaccinated according to the above plan.

The measles vaccine is combined with the vaccine against mumps, rubella, varicella. A temporary contraindication is the presence in the body acute pathological process of infectious and noninfectious origin, pregnancy, relapse of chronic diseases. In addition, the vaccine is not put in severe Allergy to the drug components (egg white, aminoglycosides), persons with immunodeficiency, cancer patients.

It is important to remember that adult patients measles occurs with multiple complications and lasts longer. Pathogen disease – measles virus – considered the most dangerous, it can be a long time to remain at a low temperature, is well tolerated over long distances and has high contagiousness if a person is not vaccinated, the risk of infection reaches almost 100 %.

The risk of measles for adults

Once in the body of the patient, the virus infects the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, eyes, causing acute inflammation in the tissues. Then, entering the lymph nodes, the agent is carried by blood throughout the body. The incubation period in most cases lasts about 10 days.

In the first days of measles can easily be confused with a little cold. The disease is accompanied by headache, fatigue, a runny nose, cough, eyelid edema, lacrimation, swelling of the face. Three days after the appearance of the first symptoms of measles, the body temperature of the patient rises to high values and almost nosubsides. Then, after about three days, the mucous membrane of the cheeks occur characteristic whitish rashes. After a short period of time the whole body is covered in a rash.

Measles is adult pretty serious threat. In severe it can cause the development of a number of complications: hearing loss, vision impairment, liver and kidney. The common consequences of the disease become bronchitis, pneumonia, and decreased immunity. Thus, to a couple of weeks spent in bed, may be added several months required for treatment of complications.

Measles vaccination for adult patients avoids this dangerous disease at any age.