Home / Treatment / Cow's and goat's milk to the child why it is harmful and dangerous?

Cow's and goat's milk to the child why it is harmful and dangerous?

After nine months of intrauterine life, the child is born into this world is in absolutely new, strange and unusual. This is very similar to the state of weightlessness. The baby needs to learn to adapt, to breathe, to move and to eat.

Mother's milk is the first product that toddler meets and eats. In the first year of life is very important to establish a feeding depends on the child's health, growth and development. Breastfeeding is the main factor of adaptation of children in the new world. Mother's milk is uniquely from nature and ideal for a child is the best option of baby food, is the surest path to health and full development. Worthy replacement to breast milk has not yet been invented.

Unfortunately, not all women have the ability and sometimes the desire to accustom the baby to the breast. In such cases it is necessary to resort to additional power sources. Their choice can become a big problem for inexperienced mothers. What kind of milk to give you, and what better to give up? Whether it is dangerous dairy products for toddlers and at what age it is recommended to give the baby's milk? Let's try to understand the issues which are likely of concern for expectant mothers and those who already know the joy of motherhood.

  • In milk goats less carbs than cow's. For a child with lactase insufficiency is good, the usefulness of this property is shown only after reaching 2-3 years of age.
  • Goat milk has more vitamins and minerals than cow's. For a product this advantage, but it loses significance, as almost all the vitamins in the process of boiling or pasteurization kills.

  • More calcium and phosphorus than cow's. The presence of these components strengthens
  • of the musculoskeletal system. It is a good prevention of diseases such as caries and rickets, however, without vitamin D calcium is poorly absorbed, and the excess phosphorus, on the contrary, is rapidly absorbed. The load on the kidneys increases markedly, and is a direct path to kidney stone diseases. The kidneys of the child are formed completely by the age of three, at this age give milk within reasonable limits. Standard - no more than one glass a day.

    Can I drink the milk of lactating mothers?

    Disputes over whether nursingthe woman to drink the milk of animals has been underway for more than a decade. Consent medical scientists have reached in respect of the first month of feeding. During this period, drinking milk is not recommended, where opinions converged.

    Further differences:

    • Some believe that regular consumption of milk during lactation is harmless, moreover, large reserves of calcium are good for the baby, in particular, for the formation of bone tissue.
    • Some believe that the milk mother's diet, breast-feeding, can cause a baby intestinal pain and colic, so it is recommended to use dairy products.

    • Still, most doctors are inclined to moderation and extreme caution. Milk can be added to tea and porridge from whole better to give up. Should not be abused and the number of, excessive, irrelevant.

    Initially, the milk of animals intended for feeding calves born. Its mission is to increase weight and muscle mass. Breast milk from women different purpose. Man is a completely different biological type of breast-feeding primarily provides polyunsaturated fats in the brain of a small child, so the animal's milk will never replace the parent.

    Goat's milk to children till year

    Some parents believe that goat milk is healthier and better cow. This is a misconception because vitamins and minerals in goat's milk even more.

    At an early age immature organs of the excretory system of the child are under extreme pressure to assimilate goat milk, which is extremely desirable for actively developing organism.

    The composition of goat milk is triglycerides and casein, their negative impact on the body is always noticeable. Any milk, by interacting with the gastric juice, is minimized. Casein milk is poorly absorbed, it turns into clumps, which are small immature stomach to handle.

    From goat milk to baby food should be abandoned. In the absence of allergies to milk is recommended after the child turns 2.5-3 years.

    Anemia is the most serious consequence of the use of goat milk when feeding baby

    In the absence of other power sources may develop megaloblastic anemia. In the body begin irreversible processes that can lead to malfunction of all vital organs. (A list of foods to increase hemoglobin)

    Can milk after a year?

    Observe reasonable limits - so you can identify the main rule with the introduction of animal milk in the child's diet after a year. Start with a small amount, cook porridge with milk and watch the reaction. It is important to know about the signs of allergies and respond to its manifestation.

    By the way, preparing milk porridge requires knowledge of certain nuances. Because of the high fat content of these cereals can harm the health. For food milk is recommended to be diluted in 150 ml milk 90 ml water. If the child has a genetic tendency to overweight, porridge without milk, just water.

    As for the age when you can safely give the baby's milk, here all individually. The main thing to remember is that the enzymes necessary for breaking down milk appear in the body after reaching two years. It is better not to risk and in case of impossibility of breastfeeding, use high-quality formula milk.

    The care and attention required when introducing milk to baby food and later in life. In the absence of Allergy, and a normal chair you can give milk, but observing reasonable limits and preferably a diluted form.

    In order to avoid the development of allergies, the child's reaction to milk it is necessary to watch always.

    What milk is best to give children?

    The use of milk during pasteurization is not lost, it only kills pathogens, but raw milk can be dangerous, especially for small children with immature digestive system. To save animals from epidemics, they injected the animals antibiotics. In America and most European countries it is forbidden, there are very strict rules and that farmers comply with them. In our country the situation is different. Antibiotics enter the body of animals, and with milk and in the human body.

    The useful qualities of pasteurized milk deprived and synthetic hormones. They are used to improve performance on dairy farms. Cows are given special drugs that increase milk yield. It gives results, the volume of milk actually grow, however, the mammary glands of cows for this are not always ready. Start inflammation, requiring surgical treatment of animals.

    In addition to pathogenic bacteria and infections in milk are pesticides, antibiotics and other harmful to the health of the child elements.

    Threat can be and raw milk. Not always for home care of the cows properly. No one will confirm the cleanliness of the hostess and the absence of animal diseases. The sanitary control is often not maintained, there is infectionand diseases that can occur without symptoms. So, if a cow is sick, it is difficult to define.

    Raw milk from domestic cows can be infectious and dangerous to humans. There is the risk of Contracting tuberculosis, brucellosis or tick-borne encephalitis. To avoid infections it is possible, for this milk it is recommended to boil.

    The disease, transmitted to humans by the consumption of fresh (not boiled) milk

    Many have heard about the miraculous properties of fresh milk. It is unique in composition and contains almost all essential nutrients. In our case, when we are talking about little children, all the risks you want to exclude. Fresh milk obtained in the same way cows are milked at home or on farms. Violation of sanitary and hygienic norms is not excluded, therefore how to be wonderful as was the fresh milk, unboiled to give his children impossible.

    Fresh milk provokes a number of serious, life-threatening diseases:

    • Leukemia;
    • Foot and mouth disease;
    • Tuberculosis;
    • Anthrax;
    • Gastroenteritis;
    • Q fever;
    • Brucellosis;
    • Tick-borne encephalitis;

    And a few more facts

    In the history of breastfeeding a lot of interesting pages. Once women who have not had the ability or desire to breastfeed, addressed the nurses.
    In the 18th century, weedy ladies, swathed in corsets, didn't want to feed their children. The environment demanded strict conformity to the fashion norms on social behavior and appearance. In these conditions, except for service providers, was found another alternative, children began to feed the cow's milk. For a long time it was actively used in baby food, but in our time, priorities and attitude to milk animals has changed. The doctors are not so friendly to this product and say out loud about the possible risks and consequences.

    About the potential harm of milk for children and adults

    Scientists from Harvard University have found a connection between excessive milk consumption and development of cancer. Women - breast cancer and ovarian cancer; men have prostate cancer.

    Opinion on the preventive benefits of milk for osteoporosis is denied. The destruction of bone tissue inadulthood cannot be prevented through diet, based on daily consumption of dairy products. Excess calcium in the milk composition of the bone tissue does not enhance. This assertion was American scientists in the study, with the participation of more than 75 thousand people. The subjects were women, they were monitored for 12 years. In the end it turned out that regular consumption of milk, with a gradual increase in the number, has no protective effect. Moreover, the fragility of bones increases markedly.

    Not confirmed and promising research about the fact that three meals daily intake of milk reduces weight. Dreaming to lose weight lost hope to lose weight, using affordable and reliable product. It turned out that the milk is powerless in combating fat, no matter how much I drink, the result will be zero.

    In the early 60-ies in Japan milk was introduced into school menus. The last 30 years in this country has increased markedly the number of patients with hay fever and dermatitis. Some scientists have linked this outbreak of milk, oxidized fats in its composition lead to the multiplication of harmful bacteria and destroy the microbiota.


    Future and already taken place mothers should know that their milk is what is needed for the child. The composition and properties of breast milk change with the age of the baby, depending on diet, time of day, psychological state. It is as if adapts to the situation and gives what is necessary for normal functioning. Of great importance is the emotional contact of the child with the mother. The baby always feels the closeness, security and trust. The condition persists for life and affects future adaptation and development.

    If breastfeeding is not possible for some reason, use the adapted mixes on the basis of milk. Protein less excess minerals there is no danger they represent. When choosing artificial mixtures takes into account the state of health and physical development of the child. No pediatrician in this matter, only a doctor can choose the best option milk mixture and give the necessary recommendations.