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Physiotherapy at lactose

Physical therapy when lactose is widely used as it is considered an effective procedure in the treatment of this disease and you can quickly get rid of the seals, preventing the appearance of infectious process and, as a consequence of mastitis. Another advantage of physiotherapy is the absence of pain and complete safety. Most often women are advised to take sessions of ultrasound to eliminate stagnation, in addition, can also be assigned electrophoresis using medicinal herbs. Together with the phenomena of inflammation can be and fissures in the nipples. If outpatient treatment is enough one procedure a day, with intensive therapy the number of sessions increased to three treatments per day.

Ultrasound at lactose

Ultrasound is used often enough, it helps to get rid of the seals. At lactose are formed painful compression in the region of the breast that is accompanied by the extension of venous vessels in the area concentrations of milk. Even after pumping in the disease disappear pain and discomfort. Ultrasound at lactose helps break up stagnant milk and allows simultaneous massage of the mammary glands.

Normalization is a process of education in the amount of milk required by the infant, is not immediately apparent. Milk arrives at mom's usually on the third day after the baby is born and often formed in a large volume that a newborn baby is simply not able to suck wholly. So, the likelihood of symptoms increases significantly in this period. Most susceptible to lactose women who have given birth to their first child, as the ducts of the mammary glands has not yet been developed, winding and narrow. Incomplete emptying of the breast in the ducts it increases the pressure, as well as within individual lobes of the body, resulting in edema and infiltration of the adjacent tissues.

Prolonged stagnation is the reverse suction of milk, which becomes pyrogenic properties, which leads to a temperature increase in the patient.