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How to avoid lactose

Lactose is characterized by a stagnant region of mammary glands in lactating mothers. To avoid lactose, you can use several simple methods.

Prevention of lactose

Lactose is characterized by unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort during nursing. The disease is accompanied by pain, seal, increase in temperature, in addition, if you do not pay enough attention to the first symptoms, the lactose may be complicated by mastitis.

The disease develops when the condition of incomplete liberation of the lobules of the breast milk. Blockage of ducts causes milk ceases to flow or flows very slowly. In the area of the breast formed a seal, causing pain during feeding, breast palpation painful, the skin on some parts of the gland can be red, the body temperature in rare cases rises.

Completely empty each slice of the breast helps correct attachment of baby to the breast. Baby needs good to take the nipple to the process of clinging and sucking was the most effective, which helps to avoid stagnation and allows the baby to get enough milk. In some cases, the symptoms of lactose disappear as soon as the mother and child will learn to organize the process of feeding, this method is often the best prevention of lactostasis.

When feeding it is useful to change position, to the emptying of each of the lobules is uniform. Share in front of the chin and nose of the child, emptying out better, so monotonous posture contributes to incomplete emptying of some shares and it happens all the time. Changing his position, the mother must seek relief from the stagnation of the share to which condensed from the excess milk.

Therefore, posture when feeding should be alternated so that during the day, the nose and chin of the child has been over all lobules of the breast. The basic poses are considered to be only three: lying "cradle", from armpit.

Also mom, remember that to provoke lactose can long breaks, so feeding is best done at the request of the child, not by the hour. In some cases, when the baby sucks at the breast every 3-4 hours, and the mother's milk a lot and she suffers from lactose, the child can be breastfed, not waiting when he's hungry, that is, in between feedings. In this case, even a small movement of milk through the ducts will serve as prevention of the appearance oflactose.

How to avoid lactose

In addition to these methods, to answer completely the question of how to avoid lactose, will help some practical tips, which you should also pay attention. Lactose can be caused by tight underwear, squeezing the duct while maintaining the breast in the process of feeding, trauma to the gland, incorrect posture of the mother during sleep. Nursing women it is also important to monitor the drinking regime, to avoid strenuous exercise, stressful situations. The likelihood of lactose increases during the full moon, in the period of solar and lunar eclipses. In some cases, the cause of lactose can become features of the structure of the breast. However, the most common cause of the disease is the appearance of stagnation, to prevent which helps the movement of milk through the ducts, so the main measure of prevention of lactose is considered to be ensuring continuous outflow of milk from all lobes of the breast.