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Treatment of fever

Treatment of fever folk remedies

Treatment of fever folk remedies can be done at home, however, it is important to remember that the fever is very frequently accompanied by severe and dangerous diseases that require immediate medical attention, therefore, to make a diagnosis and the necessary therapy should be as early as possible to show the patient to a specialist.

Treatment of fever periwinkle, willow bark, fish and lilac

The periwinkle. A decoction periwinkle is used as a folk medicine for treating fever in malaria. It not only normalizes the body temperature, but also relieves spasm of cerebral vessels. To prepare the broth should take a tablespoon of powdered leaves of the plant and pour a glass of hot water. The composition of leave to simmer for 20 minutes, maintaining the boiling solution, after which let it stand for an hour. Then the broth is filtered and taken orally for one-third Cup three times a day.

Fish tench. Fish gall bladder needs to be dried and grind into powder. One bubble eat once a day during the increase in temperature with water.

The willow bark. Willow bark is widely used in official and folk medicine for the treatment of fever. The plant is found in some medications, such as Insty (Pakistani drug based on medicinal herbs to relieve cold symptoms). In folk medicine, willow bark is used in form of decoction. For its preparation is taken teaspoon finely chopped willow bark and 300 ml of hot water. The composition kept on a slow fire until, until the solution volume is reduced to 250 ml. the Prepared drug is mixed with honey and drink before a meal once a day. Means to drink until the body temperature returns to normal.

Lilac. Infusion of lilac is prepared from 20 fresh leaves of the plant. Raw brewed with boiling water and infuse for two hours, then filter and take 100 ml twice a day for 10 days.

Treatment of fever alcoholic tincture, parsley and hops

Tincture of the herb mixture. This infusioneffective in attacks of malaria. For the preparation of the drug should take 2 hsvii flowers of wormwood, 20 g fresh leaves of lilac, 1 g of eucalyptus oil, one liter of vodka. All components and pour vodka, insist two weeks, shaking every day. On the eve of another attack, you must take one small glass of the drug once a day. When the disease begins to recede, the tincture drink one glass 2-3 times a day.

Parsley. Parsley mince and squeeze the juice, taking 2.5 kg of fresh raw materials. The juice was mixed with 150 grams of vodka and taken in the morning before eating and evening on an empty stomach with 100 ml on the second day of treatment, drink 100 ml, after which the fever in most cases, retreats.

Hops. 25 g of cones of hop , pour two cups of boiling water and infuse for two hours, wrapped container with the drug. The solution was then filter and take morning and night 50 ml for three days. Infusion is necessary to drink, lying in a warm bed.