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Treatment colored lichen

Treatment colored lichen folk remedies

Fungal diseases in recent times is quite common. Infection occurs from the sick person, through household items and personal hygiene items. At the core of the factors for the failure of a color deprive lies sweating and metabolic disorders. The fungus Pityrosporum oval resides in the stratum corneum of the skin and in hair follicles. Usually this disease affects people over the age of 15. If keratomas or, as it is called because of the powdery desquamation, pityriasis versicolor appeared necessary to take emergency measures to eliminate it, otherwise the disease will last for a long period. It begins with the appearance of randomly located spots of yellow-brown color on the skin of the abdomen, which then spread to other parts of the body become dark brown or coffee. The skin at the site of the spots covered with scales, if it is to touch a nail, then peel the pieces in the form of bran.

People's treatment of colored lichen

Summer is recommended to use the influence of sunlight, from which may come the improvement of the skin or complete cure. In order for the healing process went faster produce affected loosening of the Horny layer of the epidermis, with green soap and rubbing 10% coal-tar ointment, you can apply "Clotrimazole" 2 times a day for 3 weeks. Activation of protective forces of an organism and cure keratomycosis contribute to UV exposure and hardening procedures.

Treatment of lichen colored beets and broth durnishnika

One woman helped to heal raw red beets. She rubbed on a grater and tied to the affected area, changing compresses as it dries. At the same time, and it is also incredibly helpful, she recommends a decoction of cocklebur.

The recipe decoction of cocklebur: to fill in an enamel bowl 1 tbsp chopped herbs, pour 0.5 l water, bring to boil and boil 10 minutes on low heat. To insist 2 hours, strain and drink a quarter Cup before eating.

Treatment of lichen colored celandine

A decoction of hellebore Lobel: brewing 10 g the finely chopped roots of hellebore Lobel one Cup of boiling water, stand in a boiling water bath in a sealed container for 30 minutes. Slightly cool, strain and RUB the sore spots warm liquid in the morning and evening, 2 times a day. The course of treatment is seven days. Eat not!

The excellent properties of lilac. The collected flowers are crushed, take one tablespoon insist in 100 ml of rubbing alcohol in a dark place. This infusion rubbed the ringworm 10 days.

Treatment of lichen colored black currants

Simultaneously with the reception of different tools, you can take baths, adding to the water a decoction of black currant. In order to prepare a decoction, you can use fresh and dried leaves of black currant. Prepare the broth just leaves washed, pour water and boil on low heat for about 15 minutes. Then insist.

It is important during acute illness to observe the therapeutic mode, use the serum and sulfur mineral water. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets, it is useful to introduce in the daily diet of dairy products.