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Ringworm in humans

To what doctor to address?

If the adult or the child had discovered symptoms of ringworm, you should immediately consult a doctor. This can be a specialist dermatologist or infectious disease.

Doctor using available methods of diagnostics will confirm or deny the fact of infection and prescribe appropriate treatment. It is worth remembering that without therapy ringworm can provoke very unpleasant consequences in the form of alopecia, or abscesses, and can also be extended to other people.

In addition, it is likely that under the symptoms of ringworm disappear diseases such as: atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen planus, alopecia areata, etc.

Read more: Alopecia (alopecia) alopecia in children and adults

Treatment of ringworm

Treatment of ringworm may not be very fast. Typically, therapy takes from one month to 6 weeks. To prevent the disease passing into the chronic form, all the recommendations prescribed by a doctor, you need to perform rigorously.

Treatment must be conducted by a specialist, as attempts to get rid of the infection can also lead to chronicization process. In this case, the disease will periodically remind myself, capturing all the new skin and the scalp.

If at the time of diagnosis on the skin revealed an isolated lesion of lichen, and the patient feels well, it is possible to assign only local treatment. However, it is practiced only when the location of the rashes on the skin without downy or coarse hair. The patient is recommended in the morning, treat the affected surface with iodine in 5% concentration, and then apply antifungal ointment. In the evening before applying the ointment the skin is treated with salicylic acid.

If the body has a few plaques, the treatment of disease is carried out in a hospital. However, local therapy is mandatory complement the medication inside.

Ointment for treatment of ringworm have a thick consistency, for a long time remain on the skin, not much flow and not smeared. In addition, they are not able to penetrate deeply into the cells of the epidermis, and therefore, the risk of side effects is minimal. Their composition may include clotrimazole, ketoconazole terbinafine, miconazole.

Applying ointments is recommended to combine with the pre-treatment of the skin with iodine, as this promotes drying of lichen, providing an antiseptic effect.

Doctors prescribe the following ointment for the treatment of ringworm:

  • Salicylic ointment. It cannot be applied on the skin. Ointment has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect, once applied the treated surface should be covered with sterile cloth.
  • Sulfur ointment 10% or 10% concentration. It helps to get rid of mycotic organisms and bacteria, has a positive effect on the regeneration process of the skin.
  • The sulfur-tar ointment. Is applied to the surface and depriving the surrounding tissue. If the skin around the swollen, over ointment should apply a sterile dressing.
  • Mikospor. This ointment promotes the destruction of cells of mycotic organisms, it is necessary to apply a thin layer.

  • Ointment Wilkinson.
  • Lamisil. Destructive to fungi, and prevents their further reproduction.
  • Prescription antifungal means for the local treatment of ringworm is milk Vidal and paste lassara. They are made in pharmacy to order.

If the skin around the treatment area is contaminated, it should be cleaned. Doing this is no ordinary water, and disinfectant compositions, e.g. a solution furatsilina, potassium permanganate, miramistina.

Gels with antimycotic effect also often prescribed by dermatologists for the topical treatment of ringworm. They are quickly absorbed and does not stain clothes, so easy to use.

In addition, the gels contain a high concentration of medicines:

  • Gel Activin in 1% concentration on the basis of terbinafine.
  • Micogel the ILC, in addition to the antimycotic effect has an antibacterial effect. The main active ingredient is miconazole.

For the treatment of the scalp it is more convenient to use antifungal drugs in the form of solutions. They have good permeability and do not stain the hair. They can be used for therapy of lichen smooth skin as preparation before applying ointment or gel.

The most effective are the following solutions:

  • Vocodin on the basis of iodine.
  • Logician on the basis of iodine and glycerin.
  • The last time on the basis of 1-chloro-4-NITROPHENOL. Modern and effective tool, which has antimycotic and antibacterial action.

In addition to local treatment may prescription drugs with antifungal effect in pill form. They contribute to the destruction of the fungus from the inside. However, it is worth remembering that such remedies may recommend for admission only doctor. Although they have a pronounced therapeutic effect, antifungals can cause side effects.

Popular drugs for oral administration are:

  • Griseofulvin. Is a natural antimycotic, has a narrow spectrum of action against fungi causing ringworm. The full course of treatment is up to 15 days.
  • Orungal. A course of this drug on the basis of Itraconazole lasts up to 15 days.
  • Lamisil active ingredient terbinafine can be recommended to use for 6 weeks.
  • Fluconazole. The course of treatment with this drug is up to 8 weeks.

The effectiveness of the therapy is evaluated by using a fluorescent lamp. At the end of the therapeutic course will be re-scraping from the skin. If the fungi continue to be present on the skin of a human, the treatment or continue, or replace the drug with another.

We should not abandon the advice of a doctor to shave the hair on the lesion. This will allow not only more economical to use the product, but also to increase the effectiveness of treatment.

It is important to observe safety precautions within the family, if there are people with ringworm. To prevent it from spreading, as prevention you can use shampoos with the antifungal compounds ketoconazole (1%), pyrithione zinc (1%), selenium sulfide (1,5%), povidone-iodine.

Children with uncomplicated ringworm treatment at home. They don't have to visit educational institutions within 14 days from the start of therapy or more.