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Treatment of melanoma

Melanoma treatment folk remedies

Folk medicine in the treatment of melanoma recommends the deletion of some so-called risk factors that can lead to the development of disease from the daily life of the patient, in addition to medication based on herbal components. When working in Sunny weather outdoors is necessary in the summer to protect from sunburn body, use sunscreen, do not forget about the headpiece and goggles. It is possible to conduct a comprehensive cleaning of the body, not leaving without attention the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, blood, and also to get rid of parasites. Following certain guidelines, it is also desirable to improve the body's defenses.

Treatment of melanoma with Aconite

In the treatment of melanoma with Aconite it is important to remember that the plant is the toxic. Tincture of Aconite tubers must be taken one hour before meals three times a day. The course begins with one drop of the drug, every day increasing the amount of the accepted solution of one drop. Reaching twenty drops at a time, the dosage is gradually reduced.

Some healers believe that the maximum dosage depends on the individual patient and his health.

Half an hour later after taking Aconite, the patient should drink 100 ml of herbal decoction, mixing it with the tincture of Hedysarum from 3 ml of tincture in 200 ml of broth.

To prepare the broth take one part of agrimony, clover, meadowsweet, Wintergreen, centaury, and two parts of elder flowers and duckweed. One tablespoon of the herb collection pour 250 ml of water and boil for ten minutes, and then insist and strain. The warm solution is mixed with tincture of Hedysarum.

The infusion of the Hedysarum is prepared as follows: 50 grams of crushed raw materials infused for 15 days in 500 ml of vodka and filtered. The course of treatment is 60 days, after a fifteen-day break, repeat the course more than once.

Treatment of melanoma birch bark and fees plant herbs

The birch bark. A comprehensive treatment of the melanoma to achieve a positive outcome with the therapy may be supplemented by the recipes of traditional medicine.

Promising folk remedy for the treatment of melanoma recognizeduse of products of processing of birch bark. Birch bark consists of inner bark with brown, and white birch. In the bark contains a lot of betulin (birch camphor), as well as beta-sitosterol, tannins, dyes, it is rich in bitterness, ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, it is possible to detect and essential oil, which includes betulin, Betulinol, betulinic acid, and naphthalene dyes. Chemically birch bark was isolated belolipetckiy triterpene alcohol, belonging to a number Lupanov, concentration Betulinol it reaches 90 % or more. Betulinol poorly soluble in alcohols, soluble in hot chloroform. According to the results of Russian and foreign issledovanij, Betulinol anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, kills viruses, kills fungi, has lipid-lowering properties, as well as antiseptic, antitumor and hepatoprotective action. It anticancer and antiviral activity of substances opens new perspectives in the fight against tumors of the skin and HIV infection.

Fees plant herbs. The use of medicinal herbs may serve as a good recommendation for preventive measures. For infusion in the treatment of melanoma will need 40 g of nettle, 50 g herb hyssop, 20 g Angelica root drug, 20 g coriander fruits. Tablespoon of herb mixture pour a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour. A day need to take 2-3 cups of fresh brew.