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Infectious mononucleosis in children

The virus infectious mononucleosis in our days a frequent occurrence, especially in children. The disease is usually in milder forms, and are therefore extremely difficult to diagnose. The main feature of the virus – defeat the lymphoid tissue. In lymph nodes, tonsils, liver, spleen. It is these organs are most susceptible to mono.

Easy to carry a disease of children under the age of 2 years. Favorite victims of the mono - children over 3 years. The virus is secreted into the environment with saliva of the patient, is transmitted by kissing, using toys, and airborne droplets. The virus does not cause epidemics happen more sporadic, but in boys the disease is more common.

The incubation period may be variable and largely determined by the resistance of the organism and the immune status of the infected, lasts from 5 days to 2 months. The symptoms of mononucleosis are expressed inflammatory process in those organs, which affects the virus.

Every child has the disease is different. May increase all groups of lymph nodes, some more than others, mainly on the neck. Suffering from increase the liver and spleen. Occur inflammation of the tonsils as angina, therefore, from the first days of the disease there is a suspicion of this disease. There is swelling of adenoid tissue, the child snores appear because difficult breathing.

As with any infectious acute respiratory disease of possible specific signs such as fever, lack of appetite, pain when swallowing, fatigue and lethargy. Accurate diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis help clinical indications of a blood test. Because the Epstein-Barr special attacks blood cells and the study of detected cells, which normally there is no blood.

The so-called "atypical mononuclear cells" provoke sore throat, snoring at night nasal congestion day, enlarged liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Adults need to know that the acute period of the disease in children is on average 2-3 weeks and it's hard not undergoing treatment, all recovered. But there are advanced cases caused by a delay in diagnosis.

The lymphatic system is one of the important components in the immunity system and is very vulnerable. Its defeat leads to another infection and on the background of mononucleosis is very easy to join many diseases, such as tonsillitis, otitis media, pneumonia. So inevitablythe emergence of complications caused not by viruses but by bacteria.

The rash of mononucleosis in children

In many cases, the mononucleosis treated with antibiotics, it can be ampicillin, but in 95% of cases the rash occurs on the skin. Why this happens is still not known. A rash takes place with attenuation of acute manifestations of the disease. After the acute period of the disease and the disappearance of the main symptoms of the child remains weak and sometimes need a lot of time for full recovery of the organism, normalization of immunity and metabolism.

Sick child for six months or a year, depending on the situation, stop vaccinations, desirable limits contact with other children. Contraindicated direct rays of the sun, long drives. Treatment of mononucleosis, a symptomatic suspect methods. Only in very severe cases, prescribe hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. But mostly the healing process occurs as the flu. Need a quiet, restful sleep at night and in the daytime, diet, fresh air.

Useful lot to use a liquid for this approach herbal teas, teas with honey and lemon juice. Must be completed gargling, rinsing the nose. To reduce temperature with paracetamol, but only under the supervision of a physician. The detection of infectious mononucleosis in child care no special quarantines and disinfection is not carried out.

A fairly thorough wet cleaning, with the use of microbicides. Virus mononucleosis oncogene very active, as a consequence, the blood long is not restored. Children better to put on record to the doctor-a hematologist to regularly monitor their health.

Consequences and prevention of mononucleosis

Although the prognosis of the disease in children is favorable, there are cases of complications such as meningoencephalitis, upper airway obstruction, pathological enlarged tonsils.

Rare, but possible – bilateral interstitial pulmonary infiltration with concomitant hypoxia, complicated hepatitis, decrease in platelet count below 150·109/l and increased bleeding (thrombocytopenia), a ruptured spleen.

Common prevention measures are the same as with colds or influenza.

Special measures to prevent the disease have not yet been developed. You need to pay attention to the non-specific prevention, increase of immunological resistance of the organism to the action of different pathogenic factors.