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Signs and symptoms of chronic mononucleosis in adults

Mononucleosis or glandular fever, monocytic angina, the disease Pfeifer, etc. – a disease caused by the virus Epstein-Barr. The clinical characteristics stand out – the fever, generalized lymphadenopathy, tonsillitis, enlarged liver and spleen, characteristic changes in the blood formula. In some cases the disease can take a chronic form.

Epstein-Barr - is-lymphotropic virus the person belongs to the group of herpes viruses. It can be a long time to hide in the cells of an infected person in a dormant infection, so the source of infection is sick man or a virus carrier. Mainly affects people under 40 years after the disease all develop a strong immunity to mononucleosis.

The virus is released into the environment since the last days of the incubation period. Duration – 6-18 months. The mechanism of transmission of Epstein-Barr airborne droplets, through kissing, dirty hands, utensils, and hygiene items. Blood transfusions and childbirth from an infected mother.

There is a high degree of susceptibility to infection, but when infected may develop as the lungs, and worn out clinical forms. The infection is spread everywhere, no outbreaks, there is increased incidence in girls and 14-16 years in boys 16-18 years. In the case of infection in older age, the disease has no definite symptoms.

Because usually most adults to 30-35 years in specific immunity has already been formed, the clinical course of the disease is rare. Inhalation of air with the virus in humans, there is a loss of epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract, throat throat. Develops mild inflammation of the mucous membrane with the flow of lymph infection was spread to nearby lymph nodes, which contributes to the onset of lymphadenitis.

In the blood captures the virus In lymphocytes, and begins to actively proliferate. As a result, generated reactions of the specific nature and forms of pathological cell damage. In blood vessels the pathogen is transported around the body, reaching vital organs. Epstein-Barr lives in the human life, if the immune system is compromised, it manifests its negative impact.

Sometimes you may experience weakness, malaise, catarrhal symptoms and if you do not take action and not to establish an accurate diagnosis in such cases there is a gradual increase in symptoms. Increasing weakness,the temperature rises, there nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, scratchy and sore throat. In the acute period there is increased perspiration, intoxication.

Patients complain of aching muscles, headache, pain when swallowing. Fever torments the patient for a few days, or even a month, the current can be different. A week later, the disease must cross the acute phase. Manifest General intoxication, sore throat, swelling lymph nodes, enlarged liver and spleen.

The patient's condition can deteriorate significantly. Can be detected in the throat catarrhal, ulcerative and necrotic processes, membranous or follicular angina with intense redness of mucous membrane of the tonsils, yellowish and loose the raids. The examination detected the graininess of the posterior pharyngeal wall and hemorrhage of the mucosa.

From the first days of the disease occurs multiple lesions glands (polydentate). Swollen lymph nodes are detected easily in almost any available for the study area with palpation. The defeat exposed most often occipital, submandibular nodes. In the process of feelings is determined by the density of the lymph nodes, usually they are dense, mobile, painless or with a weak manifestation of the pain.

There is swelling of the surrounding cellular tissue, yellowness of skin and sclera, dark urine stands out and appears dyspepsia. Frequent spots, papules and various rashes, the place of their localization is different. Rash is quick, it is not itching, burning of the skin. The acute phase lasts about 2-3 weeks. Then comes the time of gradual decrease of clinical symptoms and begins the process of restoring normal functioning of the body.

Normal body temperature, disappear the symptoms of sore throat, liver and spleen regain their natural dimensions. Is that still several weeks there are signs of adenopathy and low-grade fever. In chronic recurring throughout the period of illness is prolonged.

The effects of mononucleosis in adults

Complications of mononucleosis may be absent or be very heavy, sometimes the disease ends in death. One of the reasons for death, a ruptured spleen. There are known cases of development of severe hepatitis, tachycardia, psychosis, inflammation of the kidneys.

Happen paralysis of the facial muscles, the cranial nerves.

Sometimes you have to simultaneously treat pneumonia, to combat swelling of the eyelids. Possible narrowing of the lumen of the larynx(airway obstruction) requiring urgent surgical intervention. Treatment must be carried out in a timely manner, if at the first sign of the disease to seek help to the doctor, to the effects of mononucleosis can be avoided.