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Treatment of circulatory disorders

Treatment of circulatory disorders folk remedies

Cerebrovascular disease occurs, as a rule, on the background of vascular diseases such as hypertension and atherosclerosis. In this case, the vessels being clogged by cholesterol plaques, increases their permeability, disturbed metabolism, which further significantly increases the risk of stroke.

A direct influence on the blood circulation of the brain may also have head injury, chronic fatigue syndrome, excessive exercise, diseases of the spine. The result of the progression of the disease, a person may experience sudden vision loss, the development of paralysis, loss of coordination and intellectual impairment.

Treatment of folk remedies

To the vessel were in order, use in therapeutic and prophylactic uses of folk remedies. Herbs will help, to some extent, to restore the lost abilities of the body, but they should only take after consulting a doctor.

Treatment of cerebral circulation with a mixture of tinctures made from herbs

To improve circulation to the brain you can use a mixture of extracts of medicinal herbs. To do this, purchase at the pharmacy 100 ml root tincture of Valerian, 100 ml of tincture of hawthorn berries, 100 ml of motherwort tincture 100 ml tincture peony, 50 ml of tincture of eucalyptus, 30 ml "Korvalola" and 25 ml of infusion of mint.

All the ingredients pour into a bottle (preferably dark glass) and add 10 whole cloves of columns. The bottle resealed and placed for 2 weeks in dark, cool place, shaking occasionally its contents. When ready to take the drug 3-4 times a day for 25-30 minutes before meals, diluting 30 drops of tincture in 100 ml cold water.

The restoration of memory infusion of alfalfa seed

As a result of the administration of infusion of alfalfa seed in humans improves memory. To do this, 1 teaspoon of alfalfa seeds pour warm boiled water in an amount of 100 ml and drink before meals, about half an hour. Infusion of alfalfa taken in the morning, afternoon and evening for 9 months, followed by a 1 month break and repeat the course.

Strengthening of the cardiovascular system tincture of orchids

For the preparation of effective andquality liqueur selects only the fresh root of the plant, or rather its soft tuber. It is not necessary to cut the entire plant, carefully enough to extract it from the earth, to cut soft tuber and plant the orchids in place. The following year, the soft tuber will grow back again and will bring someone else good.

After collecting 10 of these tubers, cut each of them into 2 parts and place in a dark bottle. Fill it with 200 ml of 96% alcohol and put in a dark place for 14 days. Ready tincture is taken on an empty stomach in the morning, 1 teaspoon. After about 1-1,5 month restored the affected by the stroke vessels, and the paralysis recedes.

Treatment of blood vessels and hypertension decoction of mulberry leaves

To prepare this folk remedy in an enamel pot, pour 8-10 crushed leaves of the mulberry 0,5 l of water. Thereafter, the mixture boil for 2-3 minutes on low heat and let it brew. Drink as a tea for 3-4 months, daily preparing fresh broth. As a result of reception of decoction of mulberry leaf can strengthen blood vessels, and decreases blood pressure.

Treatment of high blood pressure and cleansing the blood vessels with lemons and oranges

To normalize the increased pressure and cleaning the blood vessels from toxins used lemon-orange mess.

To do this, 2 oranges and 2 lemons thoroughly wash and remove bones, mince. In the resulting mass add 2 tablespoons of honey, mix and leave overnight at room temperature. Thereafter, the mixture was put in a jar and store in the fridge. Drug take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day until better. It washed down with tea.

The treatment of paralysis after a stroke herbal collection

To recover lost performance and get rid of paralysis, cook the cream in the following recipe. To any herbal collection, bought at the pharmacy, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons dried minced plantain, succession, mushroom fungus, celandine and Helichrysum yellow, 100 g of grains of buckwheat, oats, millet, soybean and skip all through a meat grinder.

The resulting mass fill a few cans with a volume of 0.5 l 1/3, the rest pour in the vegetableoil and put it on 2 months in not a cold dark place. As often as possible shake the mixture, not allowing the sludge. After 2 months, pour contents of cans into an enamel pan and heat to 60oC, again pour in the banks and leave the tincture for 1 month, shaking the bottle daily. When the drug is ready, it should be a day before bed (not washing up in the morning) RUB in a paralyzed place.

After 1.5 months to take a break for 10 days and then repeat rubbing 10 times a day. Again, break and again 10 rubbing. This course ends. Repeat it after 1 month and after six months.

Treatment of vascular sclerosis of the brain, shortness of breath and spasms of horseradish, garlic and lemon

To clean clogged blood vessels in atherosclerosis, getting rid of spasms and shortness of breath, you can use the following tool: skip through the frog 5 cloves of garlic, add about the same of grated horseradish and pour unrefined vegetable oil. Keep the mixture in the fridge and every time before use, mix 1 teaspoon of garlic mix with 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice. A medicinal drug is taken 3 times a day for 1-3 months for half an hour before meals. After a month break, treatment is repeated.

Treatment of atherosclerosis hawthorn tincture

Tincture of hawthorn berries will help you to get rid of insomnia and nervous overstimulation, it will lower blood pressure and reduce symptoms of hyperthyroidism. To prepare the tincture should be mashed 0.5 Cup fresh berries plants and pour 100 ml of 40% alcohol.

A bottle of tincture have 21 days to put in a dark cool place, occasionally shaking it . Ready means strain and take for 1 month 20-30 drops of tincture a day. After a break of 10-14 days, the course may be repeated.

Treatment of atherosclerosis tincture Golden mustache

Not the last role in the normalization of blood circulation play a antioxidants, which include quercetin and kaempferol, in sufficient number present in the Golden mustache. That is why preparations with this medicinal herb is quitefrequently used for treatment of various diseases of the circulatory system.

To prepare the tincture of Golden mustache take 35 milled sustavchikov plants, fill them in 96% alcohol and insist 14 days in a dark place. Before use, mix 1 dessert spoon of tincture in 1 tablespoon unrefined sunflower or olive oil, shake and drink immediately. 2 hours before taking the drug it is recommended not to eat and drink it 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating.

Thus, the mixture take for 10 days, followed by a five-day break and again ten days receiving infusions. A second break is 10 days. Alternating 5-and 10-day breaks, drink the entire infusion. If the patient during treatment there is vomiting or dizziness, the drug should be discontinued.

The treatment of atherosclerosis herbal collection

Recipe 1. Take 3 parts of ground roots of Eleutherococcus spiny, and fruits of rose hips, 2 parts of leaves of silver birch, grass, peppermint, fruits, carrot seed, grass cudweed, grass kidney tea, leaves and fruits of Cassia aquifolium, roots of burdock. All mix well and pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials 200 ml of water in an enamel pot.

The mixture boil on a water bath for at least 15 minutes, steep 45 minutes, strain and bring to the same level. Take 1/2 or 1/3 Cup 2-3 times a day after meals.

Recipe 2. Mix 2 parts powdered leaves of birch, grass renal tea, and hawthorn fruit, 1 part herbs of mint, marjoram, flax seeds, and flowers of immortelle. Pour 2 tablespoons of the herbal tea 2 cups of water, bring mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Let the liquid infuse for 3 hours and then drain. Make an infusion with herbs 1/3 Cup in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Treatment of circulatory disorders in the legs root lilac

Infusion of lilac – a strong vasodilator, so you need to use it very carefully. In the presence of a clot in the blood vessels, it can come off and then the consequences will be unpredictable. Thus, 1 g of root lilac pour 10-20 ml of alcohol and insist 21 days in a dark place. The infusion is taken only 1 timeon the day, dropping 3 drops of liquid sugar.

The treatment of varicose veins

To treat varicose veins are crushed 50 g of fruit or flowers of horse chestnut and fill them with 0.5 liters of vodka. The mixture was placed in a dark place for 14 days and shaken daily. Take a tincture for 3-4 weeks 2 times a day for 30-40 drops.

A good way to treat varicose veins is the usual ripe tomato, for which it is cut into thin slices and apply to the swollen veins. 3-4 hours used slices substitute fresh.

The treatment of thrombophlebitis decoction of hop cones

Treat thrombophlebitis, and a decoction of the cones of hops. To make this healing agent 1 tbsp. teaspoon minced raw pour a glass of hot water (200 ml) and incubated in a water bath for about 15 minutes. After cooling, the decoction is filtered through several layers of cheesecloth, drink his ZAT once.

Take it 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. At the same time on the skin with dilated veins can be applied bandage of gauze soaked in the decoction of hops.

Note on the treatment of circulatory disorders

Before you start the treatment of disturbed blood circulation folk remedies and methods, consult a doctor. Only he can determine the extent of vascular injury and possible complications, but also may suggest more effective means of treatment.