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Laid the ear with a cold, what to do?

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Stuffy ear with a cold is a symptom of multiple diseases of upper respiratory tract, such as sinusitis, ear infections that result from lesions of the mucous membranes viruses and bacteria.

This occurs most often in the period of acute colds. The connection of ear stuffiness with a runny nose due to the close proximity of the hearing concerning the respiratory system. Therefore, inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity, often give complications to the hearing aid even in the initial stages.

Causes of ear congestion with a cold

One of the unpleasant consequences of a cold is a blocked ear caused by swelling of the tissue due to inflammatory processes. Obrazujas in the nasal cavity, swelling goes into a channel called the Eustachian tube, which connects the nasopharynx with the tympanic cavity. Swelling narrows the channel, which creates feeling of stuffiness, which gives me great discomfort. To resolve this discomfort, you need to know the mechanisms of its development and causes.

So, a hearing aid consists of inner, middle and outer ear. The outer and middle ear are separated eardrum, and the latter communicates with the nasopharynx through the canal - the Eustachian tube from the nasal cavity to the ear air arrives. Air circulation supports normal blood pressure. When the swelling of the channel and narrowing its lumen pressure in the middle ear increases, the eardrum bows, there is a feeling of congestion, which disrupts a hearing aid.

The reasons that cause a stuffy ear with a cold, which can be attributed both viral and bacterial infection, and the presence of polyps (read More: nasal Polyps – what is dangerous? Is it possible to cure without surgery?) and tumors, and functional disorders of the organs of hearing. This disease needs to be treated, as prolonged congestion indicates inflammation, which is fraught with various complications, until the complete loss of hearing.

What to do if laid his ear with a cold?

If the ear congestion caused by the common cold, the treatment should be directed at addressing bothsymptoms. And since they are a consequence of another disease, most often of an infectious nature, the parallel should be performed and therapy of this disease. In other words, treatment is complex.

For symptoms of ear stuffiness is used:

  • Vasoconstrictor drops to neutralize the congestion and edema in the nasal cavity;
  • Ear drops to neutralize the swelling and relieving the inflammatory process in the ear area;
  • Compresses to the ear region;
  • Massage the ear area and the nose;
  • Exercises to equalize the pressure between the Eustachian tube and middle ear.

Vasoconstrictor drops from the ear stuffiness

The use of nasal vasoconstrictor nose drops – the fastest way to relieve congestion and swelling in the nasal cavity.

To the common vasoconstrictive drugs include:

  • Naphazoline;
  • I suffered;
  • Sanorin;
  • Glycine and many others.

The use of these funds is due to the fact that the removal of the edema from the mucosa of the nasal cavity will reduce swelling of the Eustachian tube and relieve congestion. But this effect is temporary, and because vasoconstrictor drops should be used only as a means to relieve symptoms. They should be used no more than five days, then happens addictive components included in the composition of the funds, which may complicate the patient's condition.

Anti-inflammatory drops of the ear stuffiness

Ear anti-inflammatory drops are indispensable in the fight against violations of the hearing aid.

Among the huge variety of these drugs, the most popular are:

  • Risien;
  • Rivanol;
  • Drops;
  • Otium;
  • Sulfatsil sodium.

They should be used with great caution, as many tools are very powerful and are not applicable at the initial stage of diseases of the organs of hearing. Therefore, treatment of nasal ear drops should be under the supervision of a specialist.

Packs of ear stuffiness

One of the most effective ways to treat congestion – applying warming compresses on the basis of saline solution (a teaspoon per five hundred milliliters of water), vodka or alcohol diluted to forty degrees. They moistened cotton swab or the gauze, laying in the ear canal and applied on the ear tragus – the cartilaginous projection of the external ear. The problem area wrapped with polyethylene and a warm woolen scarf or shawl.

! Datathe procedure is relevant only in the absence of purulent inflammation.

In addition, you need to gently apply the compress to soaked in vodka gauze not touch the auricle as the skin on her delicate and alcohol can cause burning of tissues. Another way of carrying out the alcoholic compresses – into the ear passage Bourne soaked in alcohol cotton. The compress should be kept in for 5 minutes, after 5 minutes break. And so continue until the General time keeping the compress will not be 30 minutes.

To equalize the pressure between the Eustachian tube and middle ear and thereby relieve the congestion by using the swallowing-reflectory and breathing exercises. Exercises are based on a deep inhale-exhale through your nose for ten to fifteen approaches. Another exercise is to try to take a deep breath, holding his nose with your fingers, it should hold swallowing. However, the effect of such exercise does not occur immediately, but helps to eliminate congestion.

Warming of the ear stuffiness

Another method that can help to relieve the ear is warming up. But this option is controversial, because there is no consensus among experts about the benefits and harms from warming the ear. The only thing you can say definitely – it is impossible to warm the ears in purulent inflammatory diseases such as severe form of otitis media. The procedure of heating is carried out with the help of heated salt or sand, and warm boiled egg. A boiled egg be wrapped with a handkerchief, heated salt or sand to fill the bag and attach to the ear for fifteen minutes.

You can try to do the massage in the nose and ears. Massage in a circular motion needs to be done with fingertips on the wings of the nose and behind the ears for fifteen minutes.

It is important before performing all of the procedures described to clear the nose of accumulated mucus by blowing your nose. All of these methods of treatment nasal ear should be under the supervision of the doctor-otolaryngologist, who specializiruetsya on the problems of the ear, nose and throat.

Answers to popular questions

  • What to do if laid his ear from a cold? To treat congestion of the ear is necessary in any case, but it is advisable to seek the help of a specialist, as severe inflammation and swelling of the middle ear and Eustachian tube can cause disruption and even loss of hearing. To ease the condition, at least temporarily possibleuse vasoconstrictor nose drops – Naphazoline, Sanorin, Vibrocil, and with the help of ear drops - Rivanola, Sulfacetamide, Otipaks. In addition, it is possible to conduct the respiratory-swallowing exercises with the squeezing of the nose to restore the pressure between the Eustachian tube and middle ear. It is also recommended to massage the ear and nasal area, put compresses and hold dry heating.
  • From what you can lay the ear with a cold? Stuffy ear during a cold is due to inflammation causing the formation of large amounts of mucus, swelling of the nasopharynx and associated auditory canal. Due to swelling, a narrowing of the channel walls, which together with an abundance of mucus disturbs the circulation of air between the middle ear and Eustachian tube, and this increases the pressure in the organs of hearing and causes of Eustachian the nasal the ear. To provoke such a process can infection, trauma, formation of polyps, pathological physiology of the respiratory system and hearing.

Read more: Causes and symptoms of otitis media how to treat it?

Prevention of ear stuffiness

When cold, the Eustachian can be considerably easier if you regularly clean the nasal passages of mucus. To do this, use the method of nasal lavage with antiseptics – salt solution, infusions of chamomile, calendula and finished medicines – Delfinom and others.

To prevent the development of edema and congestion, there should be prevention of colds:

  • To dress according to the season and weather;
  • Not to SuperCool and avoid drafts;
  • A daily walk in the fresh air, and before going to bed ventilate the room;
  • In season increase of colds (fall, winter, spring) it is advisable to avoid public places and every day before bedtime to hold a nasal wash of salt solution;
  • To take vitamins.

These simple steps will help you avoid colds, congestion and the development of many serious complications, such as meningitis, otitis media.