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Hemoglobin in children

Such a complex protein like hemoglobin, which consists of two components Gemma and globin, is the basis of red blood cells. Its functional significance for the organism is large, since he is involved in the transport of oxygen molecules from the lungs to the tissues and removes carbon dioxide and helps regulate acid-base status (KOS).

Blood protein is available in two variations: as oxyhemoglobin (together with oxygen) and reduced hemoglobin (gave oxygen molecules to tissues). If the first is primarily in the arterial blood, giving it a bright scarlet color, then the reduced protein is available in venous blood, which makes its color darker.

Naturally, the hemoglobin plays a huge role in the functioning of the body and is an important indicator of its normal functioning. That is why since birth, a person is taken a blood test, where necessarily there is an indicator such as quantitation of this protein. Pediatricians around the world rightly pay great attention to the hemoglobin in the baby's blood remained within the normal range, since its reduction is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

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Causes of low hemoglobin in a child

Depending on the age of the child, the downgrade is a vital protein can be different.

With regard to newborn babies, due to blood loss, increased destruction or the violation of production of red blood cells, the child may experience anemia:

  • A baby can lose a significant amount of blood during childbirth, it happens in the case when the starts premature detachment of the placenta or rupture of the umbilical cord.
  • Low hemoglobin level may be in the case of accelerated decay of red blood cells, thus bone marrow is unable to cope with the production of new proteins, owing to its underdevelopment. Similar phenomena are often observed in preterm children at the age of 1 – 2 months.
  • Some diseases can also lead to increased breakdown of hemoglobin, for example, hemolytic disease of the newborn. In the child's body there are antibodies that he received from his mother. They destroy the red blood cells of the fetus.
  • This hereditarya disease such as spherocytosis, is the cause of anemia in infants. Hemoglobin breaks down rapidly due to improper, spherical shape of red blood cells.

  • The cause of the rapid destruction of red blood cells can be fetal infection, received the baby, such as rubella, herpes simplex, or syphilis.
  • If insufficient intake of iron nutrition in children even with initially normal hemoglobin levels, it may decline to 6-month age group, with stocks obtained from the mother by this time, exhausted.

As for children of preschool and school age, they identify other reasons for the decrease in the level of hemoglobin in blood:

  • Most often in older age, the main reason being improper diet of the child. But it should be understood that it is not enough just to feed their child foods rich in iron content. It will be absorbed only in the presence in the body of certain vitamins and minerals (copper and manganese). As shown by studies conducted by who, this process contributes significantly to ascorbic acid. If it is available in the body the absorption of organic (contained in products) iron and in the form of drugs is very fast and almost full.
  • If children have a deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12, impaired production of erythrocytes, and as a result anemia is not long to wait. Often this is due to the fact that the baby in the period of active growth receives a few vegetables, or they are too long exposed to a heat treatment.
  • Reason for the decline in the level needed by the body hemoglobin can be various bleeding, both explicit and held in a latent form. As for the former, for girls who are in the phase of puberty is more likely to be started menstruation. If the discharge is abundant, in most cases, the level of hemoglobin decreases. But with the right approach to nutrition, receiving no additional funds are required. Also, when errors in the menu, can develop hemorrhoidsdue to even small but regular losses of blood, protein cherished is becoming less and doctors can diagnose anemia. Naturally, because of the different kinds of wounds and injuries can happen bleeding that will inevitably lower the level of hemoglobin. As for hidden bleeding, in children theycan occur in the gastrointestinal disease.

  • Another reason leading to the above problem, may be the wrong way of life, namely: if a child spends little time on the street, not moving, not involved in sports, it is natural that the exchange of substances is disturbed. This will inevitably lead to the fact that the iron levels will be low. But it is worth considering that such a reaction of the organism can lead, on the contrary, increased physical activity when the child is unbearable for a physical difficulty or too heavy sport.
  • Taking certain medicines in children, especially without medical supervision, can lead to anemia.
  • Topic: List of foods to increase hemoglobin

    Hemoglobin in children under one year

    Most often from anemia suffer those children, whose mothers during pregnancy did not bother to cure yourself from iron deficiency anemia. Naturally, it is transmitted to the baby, as his already small reserves are being rapidly depleted. The cause of early anemia, in addition to the above, can be and often catarrhal diseases of the mother during pregnancy, or if pregnancy is multiple. Thus, at birth, all indicators of the crumbs are most often normal, but the 3 month blood test will reveal low hemoglobin levels.

    Surprisingly, the myths about artificial feeding, and as a result of anemia are really myths. If the child is fully adapted formula at the level required for his age and weight proportions, and well-introduced first solid foods, iron deficiency him to threaten will not. But there are exceptions, transfer the mixture should not be too early, as very young sometimes the body is unable to break down cow protein on the basis of which is made of the mixture.

    As for some of the symptoms that children can manifest the following symptoms:

    • The skin becomes dry and may even appear small cracks, especially noticeable in the corners of the mouth. Hair and nails do not grow, fall out and break.
    • The baby is listless, tires easily, is lagging behind in development due to changes in the muscles in time begins to raise head, roll over on its side and crawl.
    • oral Mucosa is dry, you may receive the stomatitis and thrush, the appetite is often reduced, the chair is broken. And can be observed as diarrheaand constipation.

    • Observed, and mental retardation, especially if the anemia is identified. This is due to the fact that to the brain at the proper level is not "supplied" oxygen, he feels the appropriate fasting and can not be fully functional.
    • The immunity of the baby until six months old is dependent on antibodies received from his mother. Naturally, it will be reduced in those children, hemoglobin which is not at a satisfactory level. These kids from an early age is subject to frequent respiratory diseases, suffering from sinusitis and tonsillitis.

    Norma hemoglobin in a year

    The normal range important for the life of the protein can vary depending on the age of the child. The figure, which is adequate for a newborn, it will be inflated for one year old baby. That is why parents need to navigate the numbers indicating the normal values of hemoglobin of the child.

    In the first 3 days of life, the values of hemoglobin can vary between 145 to 225 g/l, and by the month they were much lower from 115 to 175 g/l. Further, since two months of age and ending with the year this number varies between 110 to 145 g/l.

    Knowing these numbers and regularly, on doctor's orders by giving blood, you can track the normal level of hemoglobin and prevent the development of such diseases as iron deficiency anemia. This disease is very insidious and may not impersonate, thus weakening protective forces of an organism of the baby. Experts say that anemia is a fairly common disease faced by many children. However, do not despair, because with timely diagnosis and adequate treatment it disappears.

    How to increase hemoglobin in infants?

    Ways to increase hemoglobin in infants will directly depend on the reasons that caused this condition.

    If protein deficiency caused due to loss of blood during delivery, then this requires immediate transfusion. If there is excessive destruction of red blood cells required exchange transfusion. Own blood gradually and slowly replaced by a donor. This procedure damaged the bilirubin and red blood cells and maternal antibodies are removed from the body of the baby. When you wantdirect treatment of anemia, prescribe the appropriate drugs glands, the development of serious symptoms is given a blood transfusion.

    Nursing mothers need to adjust your diet to include those foods that are rich in iron. Indeed, in infancy children are mostly fed only mother's milk. With the introduction of complementary foods to raise hemoglobin levels will be easier, as the child directly will be able to get iron from food, "sharing" it with her mother.

    As for preventive measures, they begin at the stage when the child is in the womb. Pregnant must register to give blood and treat anemia, if present. Infants also shown adequate nutrition, prevention of rickets and dystrophy. It is time to take measures for the treatment of intestinal and infectious diseases, and, of course, not to forget about regular donations of blood. This is especially true for at-risk children.

    How to raise hemoglobin in a child

    Depending on the severity of anemia to raise the hemoglobin of the child in the following ways:

    • If performance fell below 110 g/l, but not gone over the 100 mark, you should adjust the food of the baby and thus try to increase the level of hemoglobin. This is very important to eat not just meat products, and in combination with vegetables. So the percentage of iron absorbed in the intestines, greatly increases. But such drinks as milk, tea and coffee will be forgotten. Often, pediatricians prescribe a treatment of ascorbic acid. You should consult with a dentist, with the purpose of eliminating gingivitis, as the child may lose blood when brushing your teeth. After the power adjustments, a second blood test and if improvement is not observed, then prescribe the appropriate drugs.
    • If the indicators have reached the limit of 100 g/l, but not below 90, you should take preparations containing iron. Their choice should be treated very carefully, as to avoid many of the complications and improving the absorption should prefer a 3-valent iron contained in the tablets. Most often, the course lasts a month, then do a final blood test on Braden, if the increase in hemoglobin is observed, the preparations take another 60 days. All treatment must take place under the supervision of a physician.
    • If the performance level reached in 60 – 90 g/l, should be based on the totalcondition of the child. Depending on him or take the iron solution through the mouth, or appoint an intramuscular injection. Blood parameters control every 10 days, do not self medicate.
    • In the fall of hemoglobin is below the level of 60 g/l, administered emergency red blood cell transfusions, as these States are a direct threat to life, first and foremost, it suffers from the brain.

    It should be remembered that all the treatment is under the supervision of a physician, hospitalization is required only in the latter case, with severe anemia severity. Thus parents, it is important to remember that a balanced diet combined with regular examinations is the best prevention of iron deficiency anemia.