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Cause of acne on the face and getting rid of them

The wrong attitude of man to his health, his inattention to the first signal failure of the body, and often elementary laziness lead to a breach of sensitive customized instrument – our body, which begins to lose their capabilities and ability to heal itself and cleanse itself.

The man's face, covered with pimples and blackheads, the first signal about the violation of healthy processes in the body. Causes of acne are, alas, not superficial disorders of the skin, which we will try to remove the application of various ointments, creams, and masks.

One of the most common causes is the contamination of the whole organism. More rare causes of pimples and acne can be hormonal disturbances, but we don't consider here. Contaminated human body is primarily dirty blood saturated with toxins and impurities. The saturation of blood of harmful products occurs by sucking them through the large intestine. Removes the dirt the body primarily through the kidneys and liver. And when these organs cannot cope with the purification of the blood, the body begins to remove harmful substances through the skin. But the skin also has a certain resource at the cleansing of the body, and if he has a daily output increased amount of toxins and waste, then very soon the pores begin to get clogged and the skin can no longer cope with the purification of the body from the inner dirt. The facial skin is inflamed, it begins to multiply pathogenic microbes, and formation of pus pimples and acne.

Contamination of the body starts primarily in the gut. It clogged poor quality and improperly prepared food, and eating wrong food, not digested by the body. Clog the intestines and poison the body everyday constipation, bad habits, bad habitat, dirty water. Consider the reasons for the blockage of the organism and possibilities for their elimination.

You can not buy even a little rotten vegetables and fruits. They are completely amazed by the products of putrefaction and even after heat treatment will cause only harm to the body. No need to buy fruits and vegetables containing the toxic nitrates. Be aware that all canned food and food in nakatannyh metal cans, are prepared at very high temperatures. Intestine poorly absorbs such products and partially besieges them in the folds of the colon, clogging it. Over time particles stick to the walls of the colon, lose water, turning into fecal mass, and rot there for years, highlightingblood toxins.

It is important every day to eat porridge or coarse fiber foods (cabbage, beets, carrots, zucchini, etc.). These foods contain many nutrients that feed our skin. This food is plentifully moistened with bile and is progressing well through the intestines, which contributes to its timely evacuation, eliminating constipation. Constipation food remnants are not removed in time and score the folds of the colon, where they begin to rot, poisoning the body. You need to eat more greens and fruits: they contain vitamins and minerals. This is a useful nutrition for the body in General and skin in particular.

Your daily diet need to include fruits, oils, and products having antiparasitic properties. It's bananas, citrus, pomegranate, red grapes, pumpkin, its seeds and pumpkin seed oil. Also invaluable for the wealth of vitamins pine nuts and pine nut oil, very useful sauerkraut, flax seeds and flax oil. Parasites living in the body and the gut, have the ability to multiply rapidly and release enormous amounts of harmful products in your life. Their toxins are absorbed from the intestine into the blood and spread throughout the body, poisoning it.

Fried food contains dangerous carcinogens and harm the person, so never eat such food. The human intestine poorly absorbs meat broths and subjected to hours and hours of boiling, the soup at this soup the intestine is not digestible. Food ready to eat immediately, and do not use it for a few days. Old food harmful to the body and is poorly digested.

Drink fluids (tea, water, juice, etc.) necessary for 30 minutes before eating or two hours after eating. The liquid dilutes the gastric juice, and food is digested completely. The remains of undigested food deposited in the folds of the colon and rot there. Try to drink plenty of spring and artesian water and cook them meals. Water from the taps in apartments contains a lot of impurities, dirt and harmful for drinking.

Protein and carbohydrate food is better to eat separately. Meat is digested in an acidic environment, and carbohydrates – alkaline. The joint use of proteins with carbohydrates acid neutralises the alkali and the stomach is forced to allocate 20 times more than normal gastric juice. Part of food not digested fully and clogs the intestines. You can first eat a carbohydrate food (side dish, cereal, pasta), and after 1.5–2 hours to eat protein foods (meat, fish, chicken, eggs, beans).

To quicklyto rid the body of toxins, you need to clean the intestines. Enemas removed from the walls of the colon with years of rotting food residues (slag). Method of cleaning enemas are well described in the books of Hope Semenova ("Cleanse yourself from parasites and live without parasites", "overweight"). Only by having a clean colon, you can often visit the baths, where the steam showers unclog pores of the skin. Steam treatments allow to remove harmful substances from the body and skin through sweat.

Smoking, drugs and alcohol are the hardest to destroy and poison the body, inhibit poisons and toxins, all body organs, clog up and old skin cells. The body cannot be healthy until the person will not give up these bad habits.

If you exclude the above factors harmful to the body, clean the intestines and give up bad habits, begin to eat nutritious food will no longer expose yourself to stress, will start to visit bath more often to be in nature, will get rid of pimples and acne, attain healthy and beautiful skin, and parted with other diseases in your body. Do not be lazy to look after yourself, love your body and not abuse it.