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Treatment of pulpitis

Pulpitis treatment of folk remedies and methods

Treatment of pulpitis propolis

Pulpitis is a serious disease whose treatment should be a doctor-dentist. But traditional medicine knows some of the ways in which the course of pulpitis will become more favorable. For this you can use propolis. Take a little of this substance (about the size of a pea) and put it on the tooth. On top of propolis applied with a cotton swab. Such a simple procedure should last about twenty minutes.

Folk healers recommend rinsing based on propolis and calamus. Tablespoon of plants mixed with one teaspoon of tincture of propolis, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. To rinse it softer, you can add this mixture in boiled warm water (two tablespoons). The procedure itself should not last more than three minutes. The pain will become weaker due to the Ira is also, which also has disinfectant properties. Propolis also serves as a kind of "cement" for the patient's tooth. The course of treatment is 30 days, though the pain should pass on the third day.

Treatment of pulp with hydrogen peroxide and lemon

At pulpitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity it is recommended that effective means of traditional medicine – a paste of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice. Baking soda (half a teaspoon) mixed with pharmacy hydrogen peroxide solution (15-20 drops) and lemon juice (5 drops). It is necessary to moisten this mixture with a cotton swab and wipe the gums and teeth from all sides. This recipe not only promotes healing, but also help to whiten teeth and eliminate bad breath. Also for the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity rinsing is carried out with hydrogen peroxide (2 teaspoons) diluted with warm boiled water (50 ml).

To relieve the pain with the help of baking soda and water (one teaspoon to 200 ml).

Treatment of pulpitis by rubbing

To get rid of pain and reduce inflammation during pulpitis by using rubbing of fresh vegetables and herbs. For example, back in the old days the toothache was removed by applying 20 minutes to the affected with pulpitis of the tooth piece of red beet, or invest in the ear with the patient by plantain (root).You can also clean the aloe from the skin and apply it to the gum of the affected tooth. Anti-inflammatory properties of aloe Vera will help to relieve the pain and stop the spread of infection.

The gums near the aching tooth folk medicine recommends to RUB the juice of garlic.

Another good tool that can help in the treatment of the disease, is a thick mixture of olive oil, powder from dried banana skins and sea salt. It lubricate the gums and not saliva splevyval released within ten minutes. The procedure should be repeated twice a day – morning and before bedtime.

Can be applied to the aching tooth fresh pork fat or a piece of moistened with saliva bread.

Treatment of pulpitis healing infusions

To cope with toothache when the pulp help extracts from medicinal plants. Apply them like lotions and rinses.

For example, the popular remedy is a warm decoction of sage. You can also make mint leaves and raspberries, for three days infused wine vinegar (30 g). In a Cup of boiling water folk healers brewed powdered dry root of chicory. The potion brewed for ten minutes and rinse it tooth.

Tincture of horseradish and vodka soaked cotton swab and apply to gums near affected tooth pulpitis. You can prepare a decoction of onion peel (3 tablespoons of raw materials Cup of boiling water). Similarly prepared chips and pumpkin or aspen.

Thus before using any of the methods should consult a dentist only after fulfilling all the prescribed person will be able to return the health of the teeth and maintain a beautiful smile.