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The treatment of purulent wounds

The treatment of purulent wounds with folk remedies

The treatment of purulent wounds with lotions and poultices

Purulent wounds , it is necessary to clean and wash. This traditional medicine uses a variety of lotions, poultices and washing.

1. For irrigation and lotions use aloe juice, which has strong anti-inflammatory action. For this and cranberry marsh, the juice and pulp of berries which have healing properties.

2. The purified juice of fresh leaves of lilac, you can moisten a bandage and applied to purulent wounds for a couple of hours.

3. To stop the bleeding, to provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect able grape leaves. They need to be crushed, so they let the juice. From this pulp the bands to change that should a couple of times a day.

4. Blueberry leaves brewed in boiling water, used as lotions and irrigations fresh purulent wounds.

5. Clotted blood and pus from wound edges will help to remove gadgets from sauerkraut or brine.

6. Resorption of purulent abscesses contributes to the onion.

7. Steam young leaves of plum and periodically apply them to the festering wounds.

8. Healing powers have pounded fresh leaves of buckwheat. They will help with purulent wounds and abscesses.

9. Folk medicine recommends in purulent wounds used as lotions grated carrot, or its crushed leaves.

10. Softening the purulent wound will help lotions from herbs and roots of Melilotus officinalis.

11. Fresh juice and an extract of radish is suitable for the treatment and healing of suppuration.

12. To disinfect a festering wound can leaf extracts of plantain, of burdock, beet and alder.

13. To treat ulcers and sores can poultices of calendula. The decoction is prepared as follows: 20 g flowers are brewed in boiling water (200 ml). The infusion must be maintained for at least three hours.

14. A couple of tablespoons stigma of the saffron pour a glass of water and boil for half an hour. This broth is washed and moistened the surface of purulent wounds.

15. If a purulent wound is not healing for a long time, use lotion from the leaves of eucalyptus globulus. To do this, make a decoction (30 g leaves per Cup of boiling water), cool and strain it. The broth is diluted with water (200 ml broth per 1 litre of water) and is used for baths and washing.

16. Also for lotions use alcohol tinctures. Vodka can be infused fir (100 g bark on 200 g vodka;should insist for a week) or nettle (litre bottle should fill with cleaned nettle leaves and fill with alcohol and then push for two weeks in a well lit area).

17. Sores it is recommended to treat poultices and lotions from strawberry leaves.

18. To clean the blood and disinfect the purulent wound will help the lotion from the juice of wormwood.

19. Will help in the treatment of purulent wounds lotions of decoction of rose hips (flower and fruit). They also have a strong antiseptic that will prevent infection of the wound.

20. A decoction of the bark of an elm tree globalising wash wounds because it is doing to them gadgets.

The treatment of purulent wounds with ointments and oils

For the treatment of purulent wounds, there are many folk methods, among which an important place is occupied by medicinal ointments. To cook them could be anyone. Give a few good recipes.

1. For lubrication and compresses on a festering wound, a mixture of boiled vegetable oil and lime infusion. Linking components is necessary only when the oil is barely warm.

2. Mix 80 g bee honey, 20 g xeroform and 20 g fish oil. Pre-clean the festering wound and apply the ointment with a bandage for a day.

3. Infusion of Hypericum in olive oil suitable for lubrication of purulent wounds: the faster they heal. In the refrigerator it may be kept for a long time.

4. Mullein scepter-shaped (5 pieces) mix with butter (10 parts) and smeared with purulent wounds and ulcers.

5. Dry grass Sedum (part 1) need to grind into powder and mix with butter or vaseline (4 parts).

6. Connect one tablespoon of powder of dried leaves and flowers drop caps and nettles, add beeswax (20 g), pine SAP (20 g ) and one teaspoon of aloe juice and your role. Then put in the mixture an eighth of a teaspoon of burnt alum, and pour the collection in boiling chicken fat. Cook for the cure needs at least one and a half hours on a slow fire, stirring constantly, to not burnt. The mixture is then tsedyat through cheesecloth and studyat. A thick layer apply a potion to the bandage or cheesecloth and attach to a festering wound. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

7. Good outside folk remedythe treatment of purulent wounds are the ointments based on honey. You can combine honey with pork fat in the ratio 6:2 or with fish oil and xeroform in the ratio of 8:2:2. The ingredients are well mixed and superimposed with a bandage to clean the wound purulent. The day one procedure is enough.

8. Give a recipe ointment for large festering wounds. You will need a tablespoon of goat fat, half tablespoon salt and one tablespoon finely chopped onion. The ingredients are carefully rubbed down and applied the ointment to the affected area. From above it is necessary to apply a bandage. This medicine cleanses the festering wound, so do not be afraid of severe pain in the first time. Until the wound is fully cleansed, the dressing was changed every day.

The treatment of purulent wounds by the powder

1. To purulent wound quickly cleansed and healed, it is possible to sprinkle crushed to a powder the roots of calamus.

2. Useful sprinkle of purulent wounds with pine pollen or powder from dried leaves of cherry.

3. If you dry the leaves of nettle nettle and grind them into powder, to cure sores, ulcers and boils. Similarly also use the leaves of betony, and flowers of podromanija.

4. Another popular tool that can help in the treatment of purulent wounds, is the powder of the roots of gentian perekrestnolistnaya.