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Treatment stretching

Treatment muscle sprains folk remedies

Treatment muscle sprains tansy and cornflower

For the treatment stretching of muscles and ligaments, bruises and sprains folk medicine recommends the use of a tansy ordinary. Inflorescences of the plant are ground and added 3 tablespoons to a Cup of boiling water. The cure will be ready in an hour: strain it and use for lotions and compresses.

For internal use is well suited cornflower twisted. From its flowers used for the infusion: 3 teaspoons of flowers plants pour boiling water (500 ml), kept for an hour, referring to himself and drink half a Cup three times a day. When you sprain this folk remedy is very effective.

It is also useful to RUB the place of injury alcohol tincture of Arnica Montana. 200 ml of 70-degree alcohol must 20 g the crushed flowers of plants.

Treatment muscle sprains barberry and milk

Stretching the muscles and ligaments, sprains and contusions take a decoction of the root and bark of barberry. To make it you need milk: half a teaspoon of powdered bark, roots and twigs of barberry add to the pot with milk (250 ml) and boiled for half an hour. You should drink a teaspoon of medicine three times a day.

Also hot milk compress: gauze folded in four layers, wet in hot milk and applied to the affected area of the body, covering of top compress paper and wool scarf. When the gauze to cool, compress need to change.

Use for compresses and the infusion of elecampane: grind the root of the plant and pour 3 tablespoons of boiling water (250 ml). The drug must be infused for at least 20 minutes.

Treatment muscle sprains clay

A popular folk remedy in the treatment of sprain of muscles and ligaments are gadgets out of clay. To perform the procedure, take a piece of linen cloth, roll four times and apply a smooth wide clay layer with a thickness of two to three centimeters.

You can also prepare a lotion in a different way: clay (100 g) diluted in a liter of water and mixed with Apple cider vinegar (5 tablespoons). A linen cloth is moistened with the solution, wring out and apply to the sore spot.

Beforehow to put lotion, wipe the damaged area with a damp towel. Applying the poultice, make sure it was tightly secured. Tie the bandage with a woolen scarf or scarf.

The procedure lasts about three hours. When the lotion dries and heats up, it needs to be replaced. Before you apply a new lotion, wash the sore spot with warm water. On the day the procedure was repeated two or three times.

Treatment muscle sprains onion and wormwood

Use for the treatment of sprains consisting of a slurry of onions: take required quantity of fresh and baked onion should be crushed, mixed with sugar at a ratio of 1:10 and to make lotions to the affected area. The procedure should last at least five hours, after which the bandage is replaced by a fresh.

To relieve the pain of sprains and dislocations can crushed leaves of wormwood. Also bandages can be made from the buds of black poplar (black poplar): half Cup of dry raw pour boiling water (200 ml) and leave for half an hour. Apply to the skin of the kidneys black poplar, linen cloth moisten in the infusion, wrap it sore spot on top of the kidneys. Change the compress as it cools down.

Lubricate the sore spot folk medicine recommends the infusion of lavender flowers (1 part) and sunflower oil (5 parts). Such a remedy is pushing at least 30 days, but it will become very useful, as it is used to treat bruises, sprains and strains.

Treatment of muscle strain cuff and agrimony

Sprains, strains and contusions are treated with common cuff. She is also able to relieve puffiness and swelling. The leaves of this plant (100 g) pour half a liter of boiling water and put to infuse for 4 hours. Then the drug tsedyat and make of it compresses. The procedure should last about half an hour.

In this way cook also the repeshko ordinary. Dry agrimony (3 tablespoons), pour a pint of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. The drug tsedyat, add water to volume was again about 500 ml, and used in the form of lotions and compresses. This tool also can relieve fatigue of the feet or hands, making baths.

Its medicinal properties known to the elder: its green berries are boiled, mixed with a tablespoon of baking soda, studet and do baths for damagedlimbs.

Treatment muscle sprains garlic and potatoes

Products that contain garlic, will become your indispensable assistant in the treatment of sprain of muscles and ligaments. Give a few recipes of such medicinal drugs.

1. Mash the garlic on a grater or chop using spadefoot toad. Mush boil in lard, add the fresh eucalyptus leaves (crushed leaves), strain and RUB the sore spot.

2. 7-10 cloves of garlic chop using spadefoot toad, pour the mush with Apple cider vinegar (500 ml) and vodka (100 ml) and put to steep in a dark cool place for two weeks. From time to time shake the medicine. When the time, strain the infusion and add 20 drops of eucalyptus oil. Thoroughly mix the infusion and use as a tool for compresses.

3. Prepare and refrigerate the infusion of garlic, soak it in a linen cloth and press on it a lemon. Apply to the affected joint as a lotion for sprains and bruises. Replace the compress when it becomes warm.