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Rheumatic modern and folk remedies

Rheumatism is a systemic disease of connective tissue and blood vessels, which has infectious-allergic nature. The disease develops most often as a complication of acute streptococcal infection in children and adolescents from 7 to 15 years, but rheumatic fever can attack the body of an adult, especially the elderly, with weakened immune systems.

There are five options for the localization of the rheumatic inflammatory process:

  • Rheumatic heart disease – affects all shells of the heart: pericardium, endocardium, but the myocardium;
  • Repopulated – articular form of the disease;
  • Revocarea – rheumatic vasculitis of small vessels of the brain;
  • Rimarima – cutaneous form of the disease;
  • Remaplimit – rheumatic inflammation of the bronchi, lungs and pleura.

In very rare cases may develop rheumatic peritonitis internal organs, as well as removepath or removerit. But usually the infection gets to the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

If there is a suspicion of rheumatism, treatment should be started immediately, because this disease is dangerous to their formidable complications, first of all, development of severe heart disease. Treatment of rheumatism in children and adults is engaged in the doctor of relevant specialization in rheumatology. And today we will tell you all about the modern treatment of this disease folk methods of treatment sanatorium-resort activities and the best diet for the sick.

The content of the article:

Treatment of rheumatic fever in adults

An experienced rheumatologist during the first stage of treatment of rheumatic fever throws all the forces to the suppression of streptococcal infection, as it was the main reason for the development ofdisease. Second in importance after antibiotic therapy is hormonal therapy, as too intense a current inflammatory process can lead to irreversible destructive changes in the heart. The third most important place you can put immunomodulatory therapy, health resorts and physiotherapy treatment, clinical supervision, tempering - in a word, all measures necessary to prevent recurrence of rheumatic fever and the patient returns to a healthy, active life.

Treatment of rheumatic fever in adults is performed in three steps:

  • Therapy in the hospital (1.5-3 months);
  • Treatment in special sanatoriums, suffering from cardioreumatologic direction;
  • Regular visits to the outpatient clinic for dispensary.

Medical therapy of rheumatism

In the basic structure of the program included Antirheumatic antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, corticosteroid, antihistamine, analgesic, immunomodulatory drugs and cardiac glycosides, NPVN (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of new generation), vitamins, potassium and magnesium.

The main goal of hormone therapy is to avoid development of pancarditis, total destruction of all membranes of the heart. For the relief of acute inflammatory process the patient is under constant dynamic ECG monitoring for 10-14 days administered corticosteroids: prednisone or methylprednisolone. Strengthen anti-inflammatory effect can be drugs like diclofenac: diclobene, dicloran, voltaren. Take them either orally (in pill form), or rectally (in suppositories).

A new word in the non-hormonal treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs): aerial, Ketonal, NIMULID, ambene, nimesil, celebrex. The last drug in a dosage of 200-400 mg/day is the optimal choice, since it combines high efficiency and complete safety – celebrex almost no side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, unlike other anti-inflammatory drugs.

To eliminate the root causes of rheumatic fever, a streptococcal infection, the following types of antibiotics are beta-laktamnogo number:

  • Amoxicillin – 1.5 g three times a day;

  • Dentists – the same;

  • Sensationnelle – injection in case of severe side effects from the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration of penicillins;

  • Cefadroxil –or another antibiotic of cephalosporin, 1G twice a day in case of intolerance to penicillins.

Treatment of persistent and often recurrent rheumatic fever is carried out with the use of cytotoxic immunosuppressants: azathioprine (imuran), chlorambucil, endoxana, 6-mercaptopurine. The chlorambucil is prescribed 5-10 mg / day, and the calculation of the remaining drugs in this group is based on the body weight of the patient: 0,1-1,5 mg/1 kg of Immunosuppressants is an extreme measure that has to go to suppress an inappropriate giperreakcia immunity to the pathogen.

In addition to these medicines for the treatment of rheumatic fever in adults used cardiac glycosides, drugs for the prevention of heart metabolism (Pompano, Mildronate, taurine, phytorelax, instenon, Trimetazidine, onginal, molsidomine, hawthorn extract), as well as medications, saturating the blood with potassium and magnesium (Panangin, magnerot, asparkam).


Heavy patients with bed eat a diet low in fat and carbohydrates, a complete rejection of salt and reduce fluid intake to one liter a day. If there is a strong sweating, small amount of salt is still added to food because the sodium chloride helps retain moisture in the body.

The diet of a patient with rheumatism enriched with vegetables, fruits and fresh juices. Fish, poultry and lean meat boiled, baked or steamed. One day I make a mono-discharge: the patient eats only yogurt, potatoes, salad, apples, cheese, milk or dried fruits.

Eat for rheumatism should be small portions 5-6 times a day, avoid spicy food and sauces, to abandon baked goods and foods that cause fermentation and flatulence (cabbage, grape juice, legumes, fatty whole milk, lemonade).

Find out more: Diet and nutrition in rheumatoid arthritis

Balneotherapy – the best Spa treatment of rheumatism

Mineral water gently and naturally regulate hemodynamics, increasing cardiac output and normalize the heartbeat, so balneotherapy is recommended as the optimal completion of the main phase of treatment of rheumatism. Stay in the seaside resort positive effect on General health and mood of the patient, and this is very important for a successful recovery.

Balneotherapy for the treatment of rheumatism use the following types of mineral waters:

  • Radon;
  • Sulfide;
  • Sodium chloride;
  • Carbon dioxide;
  • Bromine;
  • Nitrogen-silicon

If the background of rheumatism the patient developed mitrale-aortic heart defect, he's better suited for carbon dioxide and radon baths, which effectively restores hemodynamics and normalize the heart rhythm. Patients in persistent remission is shown of an application of therapeutic mud in the area of joints affected by rheumatism.

On topic: the List of modern drugs and medicines for joints

Balneotherapy has a comprehensive positive effect on the exhausted body disease: strengthens the immune system, activates the endocrine glands, improves digestion and stimulates good appetite, eliminates insomnia, weakness and apathy. Only patients with heart failure stage 2A and above, as well as patients with aortic heart disease the stage SN and the above balneotherapy, unfortunately, is contraindicated.

Treatment of rheumatism in a sanitarium should not be limited to receiving healing baths and drinking the mineral waters. Useful walk in the fresh air, moderate physical activity, stay on the beach, because by itself, the Maritime climate has an amazing influence on the diseased organism. To magnify the effect of balneotherapy can be vitamins, minerals and drugs that feed the heart and strengthen the immune system (of which we mentioned above).

Dispensarization of patients with rheumatism

When the main phase of treatment of rheumatism left behind, you will need to visit your rheumatologist or local therapist to at the first sign of remission to take urgent action. Close monitoring of the patient's condition rheumatism and preventive courses receiving support preparations are the key to sustained remission.

Clinical examination with rheumatism for several tasks:

  • Control of the patient's condition and rapid response to any changes in his condition;
  • The appointment of agents to normalize the blood circulation and heart support, if necessary;
  • Consultation with the surgeon and surgical operations on the heart, if required;
  • Analysis of working capacity of the patient and the decision of questions of assignment of disability group;
  • Recommendations on lifestyle, nutrition, training and physical activity.

Treatment of rheumatism in children

Unfortunately, arthritis often chooses his victim and childrenadolescents and, in these patients in adulthood and old age the disease usually recurs, and deals a new blow to the joints and heart. Of patient with acute rheumatism, I generally have to put in the hospital for passing a long (1.5-2 months) of treatment. The therapeutic tactic is chosen individually, based on the location, severity of the inflammatory process and the degree of destructive effect on the heart. Treatment of rheumatism in children is not only medications, but also special physical therapy and a special diet. But – all in good time.

Drug treatment of rheumatism in children is performed using the following preparations:

  • Analgin or amidopirina , with 0.15-0.2 grams for each year of a child's life in a day, but not more than 2.5 grams;

  • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) of 0.2-0.25 grams per year of life per day;

  • Sodium salicylate – 0.5 grams for each year of life per day, the dose divided into 4-6 receptions and after decrease acute symptoms of rheumatism to gradually reduce, but not earlier than a month after the first attack of the disease;

  • Phenylbutazone – children under 7 years 0,05 g three times a day, from 8 to 10 years – 0.08 g, and adolescents over 10 years – 0,1-0,12 g.

In contemporary practice of treatment of rheumatism in children often used a combination of drugs and pirabutol reopirin, which contains and aminopyrine and phenylbutazone. Dosage is also calculated based on the age of the child patient.

On the first, acute stage of rheumatism to overcome the inflammatory process and to prevent irreversible damage to the membranes of the heart is possible only through synthetic hormones – corticosteroids. The most popular representatives of this class of medicines for the treatment of arthritis: voltaren and indomethacin (indomethacin). Hormonal therapy is carried out at least a month.

Therapy sluggish rheumatism in children

If the disease develops very slowly and is not yet causing noticeable damage to the heart muscle, it is possible to avoid administration of corticosteroids and hormones is to use drugs from the group of chlorophenol – or plaquenil delagil. The dosage is calculated by body mass: 0,5-10 mg per kilogram.

A child older than seven years, it is still appropriate to appoint a hormonal drug to suppress the inflammatory process: prednisolone, dexamethasone, triamcinolone at a dose of 10 to 20 mg per day, depending on age, weight and nature of the course of rheumatism.

If the body has a concurrent infectious processes, for example, colds, in addition tocorticosteroids administered a 14-dnevny a course of antibiotics. The choice of drug is left to the discretion of the attending physician and depends on the type of infection.

In addition to medical treatment, apply dry heat, warming Solux, ultraviolet radiation and UHF. Sluggish rheumatism in children does not require a permanent stay in a medical hospital is generally a child is treated at home and visits the treatment room.

Therapy of acute rheumatism in children

If the child has a diagnosed pathological changes in the cardiovascular system and circulatory failure, he shows the treatment of a group of glycosides: 0.05% sodium strofantina, extract of digitalis (0,03-0,075 g three times per day), of 0.06% solution korglikon. In addition to the glycosides, for the treatment of acute rheumatism in children diuretics are used: Favorit and aminophylline.

When revocarea to the standard set of antibiotics and corticosteroids is advisable to add B vitamins (especially pyridoxine 50 mg per day) and vitamin C in glucose solution (1 ml of 5% solution in 10-15 ml of 20% aqueous solution) to maintain the body; the introduction is carried out by intramuscular injection, a course of 10 days.

For the relief of pain and blunting the severity of symptoms in the treatment of acute kids used novocaine and preparations of the groups of antihistamines: claritin, cethrin, loratadine.

The treatment of acute rheumatism in children usually takes from a half to two months. Then the baby another couple of months to send in sanatorium-resort institution, gain strength and recover from a serious illness. Despite the final recovery, all the kids who have had rheumatism, create a special medical card form No. 30, which is stored in the clinic at the pediatrician serves as a constant reminder of the special status of the child patient.

Modern methods of treatment of rheumatism let in 85-90% of cases to count on the full recovery of the child, but 10-15% of children do not manage to avoid the development of heart disease. If such a misfortune happens, will have the rest of your life to avoid physical exercise, adhere to a special diet and take maintenance drugs. That is why it is important to promptly raise the alarm and contact your doctor at the first signs of the terrible disease.

The 5 most effective remedies for rheumatism

Turmeric will ease the pain

A substance called "curcumin", which is extracted from the popular spice turmeric, is able to exert a therapeutic effect on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, obtained in the result of many research data prove the fact that curcumin eliminates the inflammatory process that occurs in some types of cancer, helps treat psoriatic lesions, intestinal disease, Alzheimer's disease. The substance has built up a reputation as a fighter with autoimmune disorders and chronic pain.

A study was conducted which analyzed the condition of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Scientists watched them for two and a half months. At the same time, the group of patients who took curcumin, pain symptoms decreased by 44%.

In another group of patients, where the ongoing reception of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (diclofenac), there was a decrease in pain symptoms by 42%. When you consider that rheumatoid arthritis affects about 1% of the population of the globe, then such an experiment are very good value. Because treated disease hard and long, exhausting patients with their symptoms and complications.

Propolis rheumatism

Most people know that propolis is a product of bees, which is actively used for the treatment of a variety of diseases. It is effective and against rheumatism. The benefits of using recipes based on propolis are their safety, low cost and ability to use at home. c

  • Recipe 1. You need to take propolis and form a cake. It is applied to the sore spot on the night time. So the cake was warm, need to top wrap it with a handkerchief and fix securely.
  • Recipe 2. Need propolis grind and pre-cool it and then grind it on a grater. After, the resulting milled mass is filled with wine with alcohol and placed for 10 days in a dark place. During this time the product should be shaken and withstand. After the past 10 days, the tincture is placed for 10 hours in the refrigerator and filtered. In rheumatism it is used in the form of packs, pre-moistened with tincture wrapped in several layers of cheesecloth. It wrap painful joints, top to further insulate and leave for the night. This compress is useful for the regeneration of damaged tissue disease, increasing blood circulation. However, caution should be applied to damaged areas of the skin, as this may intensify the irritation and pain.

  • Recipe 3. Of propolis can be prepared ointment, which is due to analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties alleviate the symptoms of rheumatism. It is necessary to take vaseline (about 100 g), heat it, and it's time to grind 10 g of propolis. When the jelly is warmed up, it cooled to 50 degrees and put the prepared product of beekeeping. The resulting mixture is put on fire and boil for 10 minutes under a lid. After cooling, the ointment is filtered through gauze and apply on affected areas twice a day – morning and evening hours.

Find out more: the most effective method of administration of propolis

Omega-3 reduces inflammation of the joints

In the use of polyunsaturated acids omega-3 no doubt. Its ability to relieve inflammation in the joints in many diseases (rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis) is proven.

The use of omega-3 reduces joint pain and inflammation is removed by 50% or more.

Its action is due to three main mechanisms:

  • Acid improves the composition and functionality of the intra-articular lubricant. Helps to some extent to avoid age-related changes and to preserve the elasticity of the ligaments and tendons.
  • Omega-3 slows down the irreversible process of disintegration of the collagen fibers, forming part of the cartilage of the joint. This process intensified with the development of the inflammatory process and the presence of degenerative diseases.
  • Omega-3 reduces the activity of most inflammatory reactions in the joint tissues.

Therefore, it is important to take omega 3 not only during the development of the inflammatory process, but also for the prevention of diseases of the joints.

Find out more: interesting experiments and research of the amazing benefits of omega 3

The roots of Aconite from rheumatism

The most radical people's method of treating rheumatism is homeopathy with the use of poisonous Aconite,considered the most effective means. Natural poison, penetrating into the body, causes a reaction of the immune response, which can be used to beat any disease, including cancer and rheumatism. If in the first case, the poisonous tincture is taken orally on a special scheme, in the second it is used for rubbing into joints affected by rheumatism.

Attention! Aconite is a toxic plant and failure to comply with the recommended dosage can lead to serious consequences!

Tincture for external use.. Take 50 grams of grated root of Aconite Jungar, pour half a liter of good vodka, tightly ocuparte jar (preferably dark glass) and leave for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place, from time to time shaking. To avoid penetration of light and air is important because toxic alkaloids of Aconite volatile and susceptible to oxidation. Ready infusion strain and store in the fridge in the same tightly closed container.

At night RUB her painful joints alternately, that is, not all at once, but first in right knee, then in left; in right elbow, then left, and so on. Tincture of Aconite is very much stimulates blood circulation and accelerates a few heartbeats for this effect you will feel immediately. After rubbing a diseased joint, you need to wrap a flannel or tie a scarf in the morning, as remove the bandage first, wait 2 hours, and then rinse or wipe the limb with cool water.

Decoction for external use. To prepare the broth should take 10 g of root and pour half a liter of water. The resulting mixture is placed in an enamel pan on the fire and boil for 2 hours. After cooling is filtered. This decoction can wipe the sore joints up to 3 times a day. The remedy increases blood circulation so that you can immediately feel an unusual heartbeat.

Tincture of Aconite for internal use. For the preparation of an alcohol tincture you will need 2,5-3 g of dried root in powdered form and pour 100 grams of vodka. Containers should be of dark glass. After it is placed in a warm place for 2 weeks and insist. Before use strain.

Regimen the following:

  • To start taking need 1 drop. You can not use the product on an empty stomach, it's important to dedicate this time to each of three main meals.
  • All subsequent days + 1 drop every day for all three doses.
  • On the 11th day – need to take 10 drops 3 times a day.

  • Starting from 12 noon, the number of drops decreases each day by one.

To make the tincture should be coursesthe amount of which shall be equal to three. The break between courses is 5 days.

It is important to rememberthat the plant is poisonous, so the precautions will not be superfluous. The treated area should be clean, hands thoroughly washed. If you have symptoms of poisoning should wash intestines and stomach, as well as treatment for medical assistance and the refusal to accept the funds.

Among the alarming signs of poisoning can be distinguished:

  • The occurrence of tingling in different parts of the body
  • Pain in the stomach, esophagus, mouth
  • Dilated pupils
  • The appearance of vertigo

Pine needles

In protracted chronic and often recurrent rheumatism a real salvation may be coniferous tincture. It is prepared from fresh, may of pine needles and rubbing alcohol. Fill a quart jar full of pine needles, pour alcohol brim, ocuparte a tight lid and leave in a dark and warm place for three weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain finished a folk remedy for rheumatism and take it 8 drops a lump of sugar a half hour before eating three times a day for 4-6 months.

Rheumatism treatment of folk remedies

There are 2 interesting folk prescription to help with rheumatism:

  • Birch leaves. Gather plenty of fresh birch leaves, fill them linen pants pajama, put on his and go to sleep under a warm blanket. To achieve a good therapeutic effect, have to sweat. For this recipe will use dried leaves, but fresh leaves effect will be better. To sleep in "birch pants" until the morning is not necessary – enough to lie down for 3 hours. Summer in the country, you can use another, more effective method for the treatment of rheumatism birch leaves – bath. Sketch the mountain foliage in the old cast iron tub or a large wooden tub, put on the sun, wait a few hours until the leaves soprut, undress and nakopiteli there on the belt for an hour.

  • Salt. Simple table salt is fine helps to relieve pain in the joints in rheumatoid arthritis. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt (or iodized sea is even better) in a glass of moderately warm water, soak in a saline solution a clean cloth or gauze, apply to the affected area, wrap with cellophane and a warm scarf and leave it on for a couple of hours. There are anhydrous method for the treatment of rheumatism salt – with a canvas pouch, which poured salt heated on a frying pan. However, remember that warming the joints of patients than whatsoever is permitted only in remission stage of rheumatic fever,when there is no active inflammatory process.