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Vomiting due to poisoning

Food poisoning is an acute toxic lesion of the human body, which occurs due to the ingestion of poor quality food, or poisons, and chemicals.

Prominent symptom of food poisoning acts vomiting that occurs a short time after contact with hazardous substances inside. The treatment is carried out either at home or in hospital, depending on the condition of the patient, the age and causes of poisoning.

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The character vomiting if poisoning

Vomiting is the first symptom that indicates that the stomach got toxic substances. Develops poisoning acute, latent stage more often than not 6 hours. Sometimes it can be reduced to half an hour or take up to a day, but this is very rare.

Initially, the patient is experiencing an acute attack of nausea, which soon ends with vomiting. It is repeated again and again, vomit contain food eaten. Depending on the severity of poisoning, vomit may contain blood impurities, which is a terrible symptom and requires immediate medical assistance.

It should be noted that the vomiting, which occurs as a symptom of poisoning, should bring relief to the patient.

Other symptoms of poisoning are:

What to do for poisoning?

Light poisoning, which often happen most people, not treat serious diseases. As a rule, even without any specialized treatment they are tested after 1-3 days.

The basic rules of behavior for food poisoning are as follows:

  • Intoxication withdrawal, ridding the body of toxins.
  • The prevention of dehydration.
  • The restoration of normal bowel function.
  • Following a special diet.

First aid to the patient with food poisoningis no toxic substance that entered the body.

You need to perform the following steps:

  • Lavage of the stomach. Only vomiting is not enough to clean the body from toxic substances. So after the first attack of vomiting, it is necessary gastric lavage. To do this, prepare a special solution (3 liters of boiled water mixed with potassium permanganate until the liquid is pale pink), who drink in a volume of 500 ml. then provoke vomiting by pressing a finger on the root of the tongue. To wash out the stomach need to the moment until it starts to go pure water. Potassium permanganate can be replaced by powdered activated carbon, or salt.
  • The prevention of dehydration. As vomiting in case of poisoning, very often accompanied by repeated diarrhea, the person loses large amounts of fluid. It is worth remembering that dehydration is very dangerous, both for adult and for child. Therefore, after each attack of vomiting need to drink at least 200 ml of plain water. In order not to provoke another attack of vomiting, you should drink water in small SIPS, but often. What else can be drunk in cases of poisoning and vomiting will be explained later.
  • The restoration of the intestine. The most common and most dangerous is illiterate, the action that most people make when poisoning is stopping the diarrhea with medication (Imodium, Loperamide, etc.). We should memorize that in cases of poisoning diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body aimed at accelerating the elimination of toxic substances. If pathogenic stool detain in the body, it will lead to the fact that they will be absorbed through the intestines into the blood. In the end, the symptoms will only get worse. Therefore, wait until self-stop diarrhea. Probiotics, eubiotics help to restore normal intestinal biocenosis. It is drugs such as Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bionorm, Baktisubtil and so They are recommended to take during the recovery period after the poisoning.
  • Conducting sorption therapy. In order to help the body better remove toxins, to receive enterosorbents. They should start to apply when the patient has finished vomiting. Not carried out the sorption treatment at high temperature of the body, caution is recommended for elderly people and children. Drugs-sorbents are: Smectite, Activated charcoal, POLYSORB, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Filtrum STI, etc.
  • the diet. Food is not worth it to abstain for too long a time period, if the vomiting and diarrhea was not strong and quickly self-destructed, then a few hours later, the patient can eat a biscuit and drink warm sweet tea. In the future, he shows compliance with sparing diet, which will help to restore the intestines.
  • Symptomatic treatment. If the person experiences full-blown pain, he recommended the appointment of antispasmodics (Drotaverin, Pepto, Allergy, etc.). To eliminate high body temperature recommended to take Ibuprofen or Paracetamol, or a combination of these drugs is Effective. The decision on the appointment of antibacterial or antimicrobial agents, are taken only by the doctor. Typically, they are used for food poisoning is very rare.

What to eat after poisoning and vomiting?

That is, after the poisoning and vomiting think every person, because all the forces of the body will be focused on their own recovery. To help him in this well-made power scheme.

The diet should be very sparing. That day, when the poisoning occurred, it is necessary to limit food intake to a minimum. Often enough sweet tea and biscuit. If by the evening the status is normal, then you can prepare low-fat salted chicken broth. You can cook liquid milk porridge: semolina, rice or buckwheat. Doctors allow a small amount of mashed potatoes without butter and milk.

The next day after suffering poisoning to its menu to diversify, but only if there is no deterioration of the condition. Allowed a little bit of boiled chicken or steam cutlets from poultry. Emphasis needs to be put on vegetable dishes that do not burden the digestive tract and the most fully metabolized by the body. Well on the second day of the soup, replace the rice with broth.

Under the absolute prohibition in the first days after poisoning includes such foods and beverages as:

  • Jelly, juice, coffee, soda.
  • Chocolate.
  • Fatty and fried foods.
  • Salty, spicy and canned food.
  • Raw vegetables.
  • Fruit: plums, grapes, pears. As for citrus, they can be used not earlier than 3 days after suffering a poisoning.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Milk and milk products.

From allowed fruits apples, but in the first two days they should be baked.

It is important to remember not only that you can eat, but about how it should be done. Meals should be frequent (up to 6 times per day), but the portions should be small. Go to the usual diet is not necessary previously 5-6 days. Most often the person understands that the body is recovered and ready to continue eating loads.

However, in the first 14 days still, it is highly desirable to give preference to cereals (soups and porridges), you can cook soup with cabbage, but without the frying. Perhaps the careful inclusion in the menu pea puree (not earlier than 6-7 days after a mild food poisoning), which is an excellent source of amino acids. But there should be very small portions and provided that before the body at this dish did not give adverse reactions. Also for up to 14 days it is desirable to limit the consumption of meat, especially fatty varieties. Better to replace it with chicken and lean fish.

What to drink for poisoning and vomiting?

Everyone should know what to drink for poisoning and vomiting. The main constituent of the liquid component is a special saline solution. For its preparation in the pharmacy you can buy special powder mixture that you just need to dissolve in water according to the instructions. These drugs belong to the group of rehydrant and contain salts that are washed from the body during vomiting and diarrhea in cases of poisoning.

The replenishment of fluids and electrolytes is an important measure, which is the basis of prevention of serious consequences of poisoning. Oral rehydration can be performed at home. It's always in my first aid kit need to have the following medications: Regidron, Oralit, Litrosol, Chlorazol.

In the first six hours, it is important to restore the deficit of salts and water. Therefore, during this time, an adult should get about 800-1200 ml and more the drug for rehydration. Well, if you have the desire to drink. It is not necessary to keep. To fill the body's need for fluid you can also use plain boiled water or mineral water without gas.

Once the vomiting is stopped, it is possible to offer the patient a decoction of rose hips, green tea (it should not be strong), chamomile tea, black tea weak welding or unsweetened juice.

Remember how to drink any liquid during the periods between bouts of vomiting. The throat should be small, which will allow to avoid repeated vomiting. However, you need to approach the vessel with a rehydration solution at least once in 10minutes. The liquid should be at room temperature, not too hot or too cold, to avoid irritation of the stomach wall.

Sufficient drinking regime must be adhered to without fail, as it will avoid dehydration and will enable faster excrete toxic substances.