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How to induce vomiting quickly at home?

Artificial vomiting is useful in situations when you need urgently to get rid of the threat to human health of the substances introduced into the stomach. The simplest method is irritation of the tongue closer to the root. At this place a few times gently pressure with clean fingers or a spoon, deeply inserted into the cavity of the mouth. To induce vomiting quickly enough 3-4 taps.

For those who are this method is not suitable, it may be a useful method adopted by the ancient Romans. Blase, Patricia tickled the throat of peacock feathers, to make room in my stomach for the next batch of dishes. By their example, can irritate the root of the tongue with the tip of a clean quill pen or thick sheet of wood, herbaceous plants.

Other ways to induce vomiting at home:

  • Irritate weak vestibular system by swinging on the swings;
  • To drink strong tea with milk, 2-3 tablespoons of soapy water;
  • Swallow 1 tsp. of toothpaste;
  • To take intended for this drug (Likorina hydrochloride, Apomorphine).

Before you apply these methods, you need to drink plenty of water. The optimal dose for an adult is 2-3 liters. Drinking water will make the liquid contents of the stomach, will reduce the concentration of gastric juice, will help to protect the lining of the esophagus and throat from injury and irritation.

It is advisable to add a few crystals of manganese or a pinch of salt. Manganese is stirred until complete dissolution to the mucosa of the stomach has not received a chemical burn. Vomiting cause as long as the stomach is to get clean water.

To induce vomiting in a child in the home, it is placed on the abdomen on the lap of an adult or on a flat surface. Then an adult enters him deep into her mouth 1-2 finger presses on the tongue and lightly stir them. After the first batch of vomit children give drink 0.5 litres pink solution of manganese or salts, attempt to induce vomiting.

All the methods described above apply in cases of emergency, to reduce negative health effects.

Does vomiting to lose weight?

Girl or woman with slender figure, in the eyes of the public automatically falls into the category of successful and modern. In the pursuit of forms of perfect proportions are applied to the most incredible ways to lose weight. One of them – artificial vomiting, do not require financial investments, physical and time-consuming. It would seem, can have whatever they want, andafter just induce vomiting and get rid of excess calories.

Indeed, losing weight this way can save the girls from extra pounds, but I paid for a perfect shape and beautiful figure will become somatic problems and mental disorders. Vomiting after eating is the deception that negatively affect women's health. Durable results in the form of a beautiful figure will only bring reasonable limitations on the diet, refusal of eating, physical activity. If all these reasonable arguments do not outweigh the desire to lose weight this way, you need to carefully weigh all the "pros"and"cons".

What can you drink to induce vomiting for weight loss:

  • The easiest way is to drink salty water. However, the excess of salt is very harmful to the kidneys, so the method is not suitable for the systematic application of
  • 3 liters of boiled water for quarter-hour;
  • 3 cups of tea, with the addition of each portion 4 tbsp milk and 1 tsp salt;
  • 1-2 litres of warm pink solution of manganese for 10 minutes;
  • 5 cups of salted water for 10 minutes;
  • A glass of water with dissolved in it a small piece of soap.

Each method ends with finger pressure on the tongue to induce a gag reflex.

Pills that cause vomiting

Medicines that cause vomiting, belong to a pharmaceutical group gag funds.

The types of emetic drugs:

  • Funds from the Central action. Apomorphine activates the vomiting center in the brain. Contraindications – tuberculosis, cardiac insufficiency, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, atherosclerosis.
  • Funds with a reflex action. Copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, compounds of ammonia, preparations of plant-based (Sapieha, Ipecac, Baranets, Istoda) – irritate the nerve receptors of the mucous membrane of the digestive system. The purpose is rapid removal from the stomach toxic substances, toxic foods if you cannot stomach pumped alternative methods.

As a remedy against alcohol dependence, used a decoction of grass Baranets and Apomorphine. These funds help to develop an aversion to alcohol.