Home / Treatment / Vomiting in a child without fever and no diarrhea

Vomiting in a child without fever and no diarrhea

Vomiting in a child without fever and diarrhea is not uncommon. Naturally, the parents of such a state is cause for serious concern, as often they are unable to find an explanation for what is happening. Vomiting for no apparent reason can happen as toddlers and older children.

Note that this condition is not always characterizes any serious disease or disorder in the body of the child. However, it can only identify the doctor.

No temperature, the child on the background of vomiting should not lull the vigilance of the parents. Because nausea and vomiting are not signs of health, and normally they do not occur. It is worth remembering that, in itself, vomiting is not a disease is always a symptom. Therefore, every adult has to understand what can trigger this condition in a child.

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Causes of vomiting without fever and diarrhea

Causes of vomiting without fever and diarrhea in a child can be the following:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux. This state is a backward reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. While vomit are not abundant, often they can put on a sour smell. Repeated vomiting after each meal. Reflux is accompanied by the following symptoms: the child is restless, poorly gaining weight, often hiccups, possible asthma attacks. Babies with gastroesophageal reflux is characterized by salivation and morning cough. If time does not eliminate the pathology, in future they will be joined by heartburn, belching, wheezing attacks, nocturnal snoring, dysphagia, will suffer the tooth enamel.

    Parents should remember that babies under three months reflux is a normal physiological phenomenon and is often accompanied by vomiting and regurgitation. This is due to the underdevelopment of the distal esophagus and a small volume of the stomach. Over time, regurgitation will occur less and less, and then it must stop.

    However, gastroesophageal reflux may be the cause of serious pathologies, among which are: failure of the gastroesophageal transition, illnessstomach, the inability of esophagus to self-purification.

  • The pilorospazme or spasm of the pylorus. The pilorospazme is a disease which makes itself felt the spasm of the pyloric part of the stomach that leads to problems with emptying. In the end, the child periodically there is vomiting. It is not abundant and is observed from the first days of life. It is established that the disease more frequently affecting girls. When pilorospazme kids worse gain weight more restless, while problems with the chair are rare.
    • Pyloric stenosis. Pyloric stenosis is a condition that relates to congenital malformations of the muscular layer of the stomach and is manifested in abundant vomiting. It occurs 20 minutes after nursing. Vomit contain no impurities and consist of undigested breast milk. Manifests the pathological condition for 2-3 days of a baby's life. As pilorospazme, pyloric stenosis often suffer from female babies. In addition to vomiting observed the ceasing of the Fontanelle and weight loss, which is very dangerous for infants.
    • Intussusception of the intestine. Intussusception of the intestine is a variant of intestinal obstruction and is in the implementation of part of intestine into the lumen of the adjacent segment. Found disease in 90% of cases in infants, detected mainly in 5-7 months, although it can also develop in older children. Most of intussusception affects male infants.

      The causes of intussusception are intestinal viral infection (most commonly rotavirus and adenovirus infection), genetic predisposition, improper introduction of complementary foods, colitis, tumors, intestinal allergies, etc.

      Except vomiting, it is a pathological condition manifested severe paroxysmal pain. Children running out of legs to his stomach, crying and screaming. The skin is pale, acts cold sweat. Babies refuse the nipple and the breast. Attacks begin and end suddenly and last about five minutes.

      As for the vomit, they contain impurities of bile. Vomiting may occur a short time after the pain attack. No diarrhea, but the stool may contain streaks of blood and the consistency to resemble raspberry jelly.

    • Alimentary gastritis. Gastritis is an inflammation of the superficial layer of the stomach.Children during acute illness in severe pain in the epigastric region, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth. Subject language white bloom, increased salivation, belch and hiccup. Without vomiting and fever occurs in children is alimentary gastritis. Its causes are rooted in diet, inappropriate to the child's age. Most often pathology develops when eating spicy, fried, fatty, extremely hot or rough foods. Dangerous overeating. In the end, trapped in stomach the food breaks down completely and not irritate the mucous membrane of the intestine. The digestive process slows down, it causes inflammation, and provokes vomiting.

      Another dangerous form of gastritis, provoking severe vomiting with impurity blood – a gastritis against the background of chemical burns (ingestion of acids, alkalis and other corrosive, poisonous substances). This condition requires immediate medical attention, as it is a direct threat to the life of a child.

    • Acute gastroduodenitis. Acute gastro-duodenitis is an inflammation of the distal stomach and duodenum. Symptoms are similar to symptoms of alimentary gastritis. But in addition to vomiting and nausea, added bitter belching, headaches, and sleep disorders. The body temperature often remains normal. As for the chair, it is unsustainable – long locks will be replaced by diarrhea. In children with gastroduodenitis is deteriorating appetite, therefore they lose weight. It is established that the duodenitis in children is often accompanied by dystonia.

    • Diseases of the pancreas. The most common disease of the pancreas in children which causes severe vomiting without fever and without diarrhea is pancreatitis. The child experiences repeated vomiting, appear, expressed a pain in the epigastric region, loss of appetite, flatulence (diarrhea develops not always). With regard to body temperature, as a rule, it is either within normal limits or increased to the level of 37 degrees. The skin becomes paler than usual, in the language of the white plaque.

      Separately should be said about the nature of vomiting in acute pancreatitis. If at first it consists of gastric contents, later in the vomit appears, the contents of the duodenum (bile). The volume of vomiting is often a significant, risk for dehydration.

      Causes of pancreatitis in children are diverse. Sharpinflammation of the pancreas may develop in violation of the food, if overeating, when included in a menu of carbonated drinks, fast food, spicy food, chips, etc. pancreatitis Often develops on the background of toxic and allergic reactions. The allergen may be not only food, but also medicines. Sometimes pancreatitis is a consequence of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the organism as a whole.

    • Gallbladder disease. Biliary dyskinesia in children is the most common pathology of the gallbladder, leading to vomiting. In addition, it can provoke diseases such as cholecystitis. Parents should take into account that pathology such as cholangitis and gallstone disease are always accompanied with vomiting without diarrhea, but in the acute stage the child will increase body temperature.

      For biliary dyskinesia characterized by such symptoms as: pain in the right hypochondrium, vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, headaches. You may experience loose stool, but severe diarrhea usually absent.

      Vomiting is an indispensable companion of a disease such as cholecystitis (inflammation of gallbladder). The child also complains of loss of appetite, stomach pain and constipation. The temperature of the body, it for a long time will stay at low grade levels. Provoke cholecystitis pathogenic microorganisms (various bacteria) and parasites. May develop inflammation on the background of existing diseases of the digestive tract (duodenitis, gastritis, appendicitis), on the background of appendicitis, scarlet fever, influenza, etc. Naturally, a negative effect on the condition of the gallbladder is affected by improper nutrition of the child.

    • Disease of the CNS. Diseases affecting the Central nervous system are often accompanied by persistent vomiting that is not associated with food intake. As a rule, cerebral vomiting occurs at the peak of the headache and brings the child relief.

      The most common disease of the Central nervous system in infancy, accompanied by vomiting is cerebral ischemia and hydrocephalus. In children older than one year is a brain tumor and increased intracranial pressure. At pathologies of the CNS vomitingrarely the only symptom of the disease. Most often there are features such as: headaches, poor coordination, visual disturbances, dizziness. To other neurological disorders provoking vomiting include meningitis, encephalitis, epilepsy.

    • The ingress of a foreign body in the digestive tract. Ingestion of a foreign body, provokes vomiting a few minutes after the incident. The character of the vomit depends on what is in the stomach of the child. If there is damage to the walls of the esophagus or mucosa of the stomach, the vomit will contain blood. Other symptoms that indicate getting into the digestive organs of a foreign body, are: difficulty breathing, excessive drooling, increased anxiety of the child, violent coughing.

    • Food poisoning, indigestion. Vomiting in food poisoning is quite common. The increase in body temperature does not occur, but possible diarrhea. Though the light intoxication often goes with single vomiting and without any modification by the chair. For example, when it comes to indigestion, overeating or taking the wrong drugs.
    • A traumatic brain injury. Often vomiting is accompanied with a concussion and his injury. In addition, possible amnesia, headaches, weakness, sweating, sleep disturbances.

    • Acetoneiso crisis. Acetoneiso crisis is a complex of symptoms, which is caused by the accumulation in blood of ketone bodies. child Vomiting at crisis indomitable, multiple. It occurs as a reaction to the attempt to water or feed the baby. On the background of vomiting, rapidly increasing symptoms of poisoning and dehydration. The skin becomes pale, the cheeks of the baby emerges blush increases muscle weakness. The causes of the crisis are diverse, they can hide in malnutrition of the child (predominance of dishes on the menu, saturated ketogenic amino acids and fatty acids), enzyme deficiency of the liver, the features of metabolism.
    • Psychogenic vomiting. Psychogenic vomiting occurs in a child after the age of three years. Aggravating factors are excessive anxiety, fear, excitement and other emotional turmoil. Sometimes psychogenic vomiting is a way of attracting attention, which is typical for children deprived of parental care.
    • Introduction of complementary foods. Vomiting at introduction of complementary foods more oftenjust a single. It may be accompanied by bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence. Sometimes develop diarrhea.
    • Acute appendicitis. Vomiting often occurs in acute appendicitis as the initial symptom of this disease. In parallel, pain in the abdomen (their localization is different), quickens the pulse. Several hours later, will increase the body temperature, there will be additional dyspepsia.

    Vomiting without fever and diarrhea: what to do?

    If the child has vomiting that is not accompanied by fever and diarrhea, parents should be wary and to exercise maximum attention to your baby. In that case, if the vomiting is repeated, and the cause cannot be determined, the necessary qualified medical assistance.

    The parents can take the following measures:

    • To provide to the child quiet and in bed. It is important to observe that his head remained upright and was on the hills. This will allow you to avoid getting vomit in the respiratory system.
    • Do not attempt to feed the child if he has a vomiting.
    • When vomiting occurred during the meal, you need to stop this process and some time to hold the baby in an upright position.
    • If the attacks stopped, the liquid food can be offered no earlier than two hours.
    • After vomiting, you need to remove all food residues from the mouth. If the child is an adult, he can rinse his mouth.
    • To prevent dehydration, you need to offer the child to drink water in small SIPS. It can be alternated with drugs for rehydration (Rehydron).

    Alone should not give the child any antiemetics. Immediately need to call an ambulance if in vomitus is present in streaks of blood, or they have a brown color. Also come required when raising the child's body temperature, pain in the abdomen or constipation, loss of consciousness.

    How to treat vomiting in a child without fever?

    To treat vomiting in a child without fever should be based on the reasons that this symptomprovoked:

    • Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. If a parent believes that the child spits up more than normal, or it continues for a long time, it is necessary to pay to this fact the attention of the pediatrician and pediatric gastroenterologist. More often it is possible to get rid of the problem by switching to denser foods, the adjustment of the frequency and volume of feeding.

      If the problem lies deeper, appoint medicamentous correction of gastroesophageal reflux with medication-blocker production of hydrochloric acid. You can receive antacids, adsorbents, like drugs that suppress gastric secretion. For stimulation of motor-evacuation function of the digestive tract recommend taking prokinetics.

    • Treatment of spasm of the pylorus. Spasm of the pylorus is adjusted by assigning the child a special diet (alkaline water, thick porridge) and drugs antispasmodics. The amount of food given to the child should correspond to his age, before feeding is recommended to offer children an alkaline mineral water. After feeding it is not necessary to put the child, you need at least an hour to keep him upright.

      Effective physiotherapy treatment, which includes electrophoresis with novocaine on the epigastric region, application of ozokerite and paraffin. The prognosis for recovery is often favorable, and the vomiting ceases from the first days of starting treatment. In severe cases, surgical intervention.

    • Treatment of gastritis in children. The identification and treatment of gastritis does a gastroenterologist. Children in the acute period of bed rest is shown, refusal of food for up to 12 hours. If necessary, perform gastric lavage. The child should drink plenty of fluids, but in small portions so as not to provoke vomiting. Stop using drugs-prokinetics is Motilium and Reglan. For the relief of pain prescribe antispasmodics – Nospanum, Papaverine and antacids – Maalox, Almagel.

      After 12 hours child is being offered food, age-appropriate, often it is low-fat soups, jelly, slimy porridge. Gradually expand the menu, the table becomes normal, but fall under the ban of fried, spicy, smoked dishes, as well as roughage. It is important that a child with a history of gastritis consisted on the account at the pediatric gastroenterologist for at least 3 years. With adequate and timely treatment, the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

    • Treatment of gastroduodenitis. Basic treatment of gastroduodenitis in children is diet. Foodshould be a fraction, the number of meals per day – at least five. Food is either boiled or steamed. Strong meat and vegetable soups, dishes of oily fish, mushrooms and all canned and smoked products are banned. During the acute illness the child is shown to bed with a full physical and psychological rest.

      As for drug therapy, it is carried out depending on the causes of the disease. So, hyperacidity appointed Vikalin, Almagelum. Antisecretory drugs are Omeprazole, Ranitidine. To get rid of the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus help drugs such as Reglan and Motilium. It is possible to conduct anti-Helicobacter therapy in which the antibiotic is prescribed in combination with drugs bismuth. For example, De-Nol and Amoxicillin with Metronidazole. Children with chronic gastroduodenitis need sanatorium treatment at specialized resorts.

    • Treatment of acute pancreatitis. During the acute phase of the disease the child should be in a medical facility. He shows a strict bed rest and fasting for 12 hours. At this time, parenterally injected glucose solution and provides alkaline mineral water. Depending on the condition of the patient, the introduction of proteolytic enzymes, reopoliglyukina, plasma. Also a child is prescribed painkillers and antispasmodics, medicines-pancreatic enzymes (CREON, Pancreatin), antisecretory drugs (Pirenzepine, Famotidine).

      If you cannot stop vomiting, then the child is administered intramuscularly Metoclopramide in age-appropriate dosage. In early childhood the drug is used with caution because of the risk of development of dyskinetic syndrome. The rest of the treatment (antibiotics, antihistamines) is indicated. After the elimination of the acute phase of the disease the child is being offered food for special dietary scheme.

    • Treatment of gallbladder diseases. Biliary dyskinesia is treated by diet with restriction of fatty, fried, sweet, spicy ingredients. Shows a fractional power, the inclusion in the diet of fermented milk drinks. Depending on the causes of the disease, can be assigned to holespazmolitiki (Allohol, Holenzim, Flamin), sedatives (Persen, Novopassit, Herbs), choleretic agents – Xylitol, magnesium Sulphate, Sorbitol. Effective physiotherapy techniques such as Bernard currents, galvanization, electrophoresis.

      Treatment cholecystitis infectious nature is reduced to the prescription of antibiotics (Erythromycin, Penicillin, Chloramphenicol). For getting rid of parasites appoint Aminoquinolyl, Furazolidone. In addition, in the scheme of complex therapy included the appointment of choleretic drugs, diet, passage of physiotherapeutic procedures.

    • Treatment of diseases of the Central nervous system. Treatment of pathologies of the Central nervous system – a very difficult task. As a rule, therapy is the responsibility of the neurologist. It is, depending on the cause, is either in the hospital or at home. Assigned to pharmacological treatment with medication, improves cerebral blood circulation, nootropics, etc. of a brain Tumor and severe hydrocephalus is treated with surgical intervention.
    • Ingestion of a foreign body. The child swallowed a foreign body requires immediate assistance from the adults. Watchful waiting can take only if it is known that it is swallowed by a child, if the subject is small in size and will not hurt him. However, it is important to monitor the output of a foreign body through the intestine. In all other cases it is necessary to call an ambulance. You may need surgery. It is worth to note that no matter how safe did not seem to parents, the situation with the ingestion of a foreign body, consultation from a specialist is required.
    • Treatment of traumatic brain injury. After the child's traumatic brain injury examination by a specialist should be immediate. Assessment of the child even if the fact that he did not lose consciousness, should be performed only by a doctor. In mild traumatic brain injury refers only to a concussion, the patient shows a bed rest, emotional rest, applying cold to the head, inhalations of oxygen. For the prevention of cerebral edema prescribed diuretics (Diakarb, Furosemide), a sedative (Valerian, Phenobarbital), nootropics and vitamins.
    • Indigestion and poisoning. In mild indigestion or food poisoning, it is necessary to provide the child with fluids. Receive enterosorbents – Smectite, Activated charcoal, Enterosgel etc. to Abstain from food stands at 6-12 hours. If vomiting stops, then the first few days the child is recommended sparing diet (dairy products, mucous soups,