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Pain in the knee joint

Diseases in which there is pain in the knee joint

Pain in the knee joint is the discomfort that many face when walking, exercise and even at rest.

Discomfort cause can be injury, as well as the following diseases:


Is a breakdown of cartilage of the knee, resulting in his deformity and dysfunction. From osteoarthritis more often affects women than men. It is also called osteoarthritis of the knee.

In accordance with the reasons of occurrence there are two types of the disease. A contributing factor to the development of primary or idiopathic osteoarthritis is the older age of the patient. Accurate external causes in medicine is not established. This kind of disease is bilateral, i.e. affects both legs. The second type of osteoarthritis caused by knee injury or as a complication of infections. It can develop in a patient at any age and is, both unilateral and bilateral.

The main reasons for the development of osteoarthritis are bone fractures of the knee joint, arthritis, tumors of the bone, arthritis and spondylitis.

The disease develops gradually and in the early stages almost does not occur. The main symptom is acute pain in the knee after being in a state of rest, changes in gait. Gradually during motion discomfort passes, but after a long rest again. Whengonarthrosis can appear osteophytes. The so-called growth of bone tissue. As a result of friction of the tissues of the cartilage about these formations is inflamed membrane of the joint. The skin on this spot redder, a tumor, the patient's temperature rises.

Stages of osteoarthritis:

  1. Deformation of the joint is almost invisible. Occasional slight pain;

  2. At this stage, clearly visible deformation. The pain intensified, the attacks have become longer. Possible crunch in the knee joint;

  3. The disease progresses rapidly. Now the pain is felt both during movement and at rest, gait changes.

On topic: All information about osteoarthritis!

Gonarthrosis is diagnosed on the basis of x-ray and visual inspection of the knee joint. It is recommended to perform a foot massage to improve blood circulation. This will reduce the pain. With the same purpose and are used venotonic sosudorasshiryayuschee funds. To help get rid of pain analgesics. On cartilage effect of chondroprotectors. In the third stage of the disease may require surgical intervention. Joint replacement allows you to replace the knee joint is fully restored all its functions. With arthroscopy it is possible to slow the progression of osteoarthritis.


In the knee joint there are two special cartilage pads that ease strain on the joint while making active movements. They are called menisci. The medial or inner meniscus is damaged less frequently than the lateral, known as the outer. Such trauma can occur in a person regardless of age and occupation. The development of miniscope contribute to jumping, squats, skiing. At risk are those who suffer from gout or arthritis, diabetes, has weak ligaments or excess weight that increases the load on the joints.

The main symptom of damage to the meniscus – click in the knee joint, and then a sharp pain. The younger the person, the more he senses her. In elderly age the cartilage is not saturated with moisture, so the feeling is weaker. With the appearance of severe pain, the patient ceases movement. Gradually, the discomfort passes, and then again the man can hardly walk. The next day, the knee swells up, but it is a defensive reaction aimed at restoring pinchedof the meniscus after injury. Otherwise, the disease becomes chronic. The duration of the attack the pain is a few weeks. During this time, the swelling goes away. In the absence of necessary treatment miniscope periodically is manifested by attacks of severe pain and eventually can lead to osteoarthritis.

The most reliable method of diagnosis is magnetic resonance imaging. In the course of it is determined by the nature and degree of damage to the meniscus. If it is completely torn, surgery is needed. The surgeon completely removes the meniscus or part of it. Therapeutic methods effective in pinched or anguish. To restore the function of the knee joint in this case can be a few sessions of trauma or a chiropractor. Swelling relieve corticosteroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. But first of all we should eliminate the cause of the tumor.


Arthritis is considered the most common form of the disease knee joint. It involves the defeat of the synovial membrane, capsule, cartilage. If untreated, this disease, the patient can lose efficiency, lose the ability to walk and move actively.

Arthritis is of the following types:

  • rheumatoid factors contributing to its development, is unknown;
  • PTSD is the result of sprains, bruises, fractures, damage to the menisci;
  • reactive – the reason for its occurrence is considered to be food poisoning, infection of the tissues;
  • deforming – occurs when blood circulation;
  • gout – caused by a malfunction in metabolism in the body by deposits of monosodium urate.

In addition, arthritis can be primary, when it arises as a result of injury and development in her infection, or secondary, when inflammation occurs in other tissues, and in the knee joint enters the lymph or blood.

The development of the disease contributes to excess weight, which increases the strain on the joints and old age, as over time the cartilage and bone tissue wear out. Significant physical strain, frequent lifting, immunodeficiency also cause arthritis.

Bouts of the disease accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the knee, redness, swelling. They become longer and more painful with the development of arthritis. In the formation of pus the patient has a fever.

On topic: All the information about arthritis!

Treatment involves measures aimed at the elimination of puffiness, discomfort, restore function of the kneejoint, prevention of new attacks. Pain relief is with NSAIDs and analgesics. Effective warming and distracting ointments and tonic preparations. In remission appointed physiotherapy techniques, massage and therapeutic exercises.

If conservative treatment does not give the desired results, is surgery. Folk remedies can be used after consultation with a specialist when combined with medicines prescribed by your doctor.


The disease affects periarticular tissues: muscles, ligaments, tendons, joint capsule. Shoulder in more vulnerable locations, which account for a significant burden of motion, including the knee joint.

The reason for its development become a chronic disease, frequent hypothermia, problems in the endocrine system, peripheral vessels. Post-traumatic periarthritis is a result of joint injury.

This disease is characterized by aching pain in the knee joint, the formation of edema. During the examination the doctor can detect the presence of nodules and small seals. When pressure is applied to them the patient experiences a tangible pain. When you walk, there is discomfort in the knee joint.

During treatment it is recommended to restrict the movement and more likely to be in a state of rest. To relieve inflammation and reduce pain allow non-steroidal agents, such as diclofenac. When the shoulder is physiotherapy. The most common cryotherapy, local cryotherapy, infrared laser therapy, uses an overlay of paraffin-ozocerite applications. It is necessary to improve the condition of the periarticular tissues.

Older women often suffer from a special form of this disease in the shoulder bags of the goose legs. It involves the inflammation of the knee tendons on the inner side. Edema, deformation of the joint when this occurs. The pain is felt only during movement on uneven surfaces, wearing shoes with high heels. If the disease is diagnosed in time, in the early stages of development it can be cured quickly. In order to do physiotherapy, to receive prescribed medications.

Tendonitis of the knee

Is inflammation of the tendon tissue in the region of its attachment to thebone or in the muscle-tendon transition. This disease is known as "jumper's knee". This is largely due to the fact that the cause of the tendonitis be classes in such sports as basketball, Cycling, volleyball. Athletes, seniors, Teens and children about who is most susceptible to the disease. It affects the ligament of the patella, responsible for the implementation of flexor and extensor movements. Tendonitis may appear only on one foot or on both at once, and is of two types: endobenthic and tenosynovitis. In the first case, bag inflamed tendon and the second tendon sheath.

The causes of tendinitis are:

  • other diseases (gout, rheumatoid arthritis);
  • injuries, sprains, bruises;

  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • muscle imbalance;
  • a weak immune system;
  • constant exercise;
  • fungal infections, parasites.

When tendinite pain is often caused by the changing weather. The knee joint is swollen, there is a limitation of his mobility, and the movement – creaking. The attacks of pain provoked active motion. In the later stages of the development of tendinitis can occur rupture of the patellar tendon.

During the x-ray the disease is detected when the root cause is the deposition of salts, bursitis or arthritis. Laboratory studies in the diagnosis of efficient when tendonitis occurs as a complication of infection. Detailed information about the deformation of the tendons allow you to obtain different types of scans.

In the early stages of the disease it is possible to manage conservative methods of treatment. You should limit physical activity. In some cases, require immobilization of the knee joint, so use gypsum or lagetko. The doctor prescribes medications (nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory) and physiotherapy. In critical situations the necessary injections of corticosteroids and antibiotics. From physiotherapy is often used magnetic, iontophoresis and electrophoresis. Surgically removing degenerative tissue in the last stages of tendinitis. When the accumulation of pus in the knee joint is opening and draining. Medication for the best results, combine with the use of traditional medicine. Under the supervision of a coach it is also advisable to exercise. After recovery you can go to conventional exercise. Positive impact on the condition of the knee at tendinitehaving yoga.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis represents a disease of a systemic nature and manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the connective tissue. The exact cause of its occurrence is not known. There is a genetic predisposition to rheumatoid arthritis. At the moment of weakened immunity the disease begins to develop. It affects both men and women at any age. It affects connective tissue in the joints, which account for a significant load, including the knee. The lack of timely diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in most cases leads to disability and even death. Death from infectious complications and renal failure.

There are factors that contribute to the development of rheumatoid arthritis. This constant emotional stress, frequent hypothermia.

In accordance with the symptoms distinguish the following stages of development of rheumatoid arthritis:

  1. There is swelling and swelling of the knee joint. The patient experiences pain. Perhaps the increase in body temperature;

  2. Inflammatory cells are actively dividing. This causes compaction of the synovial membrane;

  3. At the last stage affects bone and cartilage tissue. The knee joint is deformed and does not perform its functions. The attacks of pain become stronger and longer.

Rheumatoid arthritis develops slowly. The first time can appear only in the form of stiffness in the knee after being dormant for a long time, for example, in the morning upon awakening. The pain occurs at night and during severe weather changes.

On topic: All information on rheumatoid arthritis!

Diagnosed disease based on biochemical analysis of blood, x-rays and expressed outwardly symptoms: skin redness, swelling, deformity of joint, pain in it. If the arthritis is caused by an infection, then antibiotics are appointed. To relieve joint pain and inflammation to corticosteroids and NSAIDs. You also need to do physiotherapy and regular massage.


Inflammation, which occurs inside the synovial bags, in medicine is called bursitis. His reason is the accumulation of fluid, i.e., liquid,contain dangerous microorganisms. Bursitis occurs as a result of a knee injury, a significant physical load on it or as a complication of infectious diseases. Arthritis or gout also contribute to its development.

Bursitis can be identified by stiffness in the limbs, pain in the region of the knee joint. Inflammation is especially noticeable after pressing motions on the skin. The patient experiences weakness, malaise, and may lose appetite. If the cause of the bursitis was an infectious disease, the body temperature rises. His major difference with arthritis – preserve the ability to perform flexion-extension movements.

During diagnosis, the doctor examines the symptoms, examines the knee joint. To determine the exact nature of the accumulated fluid is puncture. In the first stages of development of bursitis can be treated with compresses, wraps. The patient must comply with bed rest. In chronic bursitis is puncture to remove accumulated inside the bag of liquid, and then rinsing the cavity.

On topic: All information on bursitis!

Gout knee joint

This chronic disease is associated with deposits Manorama sodium, which causes bouts of severe pain in the knee joint. Gout is more common in men than in women. The reasons of its development is considered impaired urinary metabolism, resulting in increases blood levels of uric acid. This leads to eating excessive amounts of food containing purines. These include meat and fish. Contributes to the development of disease and alcohol abuse.

Gout is manifested in the form of a sharp pain in the knee joint and redness of the skin in this area. Soft tissue formed dense nodules – tophi. They represent the accumulation of uric acid. Sometimes tophi torn, and she goes out. The attacks of pain gout can last a few days or even a week.

To define gout it is possible for the high content of uric acid in the blood. This is the biochemical analysis. Also as part of diagnosis is radiography. To cope with gout should keep to a diet, is less to move. The patient should be provided with emotional and physical rest. Diet combined with drug therapy.

On topic: All the information about gout!

Paget's Disease

A violation of the processes of bone formation leads to skeletal deformities, bone fragility. In medicine this phenomenon is called Paget's disease. It affects the long bones of the legs and can cause pain in the knee joint. In men, Paget's disease is detected more often than in women. It usually occurs in people in old age.

To determine the presence of this disease is difficult, as it may not be accompanied by any symptoms. In some cases, patients may experience pain at night, and the place of the affected bone feel the heat. Diagnosis of Paget's disease is carried out using a biochemical blood analysis which shows high content phosphatase, biopsy and x-rays.

Relieve pain using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In General, the treatment is aimed at preventing complications of Paget's disease: increased bone strength, reducing fragility. This is possible by taking bisphosphonates and medications that serve as a source of calcium. Regularly you should get tested and seen by a doctor. In advanced cases, rehabilitation is carried out in the clinic. Paget's disease is to follow a diet, carry out physical exercises under expert supervision to avoid falls and injuries. Because of bone fragility, the probability of fractures.


This disease is found in at least 5% of the population. Fibromyalgia is expressed in the form of a symmetric muscular-skeletal pain, commonly in the knee joint. Its causes are poorly understood, but we know that discomfort is not caused by inflammatory processes.

The main complaints of the patients, in addition to musculoskeletal pain, poor sleep, fatigue, lack of energy, intestinal disorders, convulsions and spasms, numbness, and morning stiffness. Common symptoms often causes a wrong diagnosis. Fibromyalgia can be confused with depression.

The cause of the disease is considered a stress, emotional stress, accelerated metabolism of serotonin, a physical injury. Diagnosis of fibromyalgia carried out by various methods and is chosen by the doctor individually. Often the presence of the disease is determined even by excluding the presence of other ailments.

The treatment is pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. The patient in most cases is also appointed antidepressants, painkillers. It is recommended to avoid stressful situations, exercise, diet, sessions of massage.


Diagnosis"osteomyelitis" is placed in the case of the patient's purulent-necrotic process of the bone and soft tissues around it. They are caused by a specific bacteria that produce pus. Infectious agents penetrate different ways: the endogenous - through the blood, spreading from the focus of inflammation, exogenous as a result of treatment of fractures, fillings. Osteomyelitis can be caused by injury or Staphylococcus aureus.

Allocate 2 main forms of disease: hematogenous and traumatic. In the first case of osteomyelitis for a long time does not manifest externally. However, the patient may experience malaise, weakness. Then there is a sharp increase in body temperature and there is a sharp pain. The inflammatory process is very fast. Possible sepsis, leading to death of the patient. Traumatic osteomyelitis develops when the treatment was started too late. The pain in this case alternate with rest.

Treatment of osteomyelitis is medical with antibiotics and surgical. During the operation, the removal of pus, dead tissue cells.

On topic: All information about osteomyelitis!

A Baker's Cyst

In medicine, a Baker's cyst refers to a knee or popliteal hernia. Its size may vary, but rarely exceed a few centimeters. Most often found in people over 30 years and in children aged 3-7 years. A Baker's cyst is formed as a result of knee damage. Its appearance contribute to diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Due to the small size of the Baker's cyst can sometimes not be detected even by a doctor. The patient does not cause anxiety, changes in his health are observed. Can be pain in the knee area, swelling, discomfort when performing flexion-extension movements. In some cases the cyst eventually goes away.

In the presence of severe pain is aspiration. She also needed if the cyst is large. Well help relieve pain non-steroidal drugs, but take them only under medical supervision. Reduce inflammation allows the imposition of compresses, exercise to strengthen the knee.

The Disease Koenig

This disease is often called the dissecting osteochondrosis. Piece of cartilage can be separated for bone and freelyto move in the knee joint. This hampers movement and causes pain. This phenomenon is called disease Koenig. Most often it occurs in the knee joint. Distinguish the adult form of the disease, which is treated more difficult, and the nursery. During the development of the disease Koenig has 4 stages.

Its symptoms include a dull ache in the joint synovial fluid accumulates. Discomfort most strongly felt when moving. The separation of the cartilage exposes the bone, which is accompanied by inflammation that is manifested by edema. The most informative method of diagnosis recognized as radiation disease Koenig.

In the initial stages you can deal with it using conservative methods of treatment. For elderly patients, and in the late stages usually require surgery. The patient needs physical and emotional rest.

Disease Osgood-Shlatter

This disease is manifested in the form of formation of painful bumps in the center of the patella. They suffer children and adolescents. High risk of developing the disease Osgood-Shlatter those who are involved in sports, e.g., basketball, ice skating, ballet. Most often the patella occur in boys. Doctors attribute this to the fact that they are more prone to physical activity than girls.

The main symptoms of the disease is a swelling in the knee area, swelling, sharp pain of the oncoming: running, jumping. The touch is a marked tuberosity. Disease Osgood-Shlatter affects, as a rule, only the knee of one leg.

It goes away with age. But in some cases require physical therapy or drug treatment, which involves taking pain. You can do cold compresses. You need to use the patella when performing physical exercise. Physiotherapy helps to strengthen the tendons, but it must be held under the supervision of a physician.

Infectious diseases of the knee joint: Lyme disease, Reiter syndrome

Lyme disease develops after the bite of an infected tick. It becomes chronic and recurrent in nature as the causative agents multiply in the body. To diagnose the disease based on biochemical analysis of blood.

In Lyme disease the patient experiences pain in the muscles and tendons. Most often it strikes precisely the knee. Possible arrhythmias, headaches, depression, weakness. In the diagnosis of Lyme disease easybe confused with other disease, so at the first suspicion should consult the doctor to confirm the presence of an infection and prescribed antibiotics.

Reiter's syndrome called inflammation of the urogenital tract, eyes and joints, including the knee. Urination patients experience itching, pain and burning. In the knee joints feels severe pain while the lesion is usually asymmetric in nature. The skin in the knee region becomes reddish, swelling formed. The disease can be both acute and chronic. The reason it becomes a urogenital or intestinal infection. After the diagnosis treatment non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.