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Treatment of trachoma

Treatment of trachoma folk remedies

Treatment of trachoma with traditional methods can be used together with therapy medications or alone after the disappearance of clinical symptoms to prevent recurrence.

Treatment of trachoma blackcurrant

For the treatment of trachoma with traditional methods often use an infusion made from the leaves of black currant, also can be used as raw material and young shoots of the plant. Infusion is recommended to wash your head and use it inside. Topically means use warm or hot three times a day, washing their head. To drink currant tea in the treatment of trachoma suggest as often as possible.

Five tablespoons of the raw materials you need to take one liter of boiling water. Leaves and young shoots pour boiling water and keep on low heat for 15-20 minutes and after removing from heat, insist a couple of hours.

This recipe of traditional medicine for the treatment of trachoma is considered to be very effective.

Treatment of trachoma lemon and eyebright

Lemon. For the treatment of trachoma for this recipe you will need lemon, straw and a little cotton. Wool wrapped around the end of a match, cut the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Dabbing the juice with a cotton swab, treated eyelids. During the first three days, lubricate the eyelids from the outside, then the product is applied on the internal part of the century. During the procedure you must constantly blinking eye. A week later, the disease usually recedes.

Eyebright. With trachoma, well help bath with a weak decoction of eyebright.

Treatment of trachoma rose hips, cherries, and figs

The rose hips. About three dozen hips pour 300 ml of water. Tool put on fire and after boiling, cook for 10-15 minutes on low heat. Insist broth overnight, in the morning it is used inside. Treatment of trachoma by means of traditional medicine by using decoction of rosehip helps to strengthen the immune system and enrich the body of the sick person vitamin C.

Cherry. To prepare this recipe uses the leaves andflowers of bird cherry. Tablespoon of raw materials must be carefully grind and pour one Cup of cooled boiled water. After the cherry infusion, after 9-10 hours, ready medium wash my eyes. The procedure was carried out for one week, if necessary, treatment extend to one and a half weeks.

Figs. Trachoma can be cured gruel prepared from the leaves of figs. The tool is rubbed gently into the affected agent ever.