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Causes and treatment of pneumonia occurring without fever

Pneumonia may be asymptomatic while infectious process is located in a separate segment or a certain percentage of lung tissue. In this case, the patient does not cough or pain in the chest, the body temperature of the patient is also in the normal range. In most cases the latent form of pneumonia occurs in people whose immunity is weakened, and on the background of uncontrolled reception of antibiotics. Pneumonia without cough may start during treatment antitussive drugs. The greatest danger is pathology in pediatric practice, as the child is unable to properly describe their feelings. According to statistics, this form of pneumonia, occurring without fever and cough, quite often ends in death of the patient, so it is important to have an idea about the characteristics of this pathology, causes, and basic treatment principles.

Causes of pneumonia occurring without fever and cough

Inflammation of the lungs without any symptoms occurs, as a rule, on the background of decrease in protective forces of an organism, uncontrolled reception of antibiotics, disorders of physiological sputum discharge under the action of antitussives drugs that suppress cough reflex. All of these States can be a consequence of self-medication of colds. The fact that antibiotics have no effect in viral diseases, people usually disregard, despite the recommendation of doctors and pharmacists. To convince patients and visitors to pharmacies that should not take antibiotics at the first symptoms of influenza and ARI, the experts almost impossible.

If you understand the mechanism of development of habituation to antibiotics, it becomes clear why a simple sore throat threatens asymptomatic pneumonia. The immune system with frequent use of antibacterial drugs produces antibodies to a particular type of medicines, in other words develop tolerance. Thus, continued use of these drugs reduces the effectiveness of therapy to zero.

Another important aspect may be the weakening of the immune system. The decrease in the protective forces of the organism can be due to the presence of foci of chronic infection, such as carious teeth, inflamed tonsils, etc.

Danger and cough medicines, especially those thatsuppress the cough reflex. The use of these drugs without medical supervision can result in severe lung disease. It is known that cough in no event it is impossible to stifle, as accumulated in the lungs, mucus serves as a breeding ground for the development of pathogenic microflora. Sometimes patients find it difficult to describe their cough, and often painful cough with viscous sputum of the patient, not listening to the recommendations of the doctor or pharmacist will try to stifle the drug, designed to treat dry cough.

Asymptomatic pneumonia can often be noticed by the characteristic appearance of the patient. His face is usually pale, with a painful blush, which is sometimes manifested in the form of spots on the cheeks. The breath of a person suffering from pneumonia without fever becomes jerky, with a characteristic whistle, minor physical activity cause the patient shortness of breath, increased heart rate, tachycardia.

Symptoms that should alert, also include constant weakness, fatigue, difficulty in deep breathing, walking, excessive sweating, constant thirst, pain while turning the torso. In patients with latent inflammation of the lungs there is also the absence of movement of the chest with one hand during inhalation and exhalation. A more accurate diagnosis after a medical examination, and radiographic and laboratory studies.

The treatment of pneumonia occurring without fever and cough

The treatment of pneumonia occurring without fever, requires antibiotics, as in the case of the treatment of all forms of inflammatory diseases in the lungs, and the self is not allowed. The prescribing physician should be conducted after diagnosis and laboratory examinations of sputum, which allows to set the sensitivity of pathogens to certain antibiotics. Forbidden warming of the chest, tub, sauna, etc., the use of antitussive drugs. The patient is advised to attend a TB specialist to exclude the process of disintegration of pulmonary tissue.

Pneumonia is asymptomatic, may cause death of the patient. It is important to remember that without treatment, the disease does not pass, and inadequate therapy and delayed treatment lead to the formation of lung tissuesklerozirovanie regions that are not able to participate in normal gas exchange, thus decreasing vital capacity, which is reflected in the quality of life.