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Diseases of the oral mucosa

Causes and symptoms of diseases of the oral mucosa

What is diseases of the oral mucosa?

Diseases of the oral mucosa (stomatitis) are a fairly common problem. But their correct diagnosis is complicated by the fact that many diseases of the oral cavity occur with similar or even the same symptoms.

Stomatitis represent a wide range of different diseases of the tongue, lips or palate. Accordingly, they are called glossitis, Haltom and palatinit. When the mucosa is thickened, and rogowiec is husked, talk about a special kind of disease – leukoplakia.

Causes of diseases of the oral mucosa

Causes in which the mucosa is exposed to disease, are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular problems, allergies, lowering of immunity of the organism, metabolic disorders and factors directly affecting the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

May experience stomatitis and due to these or other dental reasons. For example, often the disease develops due to non-compliance with human hygiene and care of the oral cavity, play a role in damaged teeth and dental plaque. Violations of technology dental procedures can also cause stomatitis, as dissimilar metals and chemical substances during dental treatment and prosthetics can create microtrauma.

Symptoms of diseases of the oral mucosa

Symptoms of diseases of the oral mucosa are in direct relation to the type of stomatitis.

Catarrhal stomatitis among the diseases of the oral mucosa is the most common. It is called local factors, which include poor care for the oral cavity, dental plaque and disease, dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity and various pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, duodenitis). When catarrhal stomatitis causes worm infestation, the mucous membrane of the mouth swollen, covered with white or yellow plaque and becomes painful. The patient notes increased salivation, the gums may bleed, the mouth appears an unpleasant odor.

Ulcerative stomatitis is a serious disease of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. It develops both independently and as a complication of catarrhal stomatitis. This disease often occurs inpeople suffering from gastric ulcer or chronic form of enteritis. The risk group also includes people suffering from infectious and cardiovascular diseases, blood diseases and poisoning. Ulcerative stomatitis affects not only the upper layer of the oral mucosa, but also the whole of its thickness. Initial symptoms resemble catarrhal stomatitis, but after some time manifested typical signs of ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane: the body temperature rises to 37.5 degrees, the patient feels weakness, headache; lymph nodes can become enlarged and sore. eating is difficult because of severe pain.

Aphthous stomatitis is manifested with the appearance on the oral mucosa aft (ulcers). Aphthae can be oval or round, red on the edges and yellow in the center. Aphthous stomatitis is predominantly due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions. Causes can be viral infections or rheumatism. In addition to lesions of the oral mucosa and its pain, there is a General malaise, the patient increased body temperature, and so on.

The leukoplakia called chronic lesion of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, which causes keratinization of the epithelium (hyperkeratosis). It mainly affects men after the age of 40 and is localized on the mucosa of cheeks, mouth corners and on the sides of the tongue. Causes of leukoplakia can be mechanical injury of the mucous membrane cuts the hooks of a dental prosthesis, burns from hot or spicy foods, and so on. This disease often has no symptoms, but the patient may feel tingling and burning. But the danger of the disease is that it can turn into malignant forms, so the patient should consult your oncologist.

Treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa

The mainstay of treatment of diseases of the mucosa of the oral cavity is the elimination of provocative reasons. The mouth shall be cleaned, sharp edges of teeth are correctly adjust a denture. Patient advised to stop Smoking and eating spicy and hot dishes.

Plaque in stomatitis is removed and the teeth subject to treatment. You need to rinse the mucous membrane of the mouth antiseptic (chlorhexidine solutions or aminocaproic acid). Also used folk remedies: infusions and decoctions of chamomile and calendula. If signs of disease persist for more than 5-10 days, most likely caused bydisease of the gastrointestinal tract, or parasitic infestation. Then local treatment combined with common.