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Purulent parotitis

What is a purulent parotitis?

Purulent parotitis is accompanied by purulent inflammation of the parotid gland. The gland secretion of microbiological study can be found staphylococci and streptococci. To the ways of infection include stomatology (the infection spreads in the mouth), hematogenous (infection spreads through the blood) and lymphatic (transport of infection contributes to lymph).

Types and forms of suppurative parotitis

There are several forms of the disease. The characteristic symptoms of catarrhal forms are redness of the mucous membrane, edema and thick secretion produced from the salivary glands.

Purulent form is the most common, accompanied by a leukocytic infiltration of the parenchyma of the gland. In some places on the surface of the gland is noticeable foci of purulent fusion of tissues, saliva may be absent or stand out in very small quantities. For this form the characteristic stains of pus in the neck, temporal region, etc.

When the form gangrenous tissue of the parenchyma of the gland undergo necrosis and melt, the very iron can be almost completely destroyed.

The symptoms of suppurative parotitis

In the course of the disease the symptoms of suppurative parotitis start in the second half of the disease if mumps occurs as a complication after surgery, his symptoms on the fourth or fifth day after surgery. The disease is accompanied by fever, headaches, pain during chewing or swallowing. General blood analysis in this case shows leukocytosis and shift leukocyte formula to the left.

During the inspection you can note the swelling, compaction and the increase in size of the salivary glands. The skin over the gland is red and swollen. The mucous membrane of the mouth appears swelling. In the places where the channels of the parotid gland noticeable redness. After three or four days after the start of parotitis from the channel is allocated purulent contents.

Treatment of suppurative parotitis

Catarrhal and suppurative parotitis recover almost completely, and iron after the appropriate therapy to restore its functions in full.

In the first stage of the disease the treatment of purulent parotitis is done with conservative methods:assigned to antibiotic therapy, are hygienic processing of the oral cavity, followed a certain diet, etc.

The beginning of the suppurative process involves the operation urgently. Surgically removed salivary stones, inflammation be opened and drained. Thanks to the prompt intervention reduces stresses in tissues of a salivary gland. In the framework of the operation the incisions are made of up to three cm considering the location of individual facial nerve branches.