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How to deal and cope with morning sickness?

What if the wish good morning is definitely not for you. Aroma of favorite pancakes no longer causes joy and pleasure, but rather causes to escape from kitchen escape. And the pregnancy is only the beginning. Are there methods of dealing with the insidious toxicity? Since morning sickness is not a disease, then to cure it is impossible, but to alleviate the suffering of expectant mothers. For this there are a lot of ways.

A simple and proven complex of breathing exercises

Doing these exercises, make sure that the room was well ventilated.

  1. Waking up in the morning and not getting out of bed, take a deep breath. Imagine yourself as an empty vessel. Inhaling, fill the vessel from the bottom to the neck. First, air filled stomach and then up his chest. Then, without holding the breath, slowly exhale in reverse order. First release the air from the chest and then the abdomen. Again and repeat. Take 5-6 breaths.

  2. Put your hands on the stomach. Use slow even breaths, but make sure that the air does not fall below the hands. Then follow the exhale.

  3. Do everything as in the previous exercise, but the air is recruited only in the abdomen. The chest is not moving.

  4. The following exercise is very good for sudden attacks of nausea, where they would have caught. Make a strong, but smooth inhale a full breath, and exhale slow, as if poured into the air by the throat.

  5. Exactly deep breath, dial a deep breath. Put your hands on the stomach. Exhaling sharply, help yourself to a diaphragm, like a piston pushing the air out. The breath should be one long, and exhale, divide by three sharp, short jolt. This exercise should be performed in the first half of pregnancy.

  6. Stand up slowly from the bed, divide the rise into three stages:

    • raised torso;
    • swung his legs;
    • performed the fourth exercise and then slowly got to his feet. Do not strain, put your hands up and imagine that you're holding them in the vessel. Slowly take a deep breath, then slowly tilt your torso in a small polination. Keep the back straight, but without tension. Do not bend low. Dramatically drop the vessel down, accompanying his loud exhalation. Straighten, fulfilling breath.

During the execution of breathing exercises increases sharplythe amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels are reduced. This process may be accompanied by dizziness. Do not worry, as it should be. Hold your breath for a period of up to 30 seconds. Exhale.

Mastering the technique of breathing, you will be able to stop the nausea anywhere. In addition, proper breathing facilitates the process of childbirth.

Time-tested tips

  • Drink the daily rate of a liquid in one gulp but in small SIPS, gradually and often.

  • Follow the regime of the day.

  • Perform exercises for your trimester of pregnancy, approved by the attending physician. All that is connected with physical loadings, should be performed carefully, if you with sports you. If before pregnancy you were actively involved in sport, no problems.

  • Do not ignore the experience of the East. Take a course of reflexology.

  • Read the rules perform self-massage. There are some active points, the impact of which, will help relieve discomfort.

  • As drinking drink alkaline mineral water ("Seltzer", "Borjomi", "Polyana"), mint drinks that you can make yourself.

  • Eat fractional and often. Portions should be small. If vomiting is frequent, you can have 3-4 tablespoons throughout the day. Try not to fill the stomach at once, it will cause a new urge.

  • Try to make a semi-liquid meals. It could be porridge: pumpkin, oatmeal. So, you will be less likely to bring on an attack and get a new batch of nutrients.

  • To combat the nausea often try to chew. Preferably, let it be dried. But it individually. In principle, the process of chewing increases the saliva flow. You need to try.

  • Give preference to protein foods. If you can't bring yourself to eat cottage cheese – it doesn't matter. In milk calcium is not less. Drink it often, in small SIPS. Or even just rinse your mouth. Eat: yogurt, eggs, cereals, sunflower seeds.

  • Consult your physician regarding the intakevitamin-mineral complex.

  • You can accept the sorbents, but this should be done one hour before meals or half after. Otherwise, these nutrients will be removed from the body.

  • The drug splenin designed to improve nitrogen metabolism and is indicated for use just when toxicosis.

  • Ginger is a nausea

    Zingiber – a gift of nature to mankind. A huge number of micro-and macronutrients contained in this root, makes it an indispensable product for new moms. However, he has a specific taste and aroma which help you to overcome morning sickness. It is believed that ginger has the properties of antidotes and elimination of toxins. There are a few simple recipes that are easy to implement.

    1. Ginger tea. For pregnant women don't insist ginger, and don't drink it as a broth, as too high concentration, may, on the contrary, to provoke nausea. Pour a teaspoon of grated root Cup boiling water. Let infuse for 20 minutes. Then strain, add a spoonful of honey and drink in small SIPS.

    2. Mint-ginger tea. Brew the same way, but certoma the root, add a few sprigs of mint.

    3. If you like stewed fruit, add a bit of ginger and raisins. So, you will get an extra dose of potassium and other useful salts for the baby.

    4. Use ginger as seasoning. For this ground, take root, sold in the store, but you can use fresh ginger, a small piece of which add to the dish for 5-7 minutes before end of cooking.

    5. A piece of ginger. If anything fails to relieve nausea and excessive salivation, try to chew a piece of ginger.

    Topic: the Benefits and harms of ginger root

    Lemon toxicity

    If you have no hypertonus of the uterus, you can safely use lemons. There is a perception that it can cause allergic to citrus the child. In fact, of all the citrus, lemon is the most useful and harmless fruit. You can dissolve it slices, or to prepare delicious and healthy drinks.

    1. class="bb" In hot water (60 degrees), add sliced lemon. The ratio should be 1 liter of water and 1 lemon. Cover with a towel and let stand about half an hour. You can add a few sprigs of mint. After stand up, add a few teaspoons of honey. Is a good choice.

    2. Lemonade No. 2. Lemons should be very carefully washed under hot water preferably with a brush. Then cut into slices, with the skin. Interrupting in a blender with a sprig of mint. Fill with cold water. Add the honey and stir. Set overnight in the fridge is a must. If you marinate at room temperature, or pour warm water will taste bitter. Cedim in the morning and drink on health.

    Try these tips for yourself. Perhaps they will help you, and the path to happy motherhood will not be marred by nausea and other unpleasant symptoms.