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Treatment of phimosis

Treatment of phimosis folk remedies

Treatment of phimosis.

There are three main approaches to the treatment of phimosis: treatment with corticosteroids, stretching of the foreskin and the operation of circumcision of the foreskin (circumcision). But traditional medicine knows recipes that can help to avoid inflammation. Best help anti-bacterial and germicidal bath. Such procedures should be performed two to three times a day, because when phimosis it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the glans penis. Anti-inflammatory infusions poured into a Cup or jar and throw the penis for 10-20 minutes.

A good bactericide is calendula. Her flowers should be dry. Per Cup of boiling water you need one teaspoon of raw materials. Infuse a medicine need about an hour, then strain and take a bath. The infusion should not be hot, not to burn the head of the penis.

If the treatment of phimosis has been applied surgical procedure to accelerate wound healing by using strawberries. Its leaves are steamed and used for compresses and lotions.

Treatment of phimosis chamomile

Any flushing and the bath must be combined with stretching of the foreskin. Gently and slowly a couple of times a day should try to free the glans from the foreskin, to small spikes did not have time to form. But it is not necessary to carry out these manipulations, if they cause pain or severe discomfort, because in this way it is possible to injure the delicate tissue of the foreskin. Ruptures and bleeding will only exacerbate the disease.

To soften the skin and to avoid inflammation, make lotions and baths of decoctions and infusions of chamomile pharmacy. Besides, chamomile can help reduce pain and itching, often irritating to men with phimosis. To prepare chamomile tea at home is very simple: 10 g dried flowers pour boiling water (250 ml), infused for five hours, or cook on low heat for 15 minutes and cooled. Before conducting the procedure, the drug should be filtered.

A similar effect has and the herb of Melilotus officinalis. For the preparation of decoctions and infusions used ground part of the plant. One tablespoon of raw materials can be brewed in a Cup of boiling water (300 ml) or simmer on slowheat for 5-10 minutes.

Treatment of phimosis succession and barley

Exert anti-inflammatory effects, soothe itching, relieve pain and promote healing of microcracks can series. From this herb is prepared decoctions and infusions, using them later for baths and washing. To prepare the medicine in a Cup of boiling water brew 10 grams of a train and left for a few hours. When the infusion has cooled, strain it through cheesecloth and make bath, dipping the penis in a jar for 15 minutes.

A wonderful folk remedy that can help with the phimosis to relieve irritation and pain from the mucous to soften the skin and soothe the itching, is barley water. In half a liter of boiled water at night, leave 50 grams of barley grain. In the morning the infusion is boiled for about ten minutes, and then insist for another hour and the tail. This medicine should be used for washing.

Good bactericidal and antiseptic action has a decoction of BlackBerry. BlackBerry leaves must be dried and milled. Three tablespoons of raw brewed in half a liter of boiled water, then about ten minutes to boil on a slow fire. After remove the broth from heat, put it to infuse for half an hour. Before use, the broth should drain and cool. But the drug in any case should not be cold.