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The treatment of fibroadenomas

Treatment of fibroadenoma of folk remedies

Women's health requires special care and proper treatment of the emerging treatment of gynecological diseases. A lot of trouble delivers a fibroadenoma is a tumor that develops in the breast and uterus in women and prostate in men. But today her treatment can be effective, subject to timely detection.

Traditional medicine can share thousands of recipes of healing from this disease. It is recommended to follow the schedule of menstruation, do not run inflammatory processes of the reproductive system. If, nevertheless, the tumor appeared, not to engage in heavy physical labor, sunbathe under the direct rays. Women and men can use the various decoctions and infusions of herbs.

People's treatment of fibroadenomas

When fibroadenoma of the uterus found one woman and doctors began to insist on the operation, she decided, before going under the surgeon's knife, to use methods of traditional medicine. Using the advice of traditional healers, she was able to remove the tumor, using an integrated approach. Here are some tips.

1. It is necessary to grind and mix 1 part of the bark of pomegranate, 2 pieces of bark of the branches, 1.5 parts of the bark of the viburnum twigs. Pour 1 tbsp. of raw material 250 ml of boiling water, boil under the lid on the water bath for 5-7 minutes. Remove from the heat, infuse 45 minutes. Strained decoction is divided into three equal parts and drink three times a day half an hour before meals. This decoction can be drunk even when bleeding, dosage should be observed accurately.

2. In a half-liter bottle, not tamping to fill the flowers of St. John's wort, pour the brim with oil, close tightly and put in a month in a dark place. 2 times a week needs to be shaken. After steeping, pour the oil into a bottle made of dark glass, every night before sleep, soak the swab and introduced into the vagina.

Treatment of fibroadenoma of the herbs

Recipe No. 1: infuse 15 grams. grass knotweed in 200 ml of boiled water. Take 100 g 2 times a day before meals.

Recipe No. 2: 10 gr. H. arenarium boil 200 ml of water, drink warm 100 g 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Recipe No. 3: 40 g powder from the root of Bryonia white add to 1 liter of a mixture of honey diluted 1:1 in alcohol, to insist 14 days. Taken orally for dessert spoon 3 times a day before meals.

The recipe № 4: 15 gr. yarrow pour 200 ml of hot water, leave for a couple of hours. To drink in the form of heat 100 g 2 times a day.

Recipe No. 5: an infusion of stems of alder grey drink 100g. 2 times a day. Prepared by infusing 10 grams. of raw material per 200 ml of hot water.

Recipe No. 6: aerial part and root of the forest to collect during flowering. 1 tbsp dried raw pour 200 gr. of boiling water. Drink 1 glass before Breakfast and before bedtime. The duration of treatment is unlimited.

Treatment with citric acid

Every day or 2 to breed 5 g citric acid in 200 grams of melted, boiled or spring water. Make, drinking this amount of fluid for 2 times after meals.

Treatment infusion of herbs

Recipe No. 1: infuse 100 grams. inflorescences of Echinacea purpurea per 100 grams. vodka. Dissolve 30 drops in 50 ml of water and drink this 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 2: 10 gr. flowers chamomile medicinal to insist in 200 ml boiling water and drink 100 g 2 times a day after meals.

Treatment of fibroadenoma of the herbal oil

For the preparation of herbal medicated oil can be used raw materials of inflorescences of Echinacea purpurea flower and chamomile.

Recipe oil: oil is prepared as follows – 50 gr. herbal raw material is poured 0.5 l corn or olive oil, infused in the sun for 3 days. Then heated on water bath for 3 hours, pressed. Impregnating with an oil based herb tampon, put it in the vagina overnight.

The curative effect of the oil prepared according to the following recipe.

Recipe butter: grind 10 g the root of elecampane, wormwood, chamomile and 20 g clover and root of iris and pour m" 800 m corn or olive oil. To leave, insisting in a dark place for 24 days, daily shaking. Then strain. To enter into the vagina at night tampons impregnated with this mixture. It is highly recommended to douche chamomile extract, cooked in 3 tbsp of raw materials and 1 l of boiling water.

Treatment of fibroadenoma of the warm baths

Warm baths can be taken in the absence of bleeding. In water add the decoction prepared from the herb. You will need: 1 kg Volovik dye, 0.5 kg Potentilla creeping, 1 kg the leaves of leeks, 250 gr. violet root, 250 grams. fenugreek autumn, 1 kg prutnyaka, 0.5 kg flax. These baths promote resorption of the tumor.

Treatment of fibroadenoma of the collection "Matochkin nest"

Effectively treats tumors of the uterus and other female trouble collection, called "Matochkin nest." It includes: 60 g root filipendulae six-petalled, 20 g the roots of the mountaineer snake, galangal, Burnet, meadowsweet vyazolistny, marsh cinquefoil. You need to add 20 g. herb Bryonia white, comfrey, spreading rushes, marsh Belozerov, licorice, barberry, hawthorn. The same of elecampane, calamus root, root burdock, Kermek, dandelion. Still need the same amount of sloe, dog rose, Valerian, geranium blood-red, black elderberry. And 20 g viburnum bark, oak bark, stems of alder and fungus.

All components are crushed, pour 3 liters of vodka, insist within 30 days. After the desired time infusion filter and take 1 tbsp 3 times daily before meals.

Treatment of fibroadenoma of the juice of viburnum

To prepare the medicine for future use, store in the fridge. To do this, mix equal parts cranberry juice and honey. To drink courses, the first 20 days morning and evening before meal 1 teaspoon. After a 20 day break 20 days to take in the sametime, 1 dessert spoon. Third year – 20 days to make, but 1 tablespoon.

Treatment of fibroadenoma of salt

About the healing properties of salt have long been known, this is a great tool that has helped many women to get rid of : fibroadenoma of the breast, men are from tumor in the prostate gland. To begin, you need to prepare 1 teaspoon with the top of salt, 300 ml of water heated to 60-70 C. the Salt is dissolved in water, moisten the swab and put 10-15 hours on the lower abdomen in the region of the prostate and mammary gland.

Other recipes

Wonderful recipes elimination of fibroadenoma of uterus and of the breast shared woman having a positive experience getting rid of this disease.

Recipe No. 1: pour a glass of boiling water 3 tbsp corn stigmas, bring to a boil, boil 10 minutes on low heat, after 30 minutes, strain and drink 50 ml 3 times a day. Recipe No. 2: grind 2 tablespoons herb Potentilla goose and pour 0.5 l hot milk, to insist 2 hours, strain and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe No. 3: boil for 5 minutes in 0.5 l natural grape wine 3 tbsp chopped herbs of lady's mantle, leave for a day and then strain and drink 1/4 Cup 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 4: pour 3 cups boiling water 2 tablespoons herb repeshko, to insist 15 minutes, strain and take half a Cup 3 times a day before meals.

Recipe No. 5: grind and mix 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and lemon balm herb, pour a glass of boiling water after 4 hours, strain and drink hot, 1 Cup 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 6: Grind and pour a glass of boiling water 1 tablespoon of herbs celandine, to withstand 15 minutes in a boiling water bath, after 40 minutes, strain and drink warm for 1/4 Cup 3 times a day before meals.

Recipe No. 7: mix, 2 tbsp crushed the tips of twigs of briar and 5 fruit, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes on low heat. After 30 minutes, strain and drink 0.5-1 glass 3 times a day for 0.5 hours before eating in the form of heat.

Recipe No. 9: mix 1 tablespoon of herbs celandine, chamomile flowers and calendula, pour into a thermos 1 tbsp 0.5 l of boiling water and leave for a day. After this strain, slightly warmed and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
Recipe No. 10: Bake in the oven unpeeled onion, 3-4 timesday should eat one baked onion for 5-10 minutes before eating. Fried onion has anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.

The treatment of fibroadenomas

48 year old woman who have had this disease invites all who are faced with the same problem to try to use her recipe. Need in the evening to pour in an enamel pan 3 years water, put it on the fire and as soon as the water boils, throw into it 120 g powder bleach. After a minute of boiling, you must add gradually, parts 84 gr. baking soda, pushing the pot from the fire. Again boil for one minute, then remove pan from heat and slightly cool the broth, add to it, 30 g boric acid, stirring thoroughly.

Get pink liquid. Pour it in a three-liter glass jar and leave overnight to settle. By morning, the sediment will settle down, and above it is pure rose water. 100 ml of this water should be diluted in 2 l warm boiled water and douche with this solution.

1st week – in the morning on an empty stomach after a day;

2nd week – 2 days;

3rd week – 2 times;

4th week – once;

If necessary, it is possible after a month break, repeat the treatment until healed.