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Three products, saving during ischemia

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Omega-3 during ischemia

Omega - 3 fatty acids belong to the class of polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in certain types of marine fish and plants. Among plant foods with high concentrations of omega-3 can distinguish oil, soy and flax.

The benefits of omega-3 for health

All known omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids have antiatherogenic and antithrombotic effect in the blood vessels. In addition, they are able to support reflex vascular tone and normalize the functioning of the bronchi, to maintain adequate blood pressure, improve the immune system, to stop allergic reactions, to ensure the normal structure of the mucous membranes of the body. These acids play a key role in maintaining the constancy of the inflammatory reactions.

Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids form the outer shell of each cell of our body. The outer membrane in addition to the protective function is involved in the signaling process between the nerve cells, which improves mental capacity, stores the information and retrieves it as needed, cells of the myocardium, retina and other organs. No less important fact is the intake of the composition of olive and sunflower oils and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is known that omega-6 along with omega-3 positively affect the processes of normal child growth, improve skin condition and kidney function.

The most important positive feature, which have a known in omega-3 , considered their protooncogene action, in particular in relation to breast cancer, prostate cancer, realized through its antioxidant activity.

Found that drinking with a meal of omega-3 leads to get rid of eczema, reduces allergic reaction of the organism, prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease and depression, contributes to compensation of diabetes mellitus, improves the flow of psoriasis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.

All known unsaturated fatty acids are not synthesized independently in the body. Their absence in the diet is fraught with failure in the normal functioning of the skin andits appendages, immune, cardiovascular, reproductive systems.

Foods rich in omega-3

For proper absorption of incoming when eating omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids is important to observe an adequate balance between omega-3 and omega-6. This ratio should be 1:1, allowed the proportion of 1:2, less preferably 1:3. In reality, this ratio is as follows: from 1:5 to 1:10. It is known that the use of fats in this situation contributes to low absorption of omega-3.

For a person of average parameters determined the daily intake of this acid. So, for females the rate is set in 1.6 grams per day and for men is 2 grams per day. This amount of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids is sufficient for the normal functioning of the body cells.

A list of products containing the necessary amount of omega -3, are represented in the table:

Product name

The daily requirement

Canola oil

1 tablespoon

Nuts, not roasted

7 -9 pieces

Fresh salmon, not thawed

70 grams

Flax seeds

1-1,5 teaspoons

Canned sardines

90 grams

Canned tuna

120 grams

See also: Interesting experiments and research of the amazing benefits of omega 3

Rules for proper use of omega-3

It is established that vegetable unsaturated fatty acids are absorbed into the body more easily than animals. But for food use is necessary and those and others.

For proper absorption of omega-3 is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • Salads with sesame, peanut or rapeseed oils, in the extreme case – olive. It is necessary to balance 1:1 between omega-3 and omega-6.

  • twice a week eat fresh fish, bold and extra bold varieties, for example, herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna, trout, sardines and others. The volume portion of fish should be 100 - 150 grams. In addition to fish nutritionists allowed to eat fish and seafood.

It should be noted that the content in fish omega-3 is influenced by the conditions of its habitat. So, farm-raised fish, contains insignificant amount of omega-3, because of its feeding has been used flour and other combined feed, while fish grown in natural conditions, fed on plankton and marine plants.

  • Smoking and salting contribute to the degradation of omega-3. Freeze for the year it lost about 50% of fatty acids. Canned in olive oil keeps the omega-3 completely, while harvesting fish in its own juice or in brine contains much less polyunsaturated fatty acids. In a jar canned in olive oil sardines contains three-day norm for the average person these beneficial compounds.

  • Flax seed and Flaxseed oil contain a significant amount of omega-3. Daily morning intake of a teaspoon of Flaxseed oil or Flaxseed will eliminate the shortage of omega-3 and solve the problem of the delay of a chair. To avoid clogging of the spaces between the teeth of the flax seed better pre-grind in a coffee grinder and the powdered mass is dissolved in warm water and then drink. Flaxseed can be added to salads to taste. It is important not to overdose and not use the butter at the end of its shelf life.

  • If the life rhythm does not allow you to devote sufficient time to the diet, you can try to apply in food supplements (BAA), containing in its composition of omega-3. the SBC is an alternative to food. On its packaging indicates daily allowance that allows you to avoid overdose of the substance. But the expiration date BAD still you need to follow.

The therapeutic properties of omega-3:

  • For heart problems: stroke, ischemic and hemorrhagic, myocardial ischemia, atherosclerotic lesions of blood vessels;

  • Neurological diseases: multiple sclerosis;

  • Disease metabolic: diabetes mellitus of the second type and preceding obesity;

  • Skin diseases of allergic origin – eczema, dermatitis;

  • Venous diseases of any localization: varicose, including accompanied by thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis caused by high blood clotting;

  • Joint diseases of various etiology: arthritis,rheumatic joints, lupus erythematosus, osteoarthritis;

  • Pain syndrome of different origin and localization: headaches, menstrual, joint pains and others;

  • Respiratory diseases of allergic origin: bronchial asthma;

  • In cosmetology and dermatology diseases of the skin and its appendages, in particular nails, hair: hair loss, psoriasis, ichthyosis;

  • Diseases of the vocal cords: nodules, polyps, spastic disorders of voice.

Known unsaturated fatty acids are able to penetrate from the mother through the placenta to the fetus, as they are present in the composition of breast milk. All this testifies to the importance of acids for pre-and postnatal development of the child.

Ginkgo biloba - a herbal preparation that saves the brain and heart

Medicinal properties

Ginkgo biloba has the ability to expand vessels, improve their elasticity, prevent thrombosis, reduce blood pressure. A distinctive feature of the drug is its antioxidant properties. The remedy is successfully applied for prevention of vascular accidents of ischemic and hemorrhagic glaucoma and other eye diseases, to improve the processes of remembering.

Herbal drug has anti-inflammatory properties, enhances the efficiency of the immune system. When taken within one to two months Ginkgo biloba normalizes potency.


Clinical studies conducted at the turn of the seventies of the XX century in the West, showed the positive effect of herbal drug in certain vascular diseases, prone to chronic course.

Further study of the therapeutic properties of Ginkgo biloba was continued in Europe, America and Japan. In the States the best way to improve memory and increase concentration are considered to be ground to a fine powder or pulp the leaves of the plant. Flavonoids of the plant, including quercetin, are considered the strongest antioxidants that can concentrate in the glands of the endocrine system,the synaptic endings of nerve fibers for a long time.

  • Improvement of cerebral functions, in particular, mental activity, mood, speech, reducing time of reactions is due to the ability of the drug to increase the blood flow in the vessels of the brain.

  • Herbal remedy inhibits the processes of reduction of visual acuity age of the character, thereby normalizing vision.

  • By improving circulation in the genitals, lower extremities and other areas where there are sexual centers, Ginkgo biloba normalizes potency.

  • Extract from the leaves of the plant drug activates peripheral circulation. This effect is widely used in cosmetics to hydrate the tissues.

  • Active components of the drug are the strongest antioxidants, neutralizing the negative impact of free radicals on cells, preventing, in particular, and the development of tumors.

  • Cosmetic products for hair care, containing in its composition of Ginkgo biloba extract, prevents hair loss on the head. The mechanism of therapeutic action of these cosmetics is due to the ability of the drug to enhance local blood circulation, which beneficially affects the hair follicle, causing it to growth and strengthening hair roots. Capillary blood flow improves the condition of the organism as a whole.

See also: Pine cones is an effective means of treating post-stroke and post-infarction state

Selenium is the main mineral for core

It is known that selenium has protective properties and prevents the development of cardiovascular catastrophes. This relationship was first established in Germany and Finland, where relatively low selenium status in comparison with other regions of Europe.

Over the past thirty years, insufficient intake of trace elements in Finland kompensiruet by adding it to fertilizer used in growing feed for livestock.

It is established that the mortality rate in Finland from heart disease over the last twenty years has decreased by 61%. It is not excluded that an important role in the achievement of these indicators played a threefold increase of the use of this trace element.

Insufficient levels of selenium can act as an etiological factor in the development of a number of cardiovascular catastrophes. The trace mineral has antioxidantproperties, effect on reaction of lipid peroxidation. Selenium ions form the active center of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase, which has protective properties against oxidative damage. This selenium-containing enzyme contributes to the destruction of reactive oxygen species, peroxides, and several other compounds.

Selenium contributes to the synthesis of antioxidants lipid and protein nature, affects metabolic processes in organisms of the class mammals. Lack of it contributes to degenerative processes in the heart muscle. By activating the enzyme glutathione peroxidase activities in experimental myocardial infarction microelement is showing protective properties, limiting the area of damage, which is corresponding to the display on the EKG.

Increased formation of reactive oxygen species, in contrast, contributes to the dramatic development of ischemic changes of myocardium and heart failure, resulting in a sixfold decrease in cardiac index and register of ischemia on ECG.

See also: Selenium reduces the risk of cancer by 2 times!

The use of selenium in combination with vitamin E (tocopherol) for pharmacotherapy of myocardial infarction had a positive impact on the morphological parameters of cardiac muscle in clinical trials and in practice.

The phenomenon of endogenous regulation is a fundamental factor in maintaining selenium status of the organism and in environmental loads, and under normal condition. In studies convincingly demonstrated that the formation of heart attacks, strokes, tumors is directly proportional to the low content of trace elements in the body.