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Rotavirus infection

Rotavirus infection in children

50-60 % of children under three years of age are prone to diseases rotavirus infection (rotavirus gastroenteritis). Four to five years, 90 % of children have antibodies to these viruses. But, despite the fact that the disease is considered a child, it affects people of all ages. Newborns in the first days of life the excretion of rotavirus, as a rule, not accompanied by symptoms of intestinal disorders. The virus can be absorbed transplacental (from mother that is a carrier of the virus) or vnutribolnichnogo. But most babies get antibodies in the mother's womb or breast milk.

In children 3-14 years of age rotavirus infection occurs in 22-35 % of cases of all diseases and intestinal infections. Epidemic outbreaks of this disease often in kindergartens, hospitals, schools.

The disease is seasonal: the number of cases increases significantly in autumn and decreased during the winter period. Distributor of rotaviruses is a person with gastroenteritis. Viral particles are found in its feces. Risk are also healthy carriers of the virus or people suffering from long-term (chronic) rotavirus infection. The main route of infection is fecal-oral; the disease may also be transmitted through household contacts. The virus may persist in linen, furniture, household appliances, toys and doorknobs.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children

Symptoms of rotavirus infection appear in different clinical forms. The majority of sick children (65-70 %) always manifested bowel syndrome and develops rotavirus gastroenteritis in the first days of the disease there is a fever (to 39 degrees), intoxication, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, rumbling and abdominal pain. Children feel lethargy, lack of appetite; the skin is pale, heart tones are muffled. Intoxication usually lasts from three to seven days or more (in severe cases) from onset of the disease. Stool frequency in children is increasing (from 5 to 10 times per day); number of stool small color of stool – yellow or grayish, on the second or third day of diarrhea appear greenish impurities. Abdominal pain is a common symptom in only one-third of children. It is manifested in labor.

Among other symptoms (respiratory wave of the disease), runny nose and mild dry cough, redness and pain in the throat, conjunctivitis.

The disease is diagnosed based on clinical tests (agglutination, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methodPCR, the serum rotavirus antibodies). Some children (10-15 %) of rotavirus infection combined with other acute respiratory viral illness (influenza, parainfluenza).

Children, rotavirus infection can occur in conjunction with viral and bacterial infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, E. coli). Fever accompanied by repeated vomiting exhausting, chair quickens, manifested intoxication.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in children

Very important in the treatment of rotavirus infection in children is early diagnosis and timely started therapy. It is necessary to compensate for the loss of body fluids: use of oral rehydration solution (rehydron), give your child to drink every 15 minutes, a drink containing 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 liter of water and half a lemon. To defeat the virus and to cope with an intoxication can be due to enterosorbiruyuschee drugs, among which activated carbon, "Smectite"and"Enterosgel". Sorbents bind the viruses and remove them from the body, but to give their child up to three days: these drugs can cause constipation, which prevents the removal of toxins from the body.

During rotavirus infection is strongly prohibited to use antibiotics, as they are able to destroy bacteria but not viruses. Besides, antibiotics can harm the already disturbed intestinal microflora of the child.

A sick child needs a strict diet. Infants should continue to breastfeed because through the mother's milk in its body gets the necessary antibodies. It is also necessary to give the child rehydration solution, lean cereal, mashed potatoes, rich natural sorbent baked apples, crackers, bananas, fat-free yogurt. Power fractional: feed the child needs small frequent meals.

Often a doctor prescribes to patients receiving enzyme: "Kreon", "Pancreatin" and so on. These medicines help to normalize the digestion and absorption of food. After recovery are recommended to take drugs that restore the microflora of the intestine. It is also useful to give children a compote of dried fruits.