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Sarcoma of the brain

What is sarcoma of the brain?

Unfortunately, such a dangerous disease like sarcoma of the brain, susceptible to a person of any age. Statistics show that the percentage of detection of sarcoma of the brain among the total number of cancer ranges from 0.6% to 2%.

The insidiousness of this disease is in its late clinical manifestation. Usually a person is forced to go to the doctor because of rapidly increasing discomfort, severe headaches and worsening overall health. But it happens when the sarcoma of the brain is already at stage 2-3.

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The types of sarcoma of the brain

Cancer tumor developing in the brain tissue and the shell is called a sarcoma. The disease begins with the appearance in the brain of a specific node.

Characteristic signs of sarcoma of the brain are:

  • the vagueness and fuzziness of boundaries zlokacestvennoe and healthy tissue;
  • aggression towards the nearby cells;
  • the ability to quickly defeat neighboring structures.

Sarcoma klassificeret as vascular-shell disease and there are two types of location:

  • intracerebral that does not have clearly defined boundaries, and are capable of rapid invasive growth and defeat of the neighboring tissues;
  • extracerebral having more or less defined borders, but is able to grow into brain tissue. In addition to the brain, it affects the surrounding tissue and are characterized by high aggression, frequent relapses and metastasis. Is characterized by a low survival rate, 30-35% for two years. It is important not to confuse sarcoma with meningioma, a benign tumor, in order not to lose precious time for quick treatment.

Causes and symptoms of sarcoma of the brain

In order to early detect this dangerous disease, should pay attention to the appearance frequent unexplained headaches, which always precede the more serious follow-up symptoms, such as:

  • raskoordinatsiya movements and dizziness, vomiting;
  • manifestation of epileptic seizures;
  • mental disorders and behavior disorders;
  • short-term visual dysfunction and possible complete atrophy of the optic nerve on the background of increased intracranial pressure;

  • frequent loss of consciousness;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • partial and total paralysis.

It is noteworthy that the localization of the tumor determines the specific distinctive symptoms. For example, if the sarcoma is located in the occipital part of the brain suffers first and foremost, the vision of the patient, and if the affected temporal lobe, revealed the dysfunction of the hearing. If there is a lesion of the parietal or frontal parts of the brain, it manifests a failure of motor activity, tactile sensitivity, and degradation of intelligence of the patient. Well, if in the pathological process involved and the pituitary gland, it can change even the hormonal balance of the body.

To date scientists in the field of pathology cannot come to a common opinion about the reasons for the development of sarcoma of the brain. While put forward are the version as traumatic brain head injury, adverse environmental component, as well as unhealthy lifestyle with exposure to harmful addictions.

Diagnosis and classification of sarcomas of the brain

In the presence of one or more symptoms signaling a possible cancer, you should immediately be examined by a neurologist. In addition, it is necessary to carry out computer-tomographic and ultrasonic tests, scintigraphy. The most accurate diagnostic method is magnetic resonance tomographic scanning, which can identify not only the location of the tumor, but also the dynamics of the cancer process, as well as the volume of the affected area. All these techniques are considered non-invasive type of diagnostics.

The methods of diagnosis of invasive type include measuring the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid, or cerebrospinal fluid and its Cytology. However, you can spend a radiopaque angiography and immunochemical examination. For an affirmative diagnosis of a needle biopsy, which is the most accurate method of diagnosis of sarcoma of the brain.

Depending on which form structures, pathologicalthe brain changes in Kaposi are of three types:

  • Meningocele tumor occurring in the meninges and containing the diseased vessels. Such vessels are deprived of the regular capsules, and germinate quickly in the surrounding tissue;
  • Angioradiological – tumor that develops from the vascular walls of the brain. Has a large number of capillaries, and whereby there is a rapid metastasis;
  • Fibrosarcoma – a tumor originating in the fibrous tissue. Despite the fact that this type of tumor progresses much more slowly, meningo and angioretinopathy, it is compounded by the constant strong headaches and increasing neurological symptoms type.

Modern methods of treatment of sarcoma of the brain

How timely detection of brain tumor depends entirely on the success of treatment.

In the first stage of treatment removes the tumor, if there are no contraindications. And they can be the weakness of the patient, older age, and difficult for surgery location of the tumor.

Although surgical treatment of sarcoma of the brain is one of the most effective methods, it is not always possible to implement due to the large size of the tumor. In the process of excision of large tumors it is possible to raise a very important for healthy life of the patient areas of the brain, which will inevitably lead to disability or death of the patient.

Indications to carrying out of palliative care is the case when the tumor overlaps with parts of the brain that control vital body functions. And if such circumstances had always assumed the death sentence for the patient, but now with the help of modern techniques such as "gamma knife"and"cyber-knife", saving the lives of patients with sarcoma of the brain has become commonplace.

These methods are non-invasive in nature, that is, they do not require surgical intervention. Although the basis of this type of treatment is radiosurgical intervention, its distinguishing feature is that ionizing rays are directed solely at the tumor tissue, and does not affect healthy brain cells.

Modern methods of treatment of sarcoma of the brain significantly increases survival of patients and provide them with further full life.