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Causes and treatment of volvulus in children

Volvulus, or intestinal obstruction, is accompanied by the overlap of the lumen of the intestine, which causes a disturbance of blood flow in certain areas of the intestine that may cause the development of gangrene. In case of untimely medical care provided to the patient facing death.

Causes of volvulus in children

The cause of volvulus in children may be: a sharp turn of the body, constipation, trauma, adhesions, tumors and maltreatment. The intestinal lumen may also overlap with the bot.

Volvulus in children can be both full and partial, it can develop as a result of congenital abnormalities or occur in a child, the internal organs which fully comply with the age norms. Depending on the localization of the pathological process distinguish low and high, as well as colonic and small bowel volvulus. The cause of the disease can carry the dynamic and mechanical in nature.

Intestinal obstruction causes a violation of the movement of feces in the intestines, which causes an overflow and stretching of the body and affects the normal functioning of the intestine. Compression of the intestine is accompanied by severe complications, which are caused by impaired blood flow in the vessels that supply the intestinal wall. Narrowing of blood vessels can lead to the formation of the perforation, and cause peritonitis or inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity.

Volvulus in children is accompanied by increased body temperature, acute pain in the abdomen, vomiting. Stools may appear blood or mucus. The child has lost appetite, he becomes restless, cries, draws in under itself legs. The attacks appear and end abruptly, in the intervals between the exacerbations of pain syndrome children can double snatch. Parents should alert severe constipation, the formation of seals in the lower part of the abdomen, flatulence, as well as a complete cessation of the discharge of feces and gases, which occurs some time later after a delay of a chair.

The cause of volvulus in children the first year of life often becomes a hiatal hernia. In children aged five to six years this pathology is rare.

Treatment of volvulus in children

It is important to remember that intestinal obstruction requires immediate medical attention andimmediate hospitalization.

Treatment of volvulus in children begins with conservative methods of therapy with the mandatory and presacral paranephral blockade of 0.25% novocaine. Appointed painkillers and medicines that promote the removal of toxins from the body, put the siphon enema. The ineffectiveness of these methods of treatment is surgery.