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Polyp of the urethra in women what to do and how to treat?

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Urethral polyp is an entity with a benign nature, localized on the inner surface of the urethra. The tumor develops from the epithelial layer of the duct wall. Its soft texture, susceptible to the process of vascularization, in connection with which often bleeds. Urethral polyp has a stalk, its shape can be round or teardrop-shaped, color – saturated red. Injury or infection of the formation, its surface from smooth transformirovalsya in wounded.

According to statistics, such education is not more than 4% of all tumors of the urogenital region in females. In the male population polyps of the urethra not diagnosed as often due to its structure. In women the urethra is much shorter than men does not exceed a length of 50mm. The average age when diagnosed polyps this region is the segment between 50 and 70 years.

Symptoms of a polyp of the urethra in women

With regard to the clinical picture, the signs of the tumor in the early stages of its development are virtually absent.

The growth of education, a woman can begin to experience the following symptoms:

  • Difficulties with urination. The woman begins to feel a stinging sensation and itching during an attempt to be emptied.

  • Emerging at night urgent need to empty the bladder lead to the violation of the rest period.
  • During the process of urination, urine flow can be deflected in one direction or another, depending on where the polyp.
  • A woman can suffer from partial incontinence. That is, it stands out with a strong cough, during the filling of the body when you laugh.

  • In the secreted fluid can be bleeding that is due to the fact that polyphonie growths have their own blood vessels. The surface of the tumor is easily the injury and begins to bleed. Allocation can be both single and regular, with abundant blood.
  • Infravesical obstruction is anothersign polosnogo growths in the urethra of a woman. In the initial stages the muscle is thickened, and the urine comes out due to the increased pressure. As soon as the compensatory properties of muscle are lost, and the tumor continues to grow, the stretching of the walls of the bladder, ureters and pelvis of the kidneys. As a result of developing pyelonephritis, which requires immediate medical care.

  • During intimacy, the woman may experience painful sensations and after it from the urethra causes blood.
  • When joining the rising of cystitis, every attempt evacuation will cause pain, urination becomes frequent, there may be purulent discharge from the canal. Itself urine is a dark colour (with blood) and unpleasant smell (purulent infection).

However, similar symptoms appear only when the tumor is of considerable dimensions. When it is small, the diagnosis is problematic, as the polyp not gives practically no symptoms.

Causes of urethral polyp in women

There are certain factors that can trigger the growth of education, among them:

  • Long-term chronic urethritis, in which inflammation of the wall of the channel, outputting the urine. Inflamed tissue tends to suppress the pathological process by increasing its own area and begins to grow, forming a tumor.
  • Hormonal disorder the functioning of the ovaries.
  • Disorders in the endocrine glands, progressive diabetes mellitus.

  • Cervicitis and colpitis in which eye-catching leucorrhoea contribute to the continued irritation of the urethra women.
  • Injury of blood vessels of the urethra. They can be obtained during the examination or treatment of the bladder, chronic constipation, during childbirth.

  • Of sexually transmitted infections. To provoke the formation of a polyp can chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, genital herpes. Often the provocateur growths becomes human papillomavirus infection.

  • The hormonal changes in a woman's body, as it is aging. In this case we are talking about menopause and post-menopausal stages. Soan indirect factor affecting the possible growth of education is age, older than 50 years.
  • A prerequisite for the growth of the tumor can become pelvic fractures and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The dangerous polyps of the urethra?

If you ignore polypose growth in the urethra, it is dangerous to women's health.

The risks are as follows:

  • The development of hematuria. And may occur both micro-and gross hematuria. Persistent blood loss can lead to the development of anemia. In addition, there may be a tamponade of the urethra a blood clot. In this case, the patient will need emergency medical help.

  • The development of cystitis. The presence of pathological formation in the urethra, making the bladder more vulnerable and susceptible to various infections.
  • The development of pyelonephritis. The disease may begin as the result of infection by the upward path in the kidneys. This happens against the background of cystitis, or on the background of stagnation of urine due to the inability of emptying.

  • Intravesically obstruction, which manifests itself in the inability to empty the bladder, as the bladder polyp completely covers the channel.
  • Malignant transformation of education. Degeneration of the tumor is quite rare, however, to exclude such a danger is impossible. Therefore, regardless of the size of the available education, you must remove it.

Treatment of polyps of the urethra in women

Conservative treatment, the urethra located in women polyp does not exist. Therefore, upon detection of such education, surgical intervention is necessary. There are several ways of removing the tumor from the woman's body.


This way of removal is based on the effect on the tumor low temperatures. If it is located on the outer side of the channel, the use of the ureteroscope is required.

The procedure does not require General anesthesia, just local anesthesia. As a rule, surgery does not take more than 10 minutes. During the cooling process, located in the tumor fluid turns to ice, the viability of the cellsis broken and she dies.

Among the advantages of this method of getting rid of a polyp of the urethra:

  1. Nekrasivaya area is not bleeding.

  2. At the site of attachment of the polyp will not remain scars and scars that will not lead to problems with urination.

  3. The procedure is painless, does not require General anesthesia.

  4. At the treatment site will not require stitches.

  5. After the intervention does not require hospitalization.


This method of getting rid of a polyp of the urethra is based on the application of electric current. The doctor is able to control the depth of impact, avoiding injury to healthy tissue. The procedure does not require the introduction of the patient into a state of General anesthesia, as it is virtually painless.

However, this removal method polyponic growths should not be used if there are disorders of blood clotting, education has a large size or malignant in nature. In the presence of inflammation in the body, it must first be rid of.

Radio wave removal method of education

Thus the formation is exposed to radio wave radiation, which contributes to the destruction of pathological tissues. Polypose the growth is removed layer by layer, which minimizes the risk of damage to healthy tissue. After surgery also leaves no scars and the recovery period is significantly reduced.

Wedge-shaped excision of the education

This procedure is appropriate to the application, if education is sizeable. After excision will require an overlay of multiple joints. For the operation it requires the introduction of General anesthesia. The woman will need to spend in hospital up to 2 days. The operation itself is short and takes no more than 20 minutes.

During the procedure is removed the site of the external opening of the canal in the form of a triangle. Along with this plot eliminates the tumor. For fixing used bioresorbable thread. For the next 24 hours in the bladder is inserted into the drainage. The tissues removed are sent for further histological examination, which will determine the presence of atypical cells. When the risk of narrowing of the urethra, doctors performed extension with the use of a special bougie.

After conductedthe operation will take some time to adhere to a special diet. It is to be excluded from food products that contribute to irritation of the urethra. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon sour, salty, spicy food and drinks. Is completely off limits is alcohol.

To what doctor to address?

Regardless of the location of polosnogo growths in the female urethra, it is subject to surgical removal. After surgical intervention, the need for regular examination by a urologist. Should have a visit not less than once in six months. This must be done to prevent recurrence of the disease.

If polypose the growth was driven by existing infectious diseases, to get rid of them, or to achieve sustained remission fail. Treatment is prescribed only by the doctor, based on the etiology of the infection. As a rule, the prognosis for recovery is favorable in that case, if the tumor was cut in a radical way. This gives an unequivocal guarantee that women in the future will not have relapse.

As for other preventive measures, should be regularly observed not only at the urologist, and gynecologist. Timely getting rid of infections and normalization of hormonal background is a guarantee that polyphonie growths in the urethra will not arise again. It is equally important to avoid injury of the urethra and to use a condom during sexual intercourse.