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Causes and symptoms of amyloidosis

What is amyloidosis?

Amyloidosis is a group of diseases caused by disturbance of protein metabolism in the tissues is formed and deposited amyloid – specific protein-polysaccharide complex. In amyloidosis hampered the work of the various organs and tissues.

There are six types of amyloidosis:

– primary AL-amyloidosis is a consequence of the accumulation in the blood of abnormal chains of immunoglobulins (protein is deposited in the heart, lungs, skin, intestines, liver, kidneys, blood vessels and thyroid gland);

– secondary AA-amyloidosis can occur due to severe chronic (often purulent) diseases (deposits located in the liver, kidney, adrenal gland, spleen and lymph nodes);

– hereditary AF-amyloidosis (Mediterranean fever) is an autosomal recessive mechanism of transmission and occurs predominantly among certain ethnic groups (protein deposition in the heart, vessels, kidneys and nerves);

– AH-amyloidosis occurs as a consequence of hemodialysis, when a certain immunoglobulin is not filtered and builds up in the tissues of the body;

– AE-amyloidosis occurs in tumors of the thyroid gland;

– amyloidosis of the Finnish type is a rare genetic mutation.

Most often, the defeat exposed the kidney, less often – the spleen, the intestines and stomach. The disease mostly has a complex nature with multi-organ involvement. The seriousness of the disease is characterized by its duration, presence of complications and localization.

Causes of amyloidosis

The reasons for the emergence and development of amyloidosis classifies violations of protein metabolism in the organism: amyloid accumulates in the plasma of the blood, in the walls of blood vessels and in glands, inhibits the elements responsible for the functioning of a certain organ, so that he dies. It is noteworthy that the amyloid, even after the death of long time not biodegradable.

Amyloidosis may occur after diseases of the bone marrow, chronic or infectious diseases (tuberculosis, arthritis, osteomyelitis) or inflammation (Mediterranean fever). Occasionally amyloid in the blood are subjected to mutation, which leads to the development of hereditary amyloidosis.

Amyloidosis is a rare phenomenon. In the main risk group includes men older than 40 years; they suffer more often representatives of such nationalities as Swedes, Japanese, Portuguese.

The symptoms of amyloidosis

Symptoms common to all types of amyloidosis are:

- weight loss;
- lethargy, fatigue;
differencesmood, aggressiveness, irritability;
- enlargement of the liver;
- symptoms of heart failure;
- swelling.

Noticing such symptoms you must immediately contact the doctor. Diagnosis of amyloidosis be conducted through a biopsy, x-rays, echocardiography, urine, blood, feces.

Because amyloidosis affects different organs and tissues, it is necessary to pay attention on symptoms related to specific body systems.

With the defeat of the urinary tract occurs in renal failure; amyloidosis of the skin causes the appearance of small wrinkles and redness; swollen lymph nodes in the case of amyloid deposits in the tissues of the lymphatic system.

The defeat of the digestive system causes a number of symptoms: difficulty swallowing, increased tongue and liver, diarrhea. A high probability of developing dementia due to amyloidosis of the nervous system.

With the defeat of the respiratory tract the patient feels shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.

Amyloidosis of the heart causes arrhythmias, edema, enlargement of the heart; heart failure in amyloidosis is fatal. Asymptomatic amyloidosis is also extremely dangerous, as can lead to sudden death.

Treatment of amyloidosis

Modern medicine is still not able to win amyloidosis, therefore, primary attention physicians give to treatment of opportunistic diseases. Controlling symptoms and complications able to slightly improve the overall picture of the disease.

Chemotherapy is used to improve symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.

In primary and hereditary amyloidosis often use immature stem cells. Stem cells replace patients during transplantation of donor organs and blood transfusions.

Sometimes when damage to the kidneys or liver the transplant of a healthy donor organ. It is used in all forms of amyloidosis.

In primary and secondary amyloidosis is to reduce the production of amyloid may be performed removal of the spleen.

For the treatment of amyloidosis use corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs, as they are able to inhibit the immunological response and the production of a protein.

Early treatment of secondary amyloidosis can have positive results for the treatment of the underlying disease (tuberculosis, osteomyelitis) may disappear and the symptoms of amyloidosis.

This forecast of amyloidosis may depend on the severity of the underlying disease, nature of complications, intensity therapy. In an unfavorable course of the disease death occurs due to renal, cardiac failure, exhaustion.