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Dysbacteriosis treatment of folk remedies

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Treatment of dysbacteriosis infusion

This popular method of treatment of dysbacteriosis has an almost instantaneous effect, and is therefore considered in folk medicine the most effective treatment of dysbiosis. The man who told him, he was cured in just one day, at one time means. At the beginning of his treatment, he turned to dairy products, since I have heard that yogurt cures goiter. Since he lived in the village, that there is good enough, but, unfortunately, as he neither ate nor drank milk with yogurt, treatment has been slow. And once to them in the village came a new folk prescription treatment of dysbiosis, which quickly spread throughout the village. So he decided to try with hope that this time the treatment will be faster.

Pre-heat a pint of water, add a tablespoon of honey and sugar. Mix in about 2 grams of yeast, then put in a warm place for an hour to draw. But only to insist to not more than half an hour, and then get something quite different! After an hour of insisting we get a mash. It is those bacteria that were destroyed. Drink all at once an hour before a meal. Better in the morning. So in just a few mugs of Mead you are completely cure the dysbiosis!

A treatment of dysbiosis in children

The woman worked at the hospital for many years. And enjoyed not only the traditional medical drugs and pills. Her daughter recently gave birth to a son. The baby was found a goiter. Then the woman invited my daughter to apply the following method of treatment of a dysbacteriosis in children: take 80 g of yogurt from the milk kitchen, where the products pass the bacteriological test. After the baby fed, bathed and going to bed, the yogurt is heated in a water bath (so that it is not curled) and make do you need for the night.

Generally this should be sufficient to ensure that the disease has passed. As you know, in the intestine we have alkaline environment. And sour yogurt for pathogenic Staphylococcusunbearable, so the result will not be slow in coming. But make sure that everything was clean. The syringe must be boiled, the end of the enema to lubricate the baby cream, like pre-washed anus. Adults need about 150 to 180 g of yogurt. And all other recommendations remain: you need to do this once a day at night.

Whey and curdled milk – the end of dysbiosis

Serum. Cottage cheese whey is now one of the leading facilities for the treatment of dysbiosis in folk medicine and not only. You'll feel better, restored digestion, and you will feel a noticeable relief. Cook it very simple. Put the yogurt in the hot water. Gradually, the yogurt will begin to separate into curds and whey. This serum is a great tool that completely restores microflora and intestinal function!

Sour. Syndrome excited of the intestine, or otherwise goiter treated quickly garlic yogurt. The result you will feel in a few days. Boil a liter of milk, after cool down. Then you need milk fermenting pieces of dried black bread. For pickling should be allocated 24 hours. After another throw of crackers, carefully grated garlic. Now the yogurt is ready. Store in the refrigerator. The yogurt turns out very tasty and very useful.

Ancient "secret" of the absence of dysbiosis!

If you ask your grandparents, were there in their times of problems with the intestinal flora, you will always get one answer – no! That's just to answer the question – why? – they can't. It was not then not intestinal infections, not Streptococcus, neither bacteria nor fungi or Staphylococcus aureus

Reveal the "secret ingredient", which then people were getting in excess of, and now he is almost completely removed from the diet. We are talking about copper. It turns out that copper is the only mineral that embedding the cell of the aerobic organism (pathogenic flora), causes in them processes of suffocation, and they in turn die naturally. The copper is completely harmless to anaerobic organisms (lactic acid bacteria and bifidus bacteria)!

This is especially important when the Golden aureus, which inlife highlights some very strong poisons, but if you kill with antibiotics, he will allocate more dangerous poisons, after which the person becomes even worse!

But where got copper in Russia? Everything is simple, in those days, all the crockery and even the pipe was made of copper. Eating from copper utensils, the people in the class got brass. Now, however, it will be very difficult to find copper utensils. Moreover, the modern copper is not pure but is a copper alloy (pure copper must be red, not gold). If you have anything copper in the house, then you are very lucky! If not, it remains only to buy the copper in the form of dietary Supplements – but that's another topic (although this is a safe way – you always know how much you ate of copper).

Recommended daily amount of copper, 1-2 mg daily, with a maximum of 3 mg. Large dosages to take, because excess copper is harmful!

Signs of excess copper in the body:

  • Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • A metallic taste in the mouth;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Neurological disorders (increased salivation, disturbance of behaviour, speech, seizures);
  • Liver failure.

Or increase the consumption of foods containing sufficient amounts of copper.

Products containing copper:

The original method of reception of bifidobacteria

Preparations of bifidobacteria administered at any stage of treatment of dysbacteriosis, but if the initial stage of development of this disease can be cured of their gradual interference in the intestinal flora, when complications (stage 3-4), they become useless. The stronger drugs help temporarily, but to completely get rid of the disease is possible only with the full restoration of microflora.

There is a folk remedy a significant increase in the potential of the preparations of bifidobacteria, which allows you to get rid of the main symptoms of dysbiosis after the first course, and 3-4 of the course is to completely get rid of this problem.

Need homemade milk (not just cow's but also goat, sheep) and homemade sour cream and bifidumbakterin.

The medicine is prepared thus:

  • a pint of milk on a small fire heated up to 30-40 degrees, to accelerate the vital activity of the lactobacilli, but not to kill them;
  • the milk is added, the ampoule, or a bag of Bifidumbacterin and two tablespoons of sour cream;
  • the mixture is removed from heat and don't stir around her ininsulation (a towel, blanket) for slow cooling;
  • wrapped in cloth dishes with medication is left overnight.

The resulting tool is taken half an hour before eating a glass of morning and evening. Every evening the rest of the newly added heated milk bifidumbakterin and sour cream, so the next morning I prepared a new portion of the mixture.

The course consists of several stages, during which such changes occur in preparation of media:

  • The first 20 days the mixture is prepared according to original recipe.
  • For 15-20 day, the number of bifidobacteria in the residue and each new portion becomes so large that the next 10 days there is no need of Bifidumbacterin. The medicine is prepared only with milk with sour cream.
  • Next, you'll need a month break.
  • The repetition rate is in a similar way, but instead of being used bifidumbakterin laktobakterin, and then the drugs are alternated.

Topic: Full list of drugs for the treatment of dysbacteriosis

Treatment of dysbacteriosis strawberries

Strawberry is used in many popular recipes from various diseases due to the nutrients contained in the grass, leaves, and fruits. For digestion of particular value are its fresh berries, improves conditions for the growth of beneficial microflora. Fruits provide resources for bifidobacteria fermentation (fiber), and different active substances inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and stimulates muscular contractions of the intestinal wall.

Folk prescription use of strawberries to solve problems with the bowels: just 10 days to eat on an empty stomach one Cup of fresh strawberries. For improving effect after ingestion of strawberries tolerate no Breakfast till noon, to berry better absorbed by the body.

The artichoke is our healer

One woman a very long time suffered from this disease as goiter. So she has to limit itself in meal, tortured constant pain. A lot of money was spent on tablets, but really did not help. Then she decided to use folk remedy treatment of dysbiosis.

300 g of Jerusalem artichoke need to take a glass of milk, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 tablespoon of wheat flour, herbs and salt to taste. The cleaned root vegetables into cubes, put in boiling diluted in half with water milk and cook over low heat until tender. Pour the milk into another bowl,again heat to boiling, put it in wheat flour, sautéed in butter as for white sauce, and stir, boil until thick. Pour this sauce Jerusalem artichoke and stir so as not to bruise. You need to serve this tasty dish with parsley or dill. She was very helpful this method. Now she lives and knows no special restrictions in food. The pain is gone.

Treatment of dysbiosis fresh garlic

Garlic is a good tool in the fight against intestinal dysbiosis. If you after ingestion of carbohydrate foods is fermentation and rotting in intestines, which leads to unpleasant and painful sensations, then just eat the clove of garlic for an hour before a meal. There should be no garlic bread with yogurt. Be sure to eat 2-3 cloves of garlic after dinner, before bedtime.

Treatment of dysbiosis with a cinquefoil

Cinquefoil is very good at helping with dysbiosis. The effect you will feel immediately. Cinquefoil is particularly useful for diarrhea associated with dysbiosis, has a great anti-inflammatory effect.

To prepare the broth, simply take a tablespoon cinquefoil pour a glass of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, allow to stand for one night. Should drink one third of a Cup 3 times a day.

Source: Newspaper a healthy lifestyle, the all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer "Grandma"