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5 effective treatments for enuresis

Bedwetting can be caused by a combination of several factors – this deep sleep, and hereditary characteristics, and pathology of the genitourinary system. Therapy of nocturnal enuresis aimed at addressing the underlying causes. In modern urology apply both traditional and unusual, but effective methods of treatment.

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Effective treatment of enuresis is urinary (enuresis) alarm clock

Enuresis, or urine, the alarm is a device at the heart of which lies the following principle: the first drop of urine falls on a miniature sensor attached to underwear. It is transmitted on a clock or on a bracelet attached to the arm of the child, including light, vibration or sound signal. To turn it off, you need to Wake up, to get out of bed, exercise urination.

Thus, the children formed the reflex linking the urge to urinate the need to Wake up. Important conditions:

  • the child must be older than 7 years;
  • he understands the necessity of using anuranga alarm.

The mechanism of action of the device to be fully explored, but proved the effectiveness of the method ranges from 91% to 99%. The course of treatment takes several weeks, another 2-3 weeks is required for the anchoring skill, then the pathology will not be refunded.

Video about the principle of anuranga alarm:

Method of treatment of enuresis ordinary alarm clock

Approximately 50-80% of the effectiveness of the method is using a regular alarm when the child forcibly awaken a little earlier than he usually wets the bed. Here, just as in the previous method produced a conditioned reflex linking urination with alarm. The application of this method requires the participation of family members of the child and without his or her informedrelationship.


  • Started a course of therapy must not be interrupted, it is carried out under the supervision of a physician;
  • Help to Wake up the parent must sleep with the baby in the same room to help him Wake up by alarm;
  • A pronounced effect occurs within 6-8 weeks after that the course continues until the child for 2 weeks in a row not waking up in a dry bed.

Every 3-5 days the give birth clock 15-20 minutes ahead, until the time of Wake-up about 7 o'clock in the morning. If the time shift leads to failure, it should return to the previous position.

Video about the method of waking with a conventional alarm:

The treatment of enuresis clover plow

The use of herbal medicine helps to gently and carefully get rid of the problem of nocturnal enuresis. It is important to remember that before cleaning you should check the child's reaction to drug collection, not to cause him an Allergy attack. To this is applied a minimal amount of infusion of herbs on the wrist, behind the ear, on the elbow. Redness of the skin suggests that you do not use the drug.

Clover plow – common plant; its other names: cat, Bunny clover, clover, cat's ears.

It is valued for a rich composition that includes:

  • Essential oil;
  • Tanning connection;
  • Salt minerals.
  • Quercetin;
  • Organic acid;
  • Vitamins C, E.

You can collect clovers by yourself or you can buy ready-made pharmacy collection. Based on clover tillage established drug Trifolium arvense. From enuresis are using tea made from this plant – 1 tbsp. l. grass, clover, pour a glass of boiling water, drink with sugar, like regular tea. The infusion is very effective, helps you quickly.

The treatment of enuresis honey water

Honey is a versatile tool used in the treatment of bedwetting. In this case, uses the ability of honey to retain fluid in the body. For the prevention of nocturnal enuresis before falling asleep the child has to drink honey water. It is very simple – 1/2 Cup of water add a teaspoon of honey. The course of treatmentshort – only 3 days. You can split a 100 ml 3 doses, taking 30 ml three times a day.

A longer course of treatment with the use of honey is 3 months. Honey is added to the infusion of a mixture of medicinal herbs (chamomile, centaury, mint, knotweed, herb St. John's wort, sheet of birch). For the preparation of medicinal drink 15 g of a mixture of herbs pour boiling water, insist 10-12 hours, filter. In 1/2 Cup of broth should put honey during the day, repeat the reception means 3-4 times.

Special exercises for enuresis

For getting rid of bedwetting there are simple and effective exercises. They apply by gender: for women use Kegel exercises that stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor and the sphincter of the bladder, men train the muscles of the perineum.

The sequence of exercises Kegel:

  • Squeeze the pelvic muscles responsible for a delay of the urine stream, to stay in this position for 5 seconds.
  • Relax 10 seconds.
  • Repeat 3-4 times.
  • Squeeze the muscles for 10 seconds.
  • Relax for 10 seconds, repeat 3-4 times.
  • Squeeze pelvic floor muscles for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat 2 times.
  • The whole cycle to repeat 2 times a day.

Men are recommended during urination to interrupt him 3-4 times. Each "workout" time of urinary retention increases. Visible results appear after a month of regular exercise.

Pills from enuresis

Drug therapy of bedwetting includes many effective drugs:

  • Minirin. The main active ingredient of the medication is desmopressin, a synthetic analogue of the hormone vasopressin normally produced by the pituitary gland. The effect of the pill Minirin there in 15 minutes, lasts for 10 hours.

    Contraindications – psychogenic polydipsia and congenital, angina, tendency to thrombosis, the pathology of the respiratorysystem, disturbances of consciousness.

    Medium efficiency so great that he is able to eliminate bedwetting for one course, feedback from patients and their parents. Minirin available in the form of tablets that need to dissolve under the tongue, and a nasal spray.

  • Triptan. The drug reduces the frequency of involuntary urination, is an antispasmodic. The main active substance oxybutin regulates the contraction and relaxation of the sphincter of the bladder. Used in neurogenic form of nocturnal enuresis in patients over 5 years.

    Contraindicated in gastrointestinal diseases, tendency to bleeding, myasthenia gravis. Usually for the treatment of nocturnal enuresis enough 2 tablets per day, one of which take just before bedtime. Although the urge to urinate less frequently, the risk of side effects (headache, weakness, nausea) are forced to look for analogues of the drug.

  • Pikamilon. The drug belongs to the group nootropics, normalizes blood circulation in the brain, acts as a psychostimulant and tranquilizer. Contraindications minimum is children up to age 3 years, severe renal failure. Used as part of combination therapy for the urologic diseases in adults and children.

  • Imipramine. The drug belongs to the group of antidepressants, sedatives used to treat mental disorders, urinary incontinence and night time enuresis. Imipramine has serious contraindications to the use of: cardiovascular disease, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, the tendency to convulsions. For the treatment of bedwetting in children take 2 tablets one hour before bedtime. Users report positive effects from the use of Melipramine. Occasionally children felt such side effects as nausea and drowsiness, but these symptoms expressed only slightly.

  • Pantokaltsin. The drug belongs to the group of nootropics is used to treat a wide range of mental disorders and delayed mental and psychological development. Contraindications minimum is pregnancy and individual intolerance. Treatment of nocturnal enuresis Pantocalcin takes from 2 weeks to several months. The drug is issued by prescription and taken under medical supervision.

  • Pantogram. The drug belongs to the group of nootropov, applied to children from 3 years to treat violations of intellectual andemotional activities, delays in development, neurotic disorders, disorders of the process of urination.

    The medicine safe has a minimum of contraindications, positive feedback from parents of patients. The cumulative effect of Pantogam, manifested through 1.5 months of regular intake. Side effects are minimal, most often hypersomnia, and sleep disorders. Therefore it is not recommended to take Pantogram after 16 hours.

What to consider when using drug therapy:

  • Often the effect of the medication is low;
  • After discontinuation of the drug it ends, it is not cumulative;
  • There are always side effects;
  • The course of treatment requires considerable material costs;
  • Treatment requires careful attention to the dosage, dieting, regular intake;
  • The patient should have a clear motivation;
  • Drug therapy is used only in combination with other, non-medication based methods to be selected individually;
  • The course of treatment is prescribed and supervised by a physician throughout the therapy.

Video about the peculiarities of treatment of enuresis:


Nocturnal enuresis can be cured spontaneously, until the child turns 7 years, no serious steps to take it is not worth it.

Because the pathogenesis of enuresis is a multifactorial phenomenon, its therapy uses a variety of ways, none of which is ineffective if applied in isolation. Bedwetting is not intentional and involuntary process. Treatment requires a conscious attitude of the patient to the process of therapy. The harm from the side effects of different methods of treatment should not exceed the benefits.

Initially use behavioral treatments (bladder training, method, motivation).

If the patient is suffering from the pressure of family, society, is used more serious methods:

  • "Bladder alarm";
  • Drug therapy;
  • Control fluid intake.

The drugs used most often in the case of a patient visit of public institutions, camps, sanatorium, sleepovers.

Children mladsche 7 years using simple methods of treatment of enuresis, but first they try to convince you that, most likely, the healing will come spontaneously. Inthis age group used monitoring "dry"nights, controlling the volume of fluids, bladder training.

If 3-6 months is simple methods do not lead to the desired effect, use drug therapy, the method of"urine alarm"having a minimum of side reactions.

If the"bladder alarm" is not effective, short-term, with spending the night outside the house, you can use oral Desmopressin. The feature of the use of the drug – the rejection of any liquid 1 hour before and 8 hours after application.

Similarly, there are tricyclic antidepressants. These drugs have pronounced side effects after their use relapses are frequent.

The treatment of bedwetting in children conducted by the pediatrician, in difficult cases, a nephrologist, pediatric urologist.