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Description, symptoms, and treatment of all types of herpes virus


Herpes (from the Greek "creeping") is a group of widespread diseases caused by viruses of the squad Herpesvirales family Herpesviridae. The disease is manifested skin lesions, mucous membranes, nerve tissue, and sometimes internal organs. The clinical picture develops under conditions of unstable homeostasis. Basically, herpes is a dormant infection, which is characterized by persistence (hidden or latent carrier).

Proved the danger of herpes by:

  • Pregnancy – provoked pathology of the fetus and newborn, secondary infertility, premature birth, neonatal death of the fetus;

  • Immunodeficiency of the organism – stimulates the replication of the human immunodeficiency virus, herpes indicator of HIV infection (exacerbating immunosuppression) causes of autoimmune disease;

  • Neoplastic (cancer) diseases – the herpes simplex virus of the second type in Association with Mycoplasma, chlamydia and other agents – provocateur for the development of malignant pathologies;
  • Induction of atherosclerosis – affects neuropsychiatric health.

Herpes simple type 1

Herpes simplex virus type combines the first and second serotypes of the herpes virus. The virus of simple herpes of the first type is designated as HSV-1 or HSV-1 (Herpes simplex virus 1). In clinical literature it is also called oral (mouth) or labially (lip) herpes.

HSV-1 is the most common type of herpes of all clinical significance for medicine. Infection usually occurs in the first years of life. The most typical localization labelimage or oral herpes – lips and nasolabial triangle.

In certain circumstances (immunodeficiency) virus can also affect:

  • The mucous membrane of the genital organs, mouth, nose and eyes;
  • The skin of the fingers and toes (often the area of the nail fold of the fingers);
  • Tissue of the nervous system.

For viruses herpes simplex 1 and 2 type of characteristic:

  • Neirotropnami is the predominant lesion of nervous system due to the presence or formation in them of receptors complementary to the virus;
  • Neurovirulence is the ability to cause disease of the nervous system;
  • Suppression of phagocytosis (immunity) to the unfinished level.

Tropism for neural tissue and the ability of VPG to inhibit the phagocytosis – the factors that indicate the ability of the virus herpes simplex virus evading the immune system, making possible the carriage of latent in the nervous tissue. Persistence in cells of the nervous system is an important protective and adaptive mechanism of herpes viruses that allowed HSV-1 to obtain the maximum possible spread in the human population.

For herpes simplex type is characterized by two phases being in the body – latent and manifestation:

  • Clinical manifestation of HSV appears 1-3 times a year, pathogenesis develops on the lips and ends within seven to ten days. The recurrence rate depends on the immune status of the person more likely to develop people with immunodeficiency States;
  • Latent (hidden) phase, invisible to the immune system lasts for the rest of the time of existence of the virus.

Symptoms of herpes type 1

The most frequent clinical form of HSV-1 in children is a vesicular lesions of the lips, and sometimes acute respiratory disease. Adults also observed lesions of the skin, conjunctiva and cornea. Through oral-genital contact with HSV-1 manifests as lesions of the genital organs. Women infected with the genital form of HSV-1 much more often than men.

Clinical symptom of HSV-1 – syndrome of intoxication:

igg (IgG) positive

For the differential diagnosis of HSV-1 and HSV-2 laboratory methods used, the purpose of their use is:

  • The establishment of species on the basis of affinity with the respective immunoglobulin;
  • Differentiation of the pathogen, for example, HSV-1 from HSV-2;
  • Determining the stage of the disease (acute, chronic, latent).

An exemplary interpretation of the study results in the identification of antibodies IgM and IgG:

  • IgMdefine laboratory methods, starting from the fifth day of the disease, and IgG is determined only from the second week from the onset of the disease;
  • IgM circulates in the peripheral blood up to three months, while IgG is present in the blood for many years, the chronic course of the disease for life;
  • IgM does not penetrate the placenta during pregnancy, and IgG in large quantities enters the placenta, that is, identifying it from a pregnant women without a clinical manifestation of herpes, meaning the body's readiness to defend in case of an accidental infection during pregnancy;
  • IgM is not able to neutralize the virus and is only a factor in starting the immune processes in the body, and IgG can neutralize the virus, therefore, is a factor of protection of the body.

Detection of IgG antibodies specific to HSV-1 in peripheral blood in high titers during clinical course of the disease using PCR technique shows the development of intense immunity to the disease.

Detection of IgG antibodies in low titers with a negative reaction PCR evidence of previous disease and that the herpes virus in the body is in a latent state.

Herpes simple type 1 during pregnancy

Women are generally more susceptible to herpes simplex virus. It is proved that the clinic provoke herpes condition that weakens the immune system. Pregnancy and its manifestations (intoxication, hormonal changes) certainly are factors that may negatively affect homeostasis. Herpes during pregnancy in the form of clinical manifestations can occur with high probability .

The virus of simple herpes of the first type is very dangerous for pregnant women, because:

  • In the normal condition of the body it has no effect on the genital organs, meanwhile in pregnancy, the development of pathogenesis can result in damage to the nervous tissues of the fetus (the virus crosses the placental barrier);
  • During pregnancy HSV-1 is extremely undesirable, especially during the initial development of the clinical manifestations on the background of the lack in the blood of protective antibodies (specific immunoglobulins), which are formed in response to perubolivia. Moreover, antibodies to HSV-1 do not protect the pregnant woman from HSV-2 (genital form of herpes);
  • Trapped in the body in the first half of pregnancy herpes simplex virus can cause deformities in the fetus;
  • HSV-1 or HSV-2, introduced in the body of pregnant women in late gestation, can cause infection of the fetus during childbirth.

Treatment for herpes type 1

Treatment of viruses of this group has the important features:

  • Totalthe virus destruction impossible;
  • Preventive drugs are not;
  • Viruses are not sensitive to antibiotics;
  • At short-term period of HSV-1 medical treatment is inappropriate.

The only drug of direct action is acyclovir. The pharmaceutical industry, acyclovir is available in three formulations (tablets, ointment and solution).

The use of acyclovir in accordance with the instructions significantly reduces:

  • The duration of the clinical course of the disease;
  • The multiplicity of the recurrence of the disease in clinical form.

Herpes simplex virus type 2

Herpes simplex virus of the second type briefly called HSV-2 or HSV-2 (Herpes simplex virus 2). In clinical literature it is referred to as genital or anogenital (localization of lesions in the anus and the genitals). Under certain conditions, genital herpes may affect other parts of the body, even installed system defeats PVG-2. Usually HSV-2 is transmitted sexually.

The distinctive features of the clinical course of the disease caused by the herpes simplex virus of the second type:

  • The number of seropositive to HSV-2 individuals is increasing with the onset of sexual maturity age and is directly proportional to the number of sexual partners;
  • Women infected with HSV-2 six times more often than men;
  • Antibodies to HSV-1 do not prevent HSV-2;
  • Genital symptoms (skin lesions in the genital area, perineum, anus, lower limbs and buttocks) in about 80% of cases are the consequence of infection with HSV-2;
  • Asymptomatic or atypical for HSV-2 occurs in approximately 70% of cases of detection of IgG;
  • For HSV-2 unlike HSV-1 characterized by frequent relapses of clinical manifestations (do75% of patients with genital herpes suffer from it constantly);
  • HSV-2 in 15% of cases causes canceration (malignant transformation) of the tissues of the cervix in women and prostate in men. Therefore, persons seropositive for CRP-2, it is recommended to undergo regular screening for tumor markers;
  • HSV-2 in women is accompanied by a high frequency of gynecological diseases, leading to decreased reproductive function.

IgG antibodies to herpes type 2

Principles of immunologicalidentical diagnostic methods used in studies of HSV-1. Survey planning pregnancy women for the presence of IgG to herpes of the second type helps to identify gynecological diseases and spend a timely treatment, which increases the likelihood that the normal course of the gestational period and birth of a healthy child. Similar to serology for the detection of IgG necessary to pass the father of the unborn child. Moreover, in case of detection of IgG in the blood is recommended when using PCR to confirm the absence of HSV-2 in the semen of the examined men.

Herpes type 2 in pregnancy

According to information published in available sources, is designed for neonatologists, given the comparative characteristics of two types of herpes simplex in pregnancy. The virus of the second type in pregnant provokes a miscarriage, polyhydramnios, increases the probability of miscarriage of the fetus, and in men is a common cause of infertility. The most terrible consequence of parabolani HSV-2 during pregnancy is neonatal herpes (NG).

Neonatal herpes – a disease of newborns caused by fetal infection with HSV-2 or HSV-1 for a newborn with adverse prognosis. The disease occurs with a frequency of approximately one case per two thousand births. The mortality rate of newborns, according to some, reaches 70%. Early detection and active treatment reduces the mortality to 20%. The negative Outlook for the development of neonatal herpes is higher in children infected with HSV-2.

Treatment of herpes simplex virus type 2

Treatment of HSV-2 is similar to the treatment of simple herpes of the first type. Due to a more severe course of the disease in a treatment regimen according to the indications include immunomodulators of different types, means, strengthen protective forces of an organism (vitamins, biostimulants) and saline for reducing the concentration of the pathogen in the blood. Perhaps the use of other drugs of different pharmacological groups.

Herpes type 3

The herpes virus third type is the varicella or herpes zoster (VZV-OG, Human herpesvirus 3, HHV-3, Varicella-zoster (VZV). Herpes Zoster is ingested by a susceptible person by airborne droplets or by contact-household. Infection in childhood causes chicken pox. After parabolani chickenpox the child remains a lifelong virus carrier TSB. The virus is localized in the tissues of the nervous system. Recurrences of herpes Zoster in adults cause a disease called herpes zoster (DG).

The symptoms of the TSB-OG in childhood pronounced. Usuallythe disease has a benign course (mostly full recovery). The acute phase lasts up to two months.

The main symptoms of chickenpox:

Localization of the rash coincides with the projection of the nerve trunks in the skin. After the disappearance of clinical symptoms the virus becomes inactive and localized in the nervous tissue. The virus of herpes Zoster lasts for life. Relapses can be people while lowering protective (safety) properties of the immune system. In the classical view of the epidemiology of zoster recurs and manifests itself clinically in patients older than fifty years. In recent years this pattern is disrupted. The recurrent disease caused by herpes zoster, is called "tinea (herpes) zoster".

The main symptoms of herpes zoster:

  • Severe pain along the nerve trunks within 3-12 days;
  • Hyperthermia (raising the total body temperature);
  • Swelling and redness of the skin, in 1-3 days – skirted rash of vesicles;
  • After 2-3 weeks the disease ends in recovery after scarring of crusts on the site of the vesicles.

Complications of herpes zoster is ganglionic (inflammation of the nerve ganglion) or ganglioneuritis (inflammation of several nerve nodes). The disease is manifested by allergies, skin ulcers, conjunctivitis and eczema. The regular recurrences of herpes zoster are characteristic of immunodeficiency.

Treatment of diseases caused by herpes virus 3 (varicella in children and herpes zoster in adults) is provided in a hospital or on an outpatient basis after differential diagnosis and determining the individual characteristics of the pathogenesis of the patient.

Herpes type 4

The herpes virus of the fourth type – the virus of Epstein-Barr (EBV) or Epstein-Barr virus, Human Herpes Virus type 4. The virus of Epstein-Barr causes infectious mononucleosis. The clinical picture develops in patients with immunodeficiencies.

Infectious mononucleosis is the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and lymph nodes that is characterized by high fever, possible liver and spleen and changes in the morphology of blood cells (atypical mononuclear cells). Usually people get mono inteenage or young age. Infection by airborne droplets or contact (including oral-genital). The incubation period is from 5 to 50 days.

The main symptoms of mononucleosis:

  • A sharp increase in body temperature to 38-40 degrees;
  • Pain syndrome (headache, muscle, joint pain);
  • Feeling chronic fatigue and sleepiness (stored up to several months after disappearance of other symptoms);
  • Puffiness and swelling of the mucosa of the pharynx (laryngitis and pharyngitis);

  • Gray or white-yellow coating on the tonsils;
  • Papular rash on the skin and mucous membranes, which lasts from one to three days, and then disappears without a trace;
  • The increase in the number of lymphocytes in peripheral blood and the presence of specific (atypical) lymphocytes – mononuclear cells.

The diagnosis is complemented with the detection of virus DNA Epstein-Barr PCR. The treatment is carried out under the supervision of doctors of different specialties. The virus of Epstein-Barr sometimes causes the development of malignant diseases, Burkitt's lymphoma.

Herpes 5 type

The herpes virus type 5 – cytomegalovirus (CMV) or HHV-5 (Human herpesvirus 5). Clinical symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection is rare. Basically, there is a creeping virus. Infection – airborne, contact (kissing, sexual contact, blood transfusions, in utero, via breast milk). Infection is confirmed by detection in the blood of giant cells – cytomegalo. The clinical picture develops with the weakening of immunity. The incubation period is up to 60 days.

Symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection resemble colds:

  • High temperature, fatigue;
  • Pain (head, joints, throat);
  • Unlike mono, there is no inflammation of the tonsils and increase in regional lymph nodes;
  • The defeat of the kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, Central nervous system, eyes.

Cytomegalovirus can have a significant negative impact on pregnancy. It crosses the placental barrier, causing infection and deformities in the fetus. This is currently the most common cause of neonatal abnormalities and sometimes deathnewborn children.

A child with congenital cytomegalovirus infection may suffer:

  • Underdevelopment of the brain;
  • Lesions of the organs of hearing and sight;
  • A delay in the overall development;
  • Inflammatory phenomena in the respiratory and digestive system;
  • Skin rashes.

Diagnosis of herpes 5 type

CMV is diagnosed on the basis of:

  • Instrumental methods – ultrasonic study of blood vessels in the umbilical cord and uterus, measuring heart rate (heart rate), determining water shortage, delays in fetal development, abnormalities of their internal organs;
  • Laboratory methods – detection of cells by electron microscopy, PCR analysis, serological tests to detect antibodies to CMV.

Treatment of pregnant women and whether the pregnancy is determined by the physician on the basis of complex surveys. Primary infection after conception – a direct indication for the artificial termination of pregnancy. As a basic therapy of prescribe restorative drugs, the [immunotherapy and symptomatic therapy.

Herpes type 6 in adults

The herpes virus type 6 is referred to as ICH-6 or HHV-6. Is a common name for the herpes virus two human homologous to each other subtypes. In adults, active in a subtype of ICH-6A as one of the instigators of the development of multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis is a multifactorial autoimmune disease with a primary lesion of the Central nervous system that is diagnosed in people 20 years and older, very rarely in other age groups.

The most important facts about herpes virus type 6:

  • It proved the presence of this type of herpes virus in the etiopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis;
  • The clinical picture of RS – a chronic inflammation of the nervous tissues, including the myelin layer in the brain, demyelination, which is accompanied by degenerative processes in the nerve tissues;
  • Without treatment, multiple sclerosis inevitably leads to disability, social and psychological isolation of the patient.

There are four types of multiple sclerosis:

  • Primary-progressivemultiple sclerosis. Characterized by a steady deterioration of the patient, the possibility of a short remission process, and then a quick relapse;
  • Secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis. Characterized by periods of exacerbation after the first wave of the disease;

  • Remittiruuschem-progressive multiple sclerosis (lat. remitto - ease). At some point there comes a disappearance of the signs of the disease, and then there is a sharp return and increase of symptoms;

  • Remittiruuschem-relapsing multiple sclerosis. Characterized by periods of extinction and recovery of symptoms, there is a long-term stable the patient's condition without visible signs of ill health.

Symptoms of herpes type 6

Early symptoms of multiple sclerosis:

  • Fatigue, depression;

  • Unsteadiness of gait, poor coordination of movement;
  • Change of sensitivity (temperature, vibration, and tactile).

Key MS symptoms that characterize significant changes in the body, in addition to the early symptoms, which usually persist and are exacerbated by:

  • Cognitive disorder, rapid mood swings;
  • Visual disturbances (defocusing in the form of strabismus, decreased visual acuity);
  • Difficulties with articulation at the conversation (unusual pronunciation of words);
  • Dysphagia (violation of act of swallowing);
  • Spasms and cramps;

  • The deterioration of the sensitivity (no pain response);
  • Incontinence of feces and urine, constipation and diarrhea;

  • Erectile dysfunction.

The nature and extent of symptoms of multiple sclerosis are diverse that is associated with the unpredictability of the lesions of nervous tissue damage.

Treatment for herpes type 6

For the treatment of multiple sclerosis use:

  • Corticosteroids (methylprednisolone, dexamethasone and others);
  • Antioxidants, antiplatelet agents, angioprotectors;
  • Inhibitors of proteolysis;
  • Plasmapheresis with drugs;

  • Immunomodulators, e.g., Copaxone;
  • Stimulants production of interferon (Betaferon, Rebif, Avones);
  • Immunoglobulins intravenous, for example, Sandoglobulin.

Can be shown medications othergroups, depending on the form and stage of disease. Symptomatic treatment and medical-social rehabilitation of patients with multiple sclerosis prevents the development of complications.

Herpes type 7

Herpes virus type 7 is referred to as ICH-7 or HHV-7. Often this type of virus is combined with herpes sixth type. ICH-7 is a possible cause of chronic fatigue syndrome and oncological diseases of the lymphoid tissue.

Symptoms of herpes type 7

There are the following main herpes symptoms 7 types:

  • Weakness in the absence of physical stress, increased nervousness;
  • Gentle exercise is accompanied by fatigue;
  • The excessive increase in suspiciousness;
  • Chronic depression;
  • Sleep disorders (insomnia);

  • Long (up to 6 consecutive months) low-grade fever of the body;
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes.

Collection of anamnesis and physical methods of research are complemented by laboratory tests:

  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) – detection of genetic material of the virus
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) determination of IgG titres;
  • Immunogram c determination of subpopulations of T - and b-lymphocytes (decrease in the content of natural killer cells and increase in circulating immune complexes).

Treatment herpes virus 7 type is antiviral therapies aimed at strengthening the immune system. Preventive measures have not been developed.

Herpes 8 type

The herpes virus is the eighth type is referred to as ICH-8 or HHV-8. This pathogen infects the lymphocytes, though he may long to be in a healthy body in a latent state. Herpes virus type 8 transmitted by contact in organ transplantation, through the placenta from mother to fetus during pregnancy or during childbirth, when the movement of the fetus through the birth canal. Aktiviziruyutsya disease due to radiation therapy.

Herpes symptoms of type 8

Herpes symptoms of type 8 should be considered, given that the ICH-8 is the number of oncological diseases:

  • The Kaposi's Sarcoma;
  • Primary lymphoma;
  • The Castleman Disease.


Kaposi's sarcoma – a cancer characterized by formation of multiple tumours due to malignant degeneration of the blood vessels.

Kaposi's sarcoma is localized in:

  • Skin;
  • Mucous membranes;
  • Lymph nodes;
  • Internal organs.

There are four types of Kaposi's sarcoma:

  • The classic type. Common among men of elderly and senile age. The disease manifests itself on the skin of the hands, ears and cheeks, and forehead and mucosa of the mouth and on the genitals in the form of multiple symmetric spots, nodules and plaques;
  • Endemic type. Widely distributed in Africa;
  • Immunosuppressive type. Develops in patients receiving immunosuppressants;
  • Epidemic type. Develops as a complication in AIDS patients. There is a very quick course of pathogenesis with the lymph nodes and internal organs.

Treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma: surgical technique (cryotherapy), drugs (interferon, cytotoxic drugs, anticancer and antiviral drugs), radiation therapy.

Primary lymphoma

This cancer with a primary lesion of serous membranes that is characterized by accumulation in body cavity fluids containing tumor cells. Primary lymphoma treated only with chemotherapy.

The Castleman Disease

Manifested by swollen lymph nodes (mesenteric and subclavian, as well as in the lungs and in the neck). There are three types of Castleman disease: Gualino-vascular, plasma cell and multifocal. Treatment surgical or with radiotherapy.

yutkin Vera Gurieva, immunologist